Fucking tired of my acne lads and ready to an hero

Fucking tired of my acne lads and ready to an hero

Should I just bite the bullet and do accutane? This shit skin is killing me

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yes, best decision i made in years

Yes. Changed my fucking life. Reports of side effects are massively over-blown. Just keep up to date with your bloodwork; they'll take you off if it fucks anything up.

you're overreacting, post a pic.

do it you retard

Is it possible to work out if you’re on Accutane?

once i hit 20 and still had acne i said fuck it and hit up the derm and got on the accutane, got rid of 90% of my acne unless im under stress for long periods of time then i get flare ups

Ill pass pal thanks

just post a pic of your cheek, you don't have to show your eyes if you're afraid of your privacy

Is it ok to do accutane even if you have naturally dry skin

>having acne

How long did it take to see improvements

My brother did and you could start seeing improvements a week after. He has probably got the most clear skin I've ever seen on a dude now. It's ridiculous how smooth he is.

just dont put any chemicals on your face and you will be healed. accutane has shit side effects

Fuck it I’m going on it, I’m on some antibiotics at the moment and they’re doing absolutely fuck all for my skin

is it actually acne bumps you have or dark marks you have? I have dark marks from healed acne (PIH) and this shit is killing me. Currently working on a skin care routine, have some stuff in the mail

How tf do you get rid of scars

is this not a case of treating the symptoms not the cause. Acne isn't natural for an adult and you wont see any people living outside civilization with acne

Depends on the person really. For some the cause of their acne relates to diet, cleanliness etc while for others it's strictly genetic.


You'll notice how much faster your acne heals almost immediately - like, zit pops up and disappears in one day, no scarring. Keeps getting better; after four months, my skin was perfect.

Um, yes. Has literally zero effect on your gains or lack thereof. Just need to apply a shit-ton of moisturizer.

It is treating the cause - literally changes your DNA. Plenty of people have bad skin from poor grooming and diet, but for others you gotta nuke it. Tons of third-worlders have cystic acne and take tret over the counter.

Accutane is the one

A lot of people suffer bone and muscle pain/weakness on it. I did. Could not work out much while on it.

you don’t you grow facial hair

Have you ever tried to eat more vegetables with Vitamin A?

This, started 2 weeks ago and suddenly it hurts and is annoying for me to jump into a workout

How Do I counteract? Roids?

Please for the love of god bump

I took accutane, about 4 months off of it and I still get some pimples but nothing even close to what used to happen. Do it dude, it's the best option.

Is your skin oily? Mine was. Try benzoyl peroxide before you go to the nuclear option

This is why my progress has been slow for the past few months r-right guys

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i was on accutane twice in my life, once at age 12, and again at 17, and it changed my life. do it, bitch!

i still get acne where i touch my face with dirty fingers but i use neosporin on EVERY spot and sleep with a clean pillowcase every 3 days.

i'm 26 now. acne is never gonna go away but at least it's manageable...

Neosporin clogs your pores and is oil based, that's a really fucking stupid thing you do user.

I went on a keto diet and that helped my face and back acne a ton. A few people made comments. Might be worth a try before going to pharmacy candy

yeah? then why does it clear up my acne dumbass

have/had cystic acne and what cleared it up is cutting out dairy/gluten. also nofap seems to help a bit. but first 2 weeks of nofap you will flare up. i don't get those giant cysts anymore.

The antiobiotics, point is you can find topical equivalents that don't also cause acne while curing it.

You know what accutane is right? It's just an over dose of vitamin a

Or you could like. Eat some fucking carrots/spinach/kale/any fucking vegetable fix your fucking diet and drink water


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>roading, something that can fuck up your liver, while on isotretinoin, something that can fuck up your liver

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Figure 1. Photographs of the surface of Mars (NASA)

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I took accutane senior year of high school.

Affected my upper back and chest the most.

I'm 26 now, still have breakouts, but nowhere as bad as it was before.

I have severe scarring, and during my medication perioud I did hear voices there where not there, just whipsers or thinking I heard my name, but only rarely.

I didn't report it to my skin care person, but turned out fine.

I plan to get huge tattoos on my chest and back eventually

Taking Accutane was a great choice for me.

This cant be real

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Mmm pizza

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I knew a guy in high school that had acne this bad. Sucked too since he was a super nice guy that got along with everyone. I hope he cured it.

Don't do accutane. Dry fast. Check out .

The only muscle pain I got on it was a weird soreness around my ankles and heels

I never got muscless pain, but my lips did dry and split open.

Acne is a diet related disorder.

Change and fix up your diet and you should soon get skin of the gods.

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Yes, I'm doing accutane and it's fine.

Do it. 100% effective. Will change your life. Just remember to take the chapsticks out of your pockets before you use the wash.

I'm on day 80 of 20mg/day accutane. Face is smooth as fuck, just has blemishes from all the past acne which will go away in time.

Side effects:
Chapped lips (solved with lip balm)

Lethargy - This is one of the more irritating ones. I can sleep for 10 hours but still feel exhausted. Started to happen around pill #65.

Muscle soreness - Still manageable but the strength definitely goes down. I could bench 100KG x 8 for my working sets before accutane but now I can only do 90KG x 6. Started around pill #70.

Joint pain - Comes and goes. Not too extreme, just a bit of discomfort. Started around the same time as the muscle soreness, pill #70.

These pills are expensive as fuck btw.

