*Blocks your scientific research*

*Blocks your scientific research*


Thoughts on this guy?
>eats only raw meat
>drinks only raw milk and blood
>thinks all bacteria and parasites are good
>manmade shit is bad
>earth is flat

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Other urls found in this thread:

sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/08/150806133148.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed: sciencedaily/fossils_ruins/early_humans (Early Humans News -- ScienceDaily)

Doesn't he also literally stare at the sun? Is this the guy I'm thinking of?


this guy is severely mentally ill, just disregard him

He's a flat earther

Some stuff he says is crazy shit
Some stuff is pretty enlightened

I suggest you try what he does before criticizing

Is that diplo tho?

Based alpha who actually does what he believes and has shown amazing results. Soyboys, vegans, and lactose intolerant shitskins get triggered hard by him.

I think he quit that
at one point when he was a vegan he went so extreme that he tried to become a plant and get all of his food & energy from the sun directly...
he ended up in the hospital
now he's a raw meat enthusiast

this sounds very based.
also earth is a tube

would eat raw meat help you get jacked?

also isnt it dangerous? how come he is still healthy? is cooking meat a jewish shill?

Cooking meat kills enzymes, gets rid of some water soluble vitamins and trace minerals; and in general reduces the bioavailability of the nutrients in the meat. Not to mention cooking itself can be carcinogenic, especially grilling. It's safe as long the animal is healthy and didn't live an unnatural lifestyle, i.e., factory and antibiotics or hormones.

he has literally been to the hospital multiple times so I don't know how the fuck this proves his thesis about health correct

I wouldn't adopt a raw meat diet unless you have a better source than the factory farmed shit in supermarkets

but he does go into detail in one video about how cooking food is a satanic ritual

If anyone here played Runescape and knows about Kids Ranqe, this is him

Not kidding

lol he almost died a little while back from eating raw meat. he's an autist

report these fucking shill threads

fuck off sverige

Yes he went to the hospital because he was a hardcore vegan. He got sick after eating raw bone marrow that was contaminated; but I doubt that wouldn't happen to him again, especially since he probably has a really strong gut fluora now.

"you'll just almost die once or twice bro try out the diet and eat raw meat"


Amazing results :
>weak dyel body
>speaks slowly like a retard, falls for every conspiracy because his mind isn't sharp enough to recognize logic holes
>nicolas cage hairline
>has gyno

>I'm afraid to eat the way humans have eaten for 95% of their history
Fuck outta here soyboy cuckhold.

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>dont cook your meat because our less intelligent caveman ancestors didn't eat that way 1 million years ago

you are a retard.

vegans are the best.

What? This is the literal opposite of the truth. Cooking increases the bioavailability of nutrients in meat including but not limited to the breaking down of collagen in connective tissue to be more readily absorbed.

finally a worthy contender to all the braindead vegan shills in here.

This is truth. Get worms and lice, too. Must be good for you if prehistoric man did it!

Looks pretty good for a dyel, natural aesthetics. Maybe he speaks slow in English because he can speak over 3 languages? And that's a Northern European hairline my shitskins friend. Also where's the gyno?

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Lmao we literally evolved from monkeys to humans because he started eating more animals. Try again lowtest.

>water soluble vitamins don't exist

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Fuck, this board is literally a cesspool of retard kids now.

and we evolved from retarded humans to less retarded humans because we started cooking the meat

holy christ...
is it so hard to just eat balanced?
what the FUCK


appeal to tradition fallacy

Not really, our brains got much smaller after the beggining of agriculture. You really think hunters and gatherers were making multiple fires a day to cook their food? There's no proof of this. Not to mention since they saw all other animals eat raw meat, there's no reason for them not to. And you can get decent collagen from raw bone marrow or you can activate it further by just letting your meme meat/bones ferment a little. Eating all parts of the animal in general will guarantee you all of the collagen you need. Keep believe what you want to believe though.

>sponsored by Coca Cola, monstanto, and Cheerios

>cause all that I ask for...

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You realize homo sapiens cooked food for the entirety of our existence? Fire was first controlled by pre-human hominids. We couldn't even support our massive brains without cooking, because cooking makes the nutrients more bioavailable. Of course, that shouldn't be an issue for you.

do you think the water soluble vitamins get boiled off with the water? What happens when you boil saltwater, retard?

Hunter gatherer's probably didn't ever let a fire go out. It's way easier to preserve a small fire or ember than start a new one.

