Are supplements effective??

Will they help me to make it and have girls mire?

Or are they just snake oil products created to make shekels?

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never gonna make it

Mostly a big sheckeled up industry brother, eat right drink plenty of water and stop wasting your money on blue raspberry BCAAs

protein powder
stop being autistic

yeah ofcourse man but I'm talking about zinc, magnesium, iodine etc

Zinc is super important for test but im just wondering if the body actually absorbs it

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ZMA is great, I'll have to do a month soon where I take the things you mentioned and see if there is any real difference.

I sure hope this works

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HGH capsules?
vitamin d3


Creatine is the only supplement I take. imo that and maybe zinc are the only stuff worth taking

Lmfao her tattoo LITERALLY SAYS “believe in yourself”. HOW can anyone’s life be such a meme? How can anyone be so fucking unaware???????AAAAAAAHDH


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I'll bite.
Legitimate. Especially leucine.
>HGH capsules
Catalysts like l-arginine are acceptable. There may be other supplements to stimulate HGH, but they are likely ineffective with a lack of solid research.
Not sure what you mean. Just eat eggs to get cholesterol, the precursor to all hormones or supplementing pregnenolone is acceptable. Again, there may be some supplements that can stimulate the release or slow down or halt the degradaton of certain hormones but they're iffy.
>vitamin d3
Legitimate. Or get some sun.

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Fish Oil, VitD, Creatine is a natty stack

this plus maybe a multi and fish oil

you could even skip everything except creatine provided you have a good controlled diet and eat a high protein meal after the gym.

I only take a multi and fish oil because they're relatively cheap and i can afford it. IIRC theres still no proof that taking a multi has any effect.

magnesium glycinate
zinc picolinate
ksm-66 aswagandha
protein powder

Will someone red pill me on ZMA?

>Are supplements effective??
>Will they help me to make it and have girls mire?
>Or are they just snake oil products created to make shekels?
>"What is a shrewd consumer?"

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Wikipedia has a good enough red pill.
>ZMA (Zinc Monomethionine Aspartate, Magnesium Aspartate and Vitamin B6) is a supplement used primarily by athletes, gymnasts, and bodybuilders. It was developed by Victor Conte (founder of BALCO Laboratories in Burlingame, California). No high quality scientific study has found it to have any beneficial effects on muscle building or strength, and the International Society of Sports Nutrition and the Australian Institute of Sport regard it as having no clear benefits[1].
Studies are inconclusive where the web site of the original makers of ZMA site just 1 study with positive results about the benefits of ZMA, but it isn't hard to find at least one other study with contradictory results. There appears to be no scientific explanation provided by the original makers of ZMA for stacking these particular forms of zinc and magnesium with vitamin B6 other than muh increased bioavailability. Individually, the forms of zinc and magnesium present appear to be respectable. If you just want to take zinc and magnesium because you're low in these minerals, just get them individually and don't waste money on ZMA. If for some reason you particularly want zinc monomethionine and magnesium aspartate, then get ZMA. TL;DR Most likely ineffective for its purported claims, get zinc gluconate and magnesium citrate instead.

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Dont buy BCAA you get twice the amount of BCAA from eating a cup of peanuts than you do in one serving of BCAA powder. It's important but you get so much its negligible.

a peanut derived BCAA powder sounds like the best of both worlds


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a peanut is pissing when your dick is erect

I don't know about preworkouts overall but I do like the itchy feeling that beta-alanine gives me. The only way to get rid of the itch is to lift.