This will never be you

>this will never be you

Attached: 2s.png (590x580, 753K)

Thank God. Why would I want to be a mutt?

>I'm definitely ok with this

It's like if Ice Poseidon and Barack Obama merged

Nah, I've rubbed a lot of abs. It's pretty great.

>being a roastie
dodged that bullet


the fug is wrong with his skin?

>you will never be special
now you've finally gained realised awareness of the terrible programming that we all went through as children in western countries

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he has a spray on tan

Jokes on you, op, that is going to be me

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i like her thick thighs, where can i get a girl like that

so you sit around all day wishing you were guys in internet pictures?
what a sad existence you lead

Fucking user is going to make it confirmed

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Checked, imam Ali bin Muhammad

these digits

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Fucking checked. We're all going to make it.


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Checked brother


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checked to own the libs

I just want girls to mire me everywhere I go senpai.

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That dude is so small it makes me cringe. If you're starting out and that is your goal you will also cringe when you have a better physique than this guy in six months and realize you were a cringy underage b&.


Divine Digits



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of course not, user. you cant be two people.

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Mashallah brother

look at her face. does she seem comfortable or genuine to you?

Checked, inshallah brother

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look at that rat skull lmao, i swear why do we treat browns like actual humans

If you think that’s impressive then you are undoubtedly an uneraged twink faggot.

>le curly hair


hes a nigger

fucking lmao

Ya allah

Alhumdulilah brother. Allah hu Akbar.

Sacred Hitler Dubs And Trips.

holy shit

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Why would I want to touch this guy?
Shit would be gay.

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Based Allah

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>tfw I already achieved this

thank you allah

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Allah is good


what do you mean dog hehehehhe

>valueless white trash whores touching a dyel twink
y u want


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Attached: bodyweightsiegs.jpg (225x225, 21K)

Can other gods compete?

Omnipotent beings,grant me those dubs

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>doing a blackface

dude thats racist

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Based it-maker.

Why do girls always do that stupid shit with their arms to hide the stomach? its so fucking annoying and biologically planted in all these thots

What everyone else said, also those girls are not attractive at all, look at that fucking nose

Source? I think I know the girls.

wanna feel dem tittes

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>not busting a nut
what are you? gay?


They're like bags of sand which I'm sure you are used to by now.

He's a teenager, let him dream.

That's OK because I love myself the way I am. :^)



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It's nothing to do with looks its that hes got them on camera.

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But that guy doesn't lift, at all obviously.