Why were Vietnam soldiers so DYEL?

Why were Vietnam soldiers so DYEL?

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The real question is why YOU are so DYEL


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Man Rambo was a lot smaller than I remember

because soldiers dont need to lift heavy weights, they need to run miles and do body weight calisthenics with 2 hours of sleep

Because most of them were average 18 year old literally just selected at random

because during their childhood they were probably malnourished, the overabundance of food we see today is a recent thing in the last 30 years or so.

Actually find the old military physiques quite mirable.most adult men are now way more paunchy


>Vietnam soldiers
Do you even need to ask?

this. I was super skinny as a grunt and the Army steals your gains.

Were boomers the weakest generation? Is that why they shit the bed when they had to go to war compared to previous generations?

this is what normal, healthy men look like, user. why are you so dysmorphia?

already on roids and hgh, clen and tren
this is seriously jacked by natty standards and beyond the natty limit in terms of maintaining that muscle mass at THAT level of leanness

y r u all so dysmorphia?

Only if you compare them to today with the recent surge of overweight idiots, who don't lift, believing their fatceps to be muscle.

Back then, fewer people worked out. Their training even with calisthenics wasn't enough to put on much muscle. Similar many of today's soliders, only they are at a higher body fat so it doesn't show as much.

Image is the 1966 arm size percentiles for the US Military. I'll post the 1995 one in a second. It hasn't really changed much at all. Both are pretty small.

Attached: 1966USmilitaryArmSize.png (452x607, 116K)

america hasn't won a war in over 100 years. maybe longer. the philippines or one of the injun wars, maybe we won.

russia won wwi and we were there just to clean up.

the soviets and the chinks won wwii and we just cleaned up. the soviets beat the jerries and the chinks beat the nips.

korea? 'nam? we're losers.

oy vey so we "won" stupid shit that doesn't even qualify as a right war, like gulf war or grenada, big shit. hell, our side (ISIS) is constantly getting its ass handed to it in syria to this day.

1995 Marine Corp arm size. Higher body fat percentage in modern soldiers accounts for most of the change in size difference.

Attached: 1995USMarineCorpArmSize.png (541x668, 214K)

good work, user. normies are normal and natty limit isn't really much.

we have to combat the dysmorphia that the (((hebes))) and their muscle magazines and crap are encouraging in our young men.

It was a fucking draft you fool. They were literally just dyel 18 year olds.

bigger soldiers need more calories, are bigger targets, more difficult to move through tight spaces

>Russia won ww2
What was the pacific front you dumb vatnik

>Russia win WWI

Russia pulled out of WWI in 1917 you fucking retard.

>we were there just to clean up.
Russia pulled out in 1917 because of the Revolution. The only reason the Kaiserschlacht was stopped was because of the AEF. The French were ready to mutiny. If American forces hadn't shown upt, they would have.

>the soviets beat the jerries
With American Lend-Lease support. Oh, and don't forget about Lend-Lease to Britain, the N. Africa campaign, and western Europe.

>chinks beat the nips.
What is Hiroshima and Nagasaki? What is the entire Pacific campaign? What is CIA support of Mao?

Stopped the spread of communism, didn't lose, didn't win either

Yes, we lost, but because we weren't trying to win. The whole war was a front for CIA opium trading

Also, we shit on Saddam twice, quickly both times, and ISIS is not "our side", ISIS is (((their))) side.

Verdict on this post: HERESY

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also malaria can really help with a cut

>Were boomers the weakest generation?

>Is that why they shit the bed when they had to go to war
Yes and no. They were pussies, but they also didn't know what they hell they were fighting for. Most people who went to Vietnam didn't even know that it was a place before they went.

my actual quote was:
>the soviets and the chinks won wwii

you don't realize this, because you are a fool and you have abso-fucking-lutely zero knowledge of history, but

1) the japs were at war with the chinks for many years before the usa embargoed their oil and coerced them into attacking our intentionally under-defended pearl harbor

2) the majority of jap casualties during the war were inflicted on them, not by the americans, but by the chinks, and by various island wogs, during the time that the japs were fighting THEM

3) the us contribution to the war consisted of a grand total of 420k dead in both theaters. while our kids learn bullshit about how fantastic our marines were in the pacific, the fact is, we really didn't do shit compared to the other major powers, other than provide supplies to the brits and ruskies.