Cooked food tastes better. Even dogs prefer cooked meat to raw meat. And humans had domesticated dogs for the majority of their existence.

Do you think hunter gatherers cared more about what tasted good, or retarded meme-diets?

What the fuck

Lmao what? You're seriously arguing that cavemen were more concerned about eating tasty food rather than just quickly putting flesh in their mouth to obtain energy? Cooked will also dehydrate you, were the cavemen also drinking their 8 cups of water a day? And dogs will literally hurt themselves if they eat cooked bones, raw bones are perfectly okay for them though. Again, try again retard.
Water soluble vitamins do get evaporated, a raw piece of meat holds a lot more liquid than a cooked one you brainlet.
Lol no, human brain increased the most during the ice age, guess what's the only thing you can eat when everything is covered in ice? Raw meat and raw fish.

It baffles me that people seriously think we must cook meat, as if nature wasn't perfect already and requires us making a fire in order to feed ourselves. You're an animal, look at other animals, they don't cook their meat!

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sugar tastes good user. wanna take a bunch of that shit too huh? kys brainlet.

Creative and emotional intelligence basically exploded with agriculture and increased carbs consumption. People take caveman as the example of what we should do but don't take into account how much we have evolved in every sense. What was suited for humans that pretty much acted like animals isn't for humans that have greatly transcended that state (at least for the best of us). Same for our spiritual development, they had absolutely no spirituality. A pure meat diet is good to make you an aggressive caveman ready to survive predator attacks because you're basically always in that mindstate. Just see how quickly aggressive Sverige and his fans get when they argue, instantly fight-or-flight mode.

I’ve known some of those hippie fag idiots. “Living on Light” they call it.

Homo Sapiens Sapiens are the soyboys of the animal kingdom.
You can get jacked as shit, and follow whatever meme diet you believe, but you'll still be inferior physically to your distant ancestors.

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Yeah man natural eaters are so violent, they shoot YouTube HQs, they commit family murders + suicide, and they make videos about how they wanna smash babies' faces. Keep eating your slave diet.

>gets visibly aggressive

Aight, keep eating your animal diet and being unable to ever produce art or anything requiring creative intelligence.

>inferior physically to your distant ancestors.
Lot of assuming you are doing there

>Tfw Jow Forums shilled diet makes you stupid because there are no carbs to feed your massive brain

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mmmhm, do I wanna look like this aryan god? or like that vegan mutt full of mental issues? really makes you think....

The vegan guy was bigger and leaner when he was still strict with his diet. This guy is an autistic flat earther. Pre historic humans probably ate more raw meat than modern humans, but they were also cooking it when they could.

Fuck off shill. I smell the soylent from your breath from here.

>eats only raw meat
>drinks only raw milk and blood
>thinks all bacteria and parasites are good
>manmade shit is bad
>earth is flat

You left out that
>cardio kills your gains

Lies, it can’t be him...
runescape truly is a game for fked people (I still play btw)

This. Same thing with nether. Have worked out a system that works like magic for themselves. Cant help but to respect these kinds of individuals, they might be weirdos but really so what.
Also Im not big into conspiracy shit, but it doesnt seem impossible that majority of people have been lied to about certain things.

This is a good thread. Many keks were had


Just eat your raw meat and make updates on Jow Forums about your slow death from dysentery. Stop pushing your latest buzzfeed retard diet and demanding that everyone accepts and validates it as being healthy and not blatantly stupid.
Holy fuck do I hate this generation.

holy kek

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You mad shitskin? This is the diet that my people have eaten through their whole existence, do you think there's a coincidence as to why we're also the most advanced race and have conquered the world?

Keep eating those seeds and grains you fucking slave.

If everything was ice during the ice age, there would be no life because every terrestrial species depends on growing plants.

>thinks all bacteria and parasites are good
Literally not true even in nature

It's not like cookinglow quality meat solves the problems it has anyway (i.e. low nutritional content)

The only reason cooking MAY have led to development of larger brains is through larger net caloric intake, as in you could use far more of the lower quality and old meat. For a modern human though, this problem is circumvented by refridgerators so there is really no reason to cook your food.

Also, animals dislike COLD raw meat, if you leave it to room temperature they will greedily chow down on raw meat.

