/PLG/ - Powerlifting General

'high volume for glute isolations' edition

ITT: bench press, squat and deadlift discussion.

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First for whatever you want this to mean to you.

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I'm posting it again cause no one answers me

Help, I'm worried about my bent over row form. Is the upper back supposed to hurt after each time gym sesh, if not do you have any suggestions about what to do right? And, what am I doing wrong cause I always bruse my chest from rowing

I like how this place has turned into an Autism Spectrum Disorder support forum for people who are weak, who want to ask for advice, and then not take said advice.

Nothing is supposed to be painful after lifting. Do you have any videos? And don't throw the bar into your chest.

I can't help you because I don't do bent over rows.

>I always bruse my chest from rowing

shit form alert

You might be too retarded to perform a basic movement such as a row.

Walk on the treadmill 20 minutes a day, get a pump on the machines, and go home and play RuneScape.

Nothing wrong with runescape you incel

>Nothing wrong with runescape you incel
It's cheaper than condoms, I'll give you that.

bench press is the single best indicator of RAW PHYSICAL STRENGTH. the only reason this triggers you is because you're a fat manlet with a shit bench.

nobody cares that you can bounce you gut off your legs for a 6 inch ROM squat and nobody cares about your sumo "deadlift" bullshit. bench press reigns supreme.

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Both are free ?

>still using condoms


Find a nice girl and settle down so you never have to wear a condom again.

Sorry but my phone doesn't make webms
Pls no bully I'm trying to do better

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>still using condoms
haven't used a condom in 8 years. Raw dog for life, brother.

>Take video
>Upload to YouTube
>Post link here

17th for telling a guy with acid reflux he needs to increase the acidity of his stomach, counter to the advice of his doctor

I haven't used a condom in almost 24 years.

"Hurt" or sore? If it hurts you probably have an uneven pull/scapular retraction. Or you're just plain retarded or something.

/owg/ is pissing me off. Why the fuck do these homos thinks weightlifting can be a clean sport.

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Who are you and how much do you squat?

Can you still lift well with 6 hours sleep?

I think I’ve mind cucked myself into thinking anything less than 8 hours means I can’t do anything and almost give myself a placebo weakness when I sleep less than 8.

I've been sleeping 4-5 hours for past 3 maybe 4 years and I lift just fine.

About 420lbs not kg srry.

That's fine I just needed a lift to put to a name. It soothes my 'tism.

I pause front squatted 315 last week. I carried my core is so weak.


I love Trappy.

>Nigga i look disgusting and fat.
Are you sure? What's your BF%?
At 192 cm and 88 kg, it can't be higher than 23%.

me too

I think we should marry Trappy.

what is a good bench variation for the bottom portion? does db bench work that?

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Why do you want to isolate it?

2/3ct paused bench
Bottom pin press
Half board press

First meet coming up in August. Planning 520 290 530 @ 198

actual spoto presses with a 1-2 count pause at the bottom


Good luck. From experience those numbers tend to go down a little when you get closer to the meet. Familiarize yourself with the commander, and in the mean time have a free test boost.

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so is SS literally the best routine to start with for PL?

Book recommendations on lifting weights and putting them down besides:
Practical Programming;
Super Training;

Pretty much.

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Barbell medicine material and maybe some other stuff if you want to get into wl.

What’s wrong with Sterons ?

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>implying you have to settle down to stop using condoms
Enjoy your low risk life.

Mine or his ?

I am tyvm

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Guilty mother pupper

Can we fuse plg and owg?

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best youtube channel for correct form ?

Art and science of lifting by greg nuckols
Muscle and strength pyramid training by eric helms
Scientific principles of strength training by mike israetel

literally calgary barbell's form check friday series

What if I bounce my bench off my gut

Alan thrall, unironically. Only the videos that feature baraki tho

Has anyone noticed how people act like they hate each other at the gym these days.

When the gym use to be a beautiful luxurious haven from the hate of society. And goood natural hairy-pussy was as easy to get as high quality weed is now.

How did these ... slugs "people" find the fuckin gym!?

good point jim...see you at the barbeque on sunday...nancy is doing great...