4) the japs actually tried to surrender and end the war, at least three different times, in 1945 before the two atom bombs were dropped. they were not only unnecessary, they didn't do shit to "end the war." we dropped them to try to scare the soviets, that's all. and even that didn't last long, because a couple of fucking godless commie goddam JEWS stole the atomic secrets and gave them to the reds just a couple a years later!

Imagine actually believing all that propaganda only to fall into a hole with spikes covered in shit in it

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el goblino...

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An M60E3 is about 3 feet long and nearly 30 pounds. Using that as the frame of reference, he's still quite large and it would be more apparent if there were other people in the frame to compare him against.

The Chinks beat the nips? Fucking what? Are you dense? And the soviets only beat the germans with help from the lend lease and the bombing campaign.


Because they were yanked from their home to serve in a war they had no reason to be fighting.


just because you look like captain america doesn't guarantee you can kill a man. Also a good portion of them were draftees and never really aspired to a carer in the military.

wwi was over before we got there.

i mentioned selling them shit.

i mentioned the farce of the a-bombs in my other reply which cross-posted to this one.

it was about control of shipping lanes, not communism. i seriously can't believe you fucking believe that bullshit about dominos.

first, go find a map of global shipping lanes and look at it. then, examine the history of british empire and naval power, and extrapolate that to the american empire and its use of naval power.

and finally, grow the fuck up and look around. if we in the 50s and 60s were gonna bomb anywhere to stop the march of communism, we should have bombed kent state, berkeley, and washington dc.

at least you got the part about drugs right. but again, shipping lanes.

seriously user, we've been in seasia since the philippine wars for the very same reason we fought in korea and vietnam.

isis is our side. the usa funded them. john mccain and his butt-buddy paul ryan, both potus and vp candidates, have been big friends to them.

literally granada or falklands tier. who gives a fuck? not like those were real wars.

Why do all retard nattys trot out this “natty but not at this leanness” sorry to break it to you but you are a lot smaller than you think XD

like i said, so many people are so ignorant.

you probably didn't even know that japan had been at war with the chinks for fucking years before 1941 ...

because some of us know what clen, tren, and anavar do.

I think we all forgot the literal definition of DYEL. It implies that the person doesn't lift. In this case, these guys literally didn't lift. Basically what OP is saying is, "Why do people who don't lift look like they don't lift"

To be fair, Japan's unconditional surrender to the US was caused by the Soviet Union's declaration of war - not nuclear bombs.

Of course I knew that dumbass, I'm not retarded. The Chinese killed a lot of gooks, but strategically, they achieved nothing. They couldn't drive the Japanese out of their own country. America destroyed the Japanese strongholds all the way up to the home islands and then started bombing the country into ash. You said earlier that the Japanese tried to end the war three times. Why the fuck do you think that was? You think it was the Chinese, hundreds of miles away? Or the Americans burning down Tokyo? Wars aren't determined by who killed the most people.

You didn't mention anything about Lend-Lease, at least not in the post I replied to.

>i mentioned the farce of the a-bombs in my other reply which cross-posted to this one.
What do you mean farce? There were no bombs? Or they don't matter?

>i seriously can't believe you fucking believe that bullshit about dominos.
Good, because I don't, but that was the apparent plan and that's why I said communism. I don't believe it because MacArthur believed it and he got sacked for wanting to use A-bombs to take over China.

>isis is our side. the usa funded them.
Yeah. I know. But so are the "Democratic Opposition" and the SDF (YPG). All these are funded by the jews in government and their sabbos goyim. Doesn't mean they're on "our side", especially with Trump in office.

>literally granada or falklands tier. who gives a fuck? not like those were real wars.
I mentioned Saddam because we destroyed his army (I) and country (II) extremely quickly, it's not like it was some WW2-tier struggle. 3 months for Iraq 2, I don't know how long Desert Storm lasted.

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Who is this stupid clown and why is he chatting so much incorrect shit with no sources?

The USA saved Slavshits asses in ww2 with lend lease
the only reason u are slav instead of ashes from a gas chamber is cuz USA power and might

Desert Storm took like 2 months to prepare and like a week to carry out

But aren’t military personnel supposed to be at least somewhat strong to carry all their heavy equipment around and withstand the day to day conditions of warfare?