Ouch. I’m surprised your doctor hasn’t already recommended acutane.


just stop eating dairy you dipshit, and your acne will go away

Man, I look just like Cillian Murphy. It's ab abstract feel

Post pic fag

Accutane isn't worth it because once you stop it comes back. The only thing that's been successful with me is blue laser therapy. A couple of sessions of that and my face clears up. I have to re do it every 6 months but it's far better than accutane.

It also depends how old you are and how bad it is. Most people assume teiir acneis worse than it is

>tfw unemployed
>get the pills for free and doctor's appointments for free because worthless piece of shit supported by govt
feels ok man

The bone and muscle pain for me was very pronounced. Accutane made me feel like I was slowly turning to dust and blowing away.

Iirc accutane literally interferes with your muscles and joints ability to renew and repair themselves, it's some serious shit.

My god

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and here I thought I have it bad

Just get ozonated olive oil. Did wonders for me, though I only had blackheads on my nose.


Accutane is a great medicine. Just take it, promise you won't regret it. Worst side effect is dry lips so you use a ton a vaseline.


Do you still get acne? Yes I'm talking about fasting. Seriously just try it.
If this fixes your acne then your food is the problem. You can literally prove the source of your acne with 1 week of willpower.




4 options, 4 weeks. Just try it man. Dont put some chemicals into your body that may fuck you up in unknown ways that nobody knows.
And before you start going weak on me, yes "all meat" means all meat. Not sausages. Not a single banana. Not a single piece of pringles or chocolate.

You should of bitten that bullet a long fucking time ago. Do Accutane now.

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>Worst side effect is dry lips
Worth noting that in some people this is permanent. I did isotretinoin from age 18-20, now I'm 27 and mostly cured, but I still need to apply Carmex at least twice a day. If I forget it, my lips will crack and bleed without fail.

do you remember what kind of dose you took? i took a fairly small one, i think it was like 10mg or something like that.

I don't remember. They ramp it up over time so I guess I was taking whatever the max amount recommended by the NHS is.

This guy is right. Took accutane when I was 17-18. Now 23 and my lips are still dry and I have to apply lip balm or I will look like a crackhead. I was taking 40mg a day for 11 months.

This is just anecdotal but I've heard that Accutane has been shown to stunt growth and cause early closure of growth plates.

I was on Accutane for over half a year when I was 15 and I haven't grown at all since, I was one of the taller kids in my year at the time at 177cm. After that I never grew anymore.

I should say that I'm 19 now.

Jesus Christ how many acne threads are we going to keep having

Just do accutane, its not that bad at all and fucking works and works quickly

Hi. I'm so, so sorry you're going through this. Get that accutane and good luck.

Are these panic memes? Did you break an Internet glass box to get these protocols?

yes, it works. you'll have dry sin and it will suck for a few months but there its so worth it.

Yeah, it also killed my libido

Stop drinking milk, ez gg

wow blurry small pic with no timestamp

must be real!

i swear Jow Forums is more retarded than /b/

Fix your diet stupid, there's no such thing as genetic acne only dietary causes.

let me guess, you eat processed carbs, sugar, and have drinks with food colouring in them?

Whats your routine? Try pic related.

If you have cystic acne, see a doctor and get shots. post pics of face, Ill see if i can help/

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this. I kind of wish I had cystic or sever acne just so I could have done it. My skin is like 80% of the way to perfect, but my brother who had some fucked up cystic acne went on it and now, about 4 years later, he still has the best skin ive ever seen on a guy or a girl. And he doesnt do ANYTHING. He just showers and uses a bar of soap. Its just short of miraculous. I'm jelly cuz keeping up this pretty-gud 80% skin is a lot of maintenance.

Im nearing the end of my first month of my second cycle at 22, first cycle was in high school at 16.

I'm 6'3" 175 and taking 40 mg a day. Besides dry lips there's been no noticable side effects. At first I thought I was experiencing all of them but it was just paranoia. That's not to say the bad one's aren't real - high doses will make you feel like shit, but you can make constant improvement on a dose that's comfortable.

I remember reading it was originally developed as a form of chemotherapy for skin cancer.

I had perfect skin up until I was 21ish, been getting an annoying amount of spots since (I'm now 30). Broke up with my gf about 5 months ago, and got the worst breakout around my mouth/chin that I've probably ever had - seriously fucking annoying when you want to start tinder dating.

I think it is something like folliculitis rather than acne, but looks a bit like cystic acne. The doctor gave me doxycyline which is working pretty well to be honest.

Personally I found that using face scrubs (or really anything) made me break out more - now I just exfoliate with those gloves you can buy twice a day, just with water, and apply the smallest amount of moisturiser if I need it.

try quitting dairy, fixed my shit for me

The mental side effects are often underreported or ignored.

user, if you start experiencing ridiculous mood swings, suicidal ideations, or depression PLEASE throw the meds away. The only reason I didn't an hero was because my gun jammed. It's very uncommon for those sides to occur but do be very aware of the possibility.

That's cystic and likely due to an underlying fungal or bacterial infection. I would suggest watering down some bleach (yes regular Clorox) and using it as a light wash to kill anything horrible. Also, get a dermatologist to give you some antibiotics. Do that until the scabbing is gone and then switch to a gentle exfoliant to start removing any left over crust. After that's done, keep a benzoyl peroxide lotion on it ALL THE TIME. Best of luck homie.

My vomit streak of 13 years just went down the drain

i tried and was significantly weaker, always felt tired etc

You took it for only 4 months? What dosage?

It works but you have to take it for months to see the effects.