I’m a white German you fucking retard and I cook my meat because I’m not a brainless savage that denies all things labeled as science.
Humans are scavengers and that’s how we’ve survived so it would make sense that our bodies would evolve to require bacteria and enzymes from rotten food, because sometimes that’s what scavengers have to eat.
However, humans are more intelligent than ALL of the other species and we live longer and we understand how to preserve and cook meat so it is more nutritious for us.
If you have never had salmonella or any other food poisoning then you might think eating raw meat is a good idea. But if you have had a food born illness then you understand why humans (not retards like yourself) cook meat and properly preserve it rather than eating it raw.

>thank you for willingly eliminating your worthless self from the Caucasian gene pool

Lol we live longer than animals? mammals generally live 6 to 7 times their adulthood, for humans that would be at least 120 years. There's tribes out there with this average age due to their natural diet. The oldest woman to live recently, some Italian lady, ate raw eggs every day and raw meat every week. Also, animals don't even go to the doctor you fucking idiot, all they do is eat what's in their environment which should be clean and natural; and they'll live what they have to live.

The fact is, you're a weak synthetic human who has replaced religion with "muh science", you rely on the government to feed you and handle your food, and you are afraid of nature and something as simple and harmless as a raw egg. You are the one eliminating yourself from the gene pool you weak faggot. Pic related is most certainly you.

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>I ate shit quality meat that wasn't handled properly and so I got food poisoning, therefore everyone else must cook the shit out of their food

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We are reaching levels of autism never reached before.

>Carbs (not Meat) Were Crucial Factor For Developing Big Brains
sciencedaily.com/releases/2015/08/150806133148.htm?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=email&utm_campaign=Feed: sciencedaily/fossils_ruins/early_humans (Early Humans News -- ScienceDaily)


have u seen sverige debate? hes so chill

>cooked startches
So wild potato, peas and berries, big whoop, still has nothing to do with agriculture since those foods can be relatively easily foraged.

You know that wheat and rice are starches right ? The point is that your low carb diet would have never made our brains grow. Agriculture just made carbs consumption possible yearlong.

Hans spends all day cooking his meat until its black meanwhile refugees fuck his gf

I dont know what to believe anymore guys. I buy all my meat from walmart. Should i eat it raw? feel like i shouldnt

No, you shouldn't. Don't be a retard

Schizophrenic Gatis spends all day watching conspiracy videos on Youtube at the hospital while his body and hairline are dying from parasitic infection

I do know that wheat and rice are starches, but during our evolution we didn't have agriculture to produce mass amounts of grains like we do today and rice is still being imported from, you guessed it, Asia.

he literally fucking believes the earth is flat because you would feel like falling down when a plane flies far enough to the south.
he has the mental capacities of a 3 year old

You shouldn't.

idk im tired and depressed all the time and nothing else has fixed it maybe this will work

did you eliminate all risk factors for it out of your life?
did you try getting antidepressants
you know
the medication for being depressed, if it's just your body chemistry trolling you?

fuck off pharma shill everyone knows anti depressants kill your brain. Really pushin me towards raw meat with that one

oh so you don't understand the science behind the subject
well my condolences, hf with your meme diet and feeling like shit all the time

It is him, people comment about it all the time

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Fix your life, have some purpose (aka responsibilities), then wonder about fad diets.

this guy doesnt even lift and looks better than 95% of fit desu youtube.com/watch?v=A_DJS3r4dxM

t. has never visited a CBT thread or most likely in a schizophrenic delusion

that retard meat (only) eating doctor published some of his blood work and it was fucking atrocious. If a vegan had that blood work he would be laughed all the way to Antarctica. But this retard has all the excuses in the world like @my body is more sensitive now to testosterone@ Because he has low T than the average 80-100 year old. LMAO. The same is happeneing to the body of this sverige clown.

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Pick one

>he has the soyboy mouthgape
>a low carb meat diet lowers your testosterone to the level of a soyboy
>a meatboy is equivalent to a soyboy

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>le nature is perfect fallacy

kys retard

how do you get to a point of arrogance where you think you're the one in ten million guy who figured out that everyone is completely wrong, including science
it's fine to have your own opinion, i'm not advocating for ad populum, but god damn, talk about delusions

You are fucking retarded.
Everyone who read that post, please forget about it again. For your own good.

Holy hell this guy is a drooling retard.

Hey dickhead.

Nurse and Scientist here.

That's not how anything fucking works at all.

Fuck off.

n1 lol

>people have been eating cooked meat and bread for thousands of years
>people suddenly stop eating what they've adapted to
>their body gets fucked
SHOCKER! Vegancucks and Meatards are both stupid. But at least vegans have an ethical reason.