>tfw 98th percentile arms and I still think they are small

>spend all that time building up your body only to make yourself a bigger target to get shot by a 5'2'' 80lb rice farmer

absolutely true, it is in fact the reason afghanistan must remain a war torn shithole. DRUGS baby

So much of this is just blatantly wrong and I am not going to put in the effort to correct this. Please post this on /his/ so you can properly get mocked and ridiculed.

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One of three
>the butt hurt European
>the delusional vatnik
>the American that put a total of 10 hours into his "learning" through public schooling and reading post on Jow Forums (not on /k mind you because you'd get destroyed for your bs)

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>Yes, we lost, but because we weren't trying to win. The whole war was a front for CIA opium trading
im routinely amazed at the fresh dumb opinions expressed with such confidence about vietnam

T. Brainlet

combat arms vet here

military fitness has everything to do with muscular endurance and nothing to do with hypertrophy

when the bullets start flying, the circumference of your arms doesn't fucking matter

what matters is how quickly you can scramble behind a tree or a rock and put your weapon system into operation

also, when you get in the habit of moving ten to twenty clicks while under a heavy-as-fuck load, your body tends to use what little mass you have left for fuel

in the field, all gains are forefeit, and when civiization goes up in flames, your pretty beach muscles will go with it

still, vanity has its perks

Sounds pretty beta. Fuck soldiers

facsinating, thanks user.
Also is these charts are accurate, they aren't representaive of the whole population; i assume they would be in better shape than non-soldiers.
So if your in the 70th percentile in this chart, maybe your in the 80th or something non-linear in a general population.
any more recent ones?
What normies think is jacked; we have body disomporia here on Jow Forums, and that's a good thing.

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>why are people who dont lift dyel?

Because developing and mantaining large amounts of muscle require large amounts of food and rest, two things which soldiers do not have alot of access to

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The problem is that soldiers are on average leaner than the average person so the general population may have an advantage in terms of arm circumference. Obviously it doesn't count for much because big arms on a fat man is like big tits on an obese woman, no one is impressed, which is why I like the military body studies because you can assume they are reasonably in shape.
I'm not aware of any recent ones. There's data from the CDC on upper mid-arm circumference but I'm not sure where exactly they measure it. I do know that they measure it with the arm straight and down by the side of the body. This is where fat people definitely have an advantage because their fat is more uniformly disturbed than the peak of a bicep. I'll take another look around and see if I can find anything else recent for the military.

Attached: 2012CDCMid ArmCircumference.png (933x264, 35K)

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what's your opinion then genius?

Showed my grand father this thread and asked him why the marines were so skinny then, proceeded to tell me about how he survived behind enemy lines alone for 17 days in the jungle because his platoon got tore the fuck up trying to get to a chopper

still talking about it

oh true; that makes sense. As I got leaner, my bicep size decreased, by it gives the appearance of looking bigger.
I love math and stats, going to be electrical engineer; but I love being Jow Forums as well, so joining(Canadian) airforce or Navy as electronic engineer.; maybe I'll make connections with higher ups and branch out to something else, later on, I want to put my autism to work

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My dad's a Vietnam era marine. He was only like 145lbs after boot, but hard and shredded af

The fact that you'd call it the Pacific front just shows how hilariously unread you are. It's the theatre, and no, it did not make it easy for Stalin to decide to move his troops from the Pacific to Moscow to repel the German forces. He knew that the Japanese were still very strong at that point. He only made that decision because he was able to get reliable intel that the Japanese had no designs to attack Russia anytime soon, and so he could safely relocate his forces to repel and then hunt down the Germans all the way to Berlin to win the war.

Here, I found something for you to pick through, fellow leaf.
2012 US Army anthropometric study:

2012 Canadian Forces anthropometric study:

What a change from the 1995 study.

Attached: 2012USArmyArmSize.png (497x581, 101K)

Came here to say this
lotsa drugs, buddy boy.