No. There's enough autism in here already without the olyboos coming in to dribble about their 40kg snatch complexes.

this tb h

RTS manual

>under eat for a couple of days
>depressed and sad
>eat huge fucking meal that I could barley eat
>mood instantly skyrockets

Daily reminder that eating more is not a meme and apart from performance it's very vital for a general well being

Also 5000 units of vit d

If Alex Jones opened a gym would you go there?

Here here. Been on a cut for one and a half week, and I feel like shit, even though im only 300-500 defecit. But i got like 3-4 more weeks then I will slow bulk again

Been cutting 1500-2000 for ages even though my maintenance is early 3000. Ended up binging on a weekend what I have lost during the week, it was a vicious cycle. Also.I'm pretty sure it have fucked up my hormones because without tracking I'm either massively under or over eat.

I'm completely opposite.
>eat shitton to gain some weight
>feel like shit and have no energy
>eat barely anything for a few days
>strength sky rockets and I feel like new born baby

Will he have calibrated plates?

Is that the alex you keep talking about? That stopped lifting?

I love cutting. I'm so tired of eating all the time and being a slave to my stomach. When I run around hungry I feel better and more energetic in general.

Yep pretty much. You spend whole day eating fulling like you're gonna puke for what maybe 1kg a month. Compared that to nice small meals spread out through the day that take like 1 min to eat.

Fucking twinks get out

Unless you're going for world record there is no reason to be fat. So tell me user are you world record holder?


I'm about to go and lift for Totoro. Because Totoro is growth, and nature, he's literally like Jesus to me, except instead of sacrificing himself for our sins, he abolishes all ugliness and evil just by existing, because it's all part of nature. I never asked to be human. I'd rather be wind. But since I'm already human I'm going to grow plants and tend to my flock of budgies and to my body and try not to be too much of an asshole, because that's what Totoro wants, and because it's the only way to get closer to him. But in reality Totoro accepts me in any form.

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Who told you I'm fat? If you even a novice powerlifter of a small size you should be eating at least 3000 as your maintenance, if youre not or if you are bloating on 3000 calories it means you simply don't train hard enough

I guess Totoro wouldn't mind if I was vegan or if I wasn't, predators eat each other, and sometimes they eat people, and I doubt Totoro would be against, say, a man-eating bear or a fox. But when I remember the scene in Totoro where they grow plants or whatever I want to cry, because it's so good and pure. It's just growth. If I could just grow shit by waving my arms I'd do that all day. I guess I just want to see shit grow, but does Totoro? I guess he just doesn't really care.

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Its 24C im sweating like im on tren go ahead twinks tell me i dont need the salt now

Totoro probably wouldn't be upset if our planet died, because he's a nature spirit, and death is natural? I don't understand anything. I know that I see Totoro as purity, health, and growth, but even the healthiest grove has billions of bacteria rotting the fallen leaves and such. Death and rot are everywhere, violence is everywhere, it's natural. I guess Totoro is how I see nature, I don't think about death and rot and such, I just see cool trees and birds and stuff.

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That's what I was saying you inbred retard, 3000 is my cut. Which is why gaining weight is so shit need to stuff yourself everyday with at least 4500-5000.

Fucking aspie

It those are your numbers then I'm sorry, my mistake. I was mostly talking about 2500 cal dyels

Who even eats 2500kcal before i started lifting i was eating that much.

overhead press*

How much do you weigh to be eating that much?

>fucks up your shoulders
Nothing personal kiddo

And your back.

t. don't know how to press and got fucked up shoulders from only benching

My shoulders are fine, nice projection tho.

It'd be nice if when someone posted a "joke" or a "meme" they died.

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implyinf he even counts his cals

most people just estimate and dont even do it accurately

sumo is illegal
benchinf with non vertical forearms is illegal
not hitting depth is illegal

Be legal fellas

What does being a Manley have to do with bench pressing?

Manlet like incel is what you say when you have no argument, just start calling everyone manlets and you won.

It’s very child like

And what did you expect from someone posting anime picture.

>implying oly isn't full of frauds too

I'm using cronometer

> 80 kgs
> needs 5k cals to bulk
stop running marathons