It really speaks to how fat Americans and other western populations have become. The average 2012 waist circumference was 37 inches, instead of 31" in the 1995 study. If I had the time, I would take the average height, neck, weight, and waist size and put it through the navy body fat calculator and see the increase.

shitty diet, sleep, and stress
mainly endurance work not strength training

Just ran the 2012 study through. Average body fat of men in the US army is 23%.

being the 50th percentile for a man makes yo taller than about 97% of all woman;

Attached: armyHeight.png (648x646, 246K)

>What is CIA support of Mao?
What is the CIA support of Mao? The CIA didn't exist at that point

cardio all day

feel like I'm closing in on my natural limit and it hurts.

Huh. Apparently 6'2 is 95th percentile

>tfw in top 85th percentile after being a hungry skeleton my whole life
thanks fit

Oh you poor child, check the 2012 image I posted. I just gave myself more dysmorphia by finding it.

And the 1995 is 17% body fat. An increase of 6% body fat and only one pound of lean mass. It's safe to say that men in the American Military have no actually put on any more mass than they had years ago. Mystery solved.

because they were regular dudes who were forced to fight and die in a worthless war that accomplished absolutely nothing.

have not put on anymore muscle mass*

Tell him to just pass away and join his worthless mulch buddies already

Soldiers in general, especially infantry are skinny as fuck. The only ones that aren't are the ones that abuse steroids.

Here in australia, steroids are rampant, used from the commandos to the infantry.

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72 in is 6 feet, 74 is 6'2, about 95-97 percentile.

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I was a recon grunt, and looked dyel as fuck but had an absurd level of endurance. Big muscles aren't actually practical.

>Here in australia, steroids are rampant, used from the commandos to the infantry.
Is this a new thing? I was infantry from 08-12 and I only ever heard of one person roiding.

>Is this a new thing?

No, but lots of people have been exposed the past 2-3 years, even commandos.

> I was infantry from 08-12 and I only ever heard of one person roiding.

All my cousins use steroids and are in the Australian infantry (Don't help they are wogs are genetically wired to use them), lots of friends also use steroids. Reason you never knew, is because people shut up about it and don't preach or brag because of the trouble it will get you into.

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>Reason you never knew, is because people shut up about it and don't preach or brag because of the trouble it will get you into.
No it isn't.

Are you sure about that, we tend to do a lot less mandatory cardio in comparison to the us military so we may seem more beefy

I'm not sure if you know but I wonder if they take height into consideration when they put you in certain jobs. I'm sure the Marine Corps doesn't because my platoon was full of 6'+ dudes and we were the most miserable sons of bitches cramped up in our vehicles.

>mfw 6' bean marine
>driver was 6'2 and crew chief was 6'4 (without boots, all of us)
>mfw all of us started to develop a hunch by the end of deployment

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Yes it is, not my fault no on ever trusted you.

Yes, I've even fucking witnessed Australian soldiers in my own fucking house pop steroid pills. I never used that shit myself though, and will continue to be natty. I've talked to a lot of diggers, and have lots of mates from school, work etc.. who are currently serving.

I get a lot of the "inside" talk.

> so we may seem more beefy

Nigger, i'm 6ft 1, 95kg. And tower over most of you guys. You aren't beefy.

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>Yes it is, not my fault no on ever trusted you.
Yeah nah, you have no idea what it's like to serve in a battalion. We were in a very operationally intense period and nobody had the time for that.
>I get a lot of the "inside" talk.
No you don't.

Tbh your cousins are shitbag soldiers, only lingers actually have the time to spend continuous periods in the gym that would make roiding worthwhile.

>Yeah nah, you have no idea what it's like to serve in a battalion

Of course, and i am not pretending. I never served in he ADF myself, and as i mentioned have lots of family and friends serving.

I only told what i have personally seen, and heard from them.

>No you don't.

Don't know why it bothers you so much.

>Tbh your cousins are shitbag soldiers

True, but most are though. At least they have been deployed before unlike some, so i'll give them some slack when they talk about muh ADF.

Soldiers are trash.

The Rosenbergs were pieces of shit, I agree, however they weren't smart enough to really give the Soviets info that was any more advanced than they already knew..


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Nah bruh, soldiers need to be YOLKED, just like they are in the movie

Rucking heavy combat equipment in tropical heat whilst eating rations will steal any gains you had in the first place or place a barrier on gaining any.

Look at old field rations and try to eat that for a week at a time.

That's what the average untrained young male would look like today too without the 5-10kg of excess lard.