I lifted heavy objects during all my lifetime in hope someome to love me but that didnt happen

I lifted heavy objects during all my lifetime in hope someome to love me but that didnt happen

Now im nothing but that 30 years old guy at the gym

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I know the feeling.


Started at 22, thought I'd turn into an out-going chad.

Now Im turning 31 soon, still lifting, more autistic and reclusive than ever.

you forgot the surgeries steroids and getting lean

You're not alone brother

I feel you guys. I'm 30 now and my life consists of working(in a cubicle), going to the gym and spending my remaining waking hours on the computer. I doubt that I speak more than 100 words per day.


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damn dude how do you find motivation to do anything?

Whats worse about being 30+ is that I have noticed I need to more protein than I did in my early 20s to make gains.

I use to get by eating like 100-125g protein, now my strength doesn't seem to move unless I consumed 175g minimum a day.

>I doubt that I speak more than 100 words per day.

Some days I'm concsious of this. It'll be mid day or later and I realize I don't think I've said a single word the whole day


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Young bruhs, don't do what they did. They thought that going to the gym would be enough to make it and this is how they ended up. Don't treat gym like it's your life, it should just be a hobby along with many others. People will consider you buff as long as you look like you lift. Sloots will mire your abs as long as they can see, you don't need to be 8% bf with a 6 pack. You can have a 4 pack and that's enough. Join a club, make friends, do a sport. Don't be an autist and focus only on lifting. People will find you boring.

Assuming you've made progress that whole time it's because you have more muscle mass.. not because of age brainlet

My real life hasn't started yet

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Its both. The older you get the more protein you need to sustain all of your free-fat-mass

>Now im nothing but that 30 years old guy at the gym

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you guys don't talk to yourselves a little bit? even recite a song stuck in your head?


I see lots of grandpas on this thread, did the nurses forgot to turn the wi-fi off ?

hehe, you'll be here soon enough. Let me tell you a secret: you start to feel 30 come when your 25. 25 is the back half of your 20's and its a long slow slide into the big 3-0. Around 27 you start to acutely feel the age gap between yourself and the 20, 21, and 22 year olds. When you listen to them talk you may hear things like taking a gap year, studying abroad, going on a Euro trip, planning a trip to Cancun with the mates, etc and it may sound vaguely familiar and then you realize that was the same type of things you used to say when you. were. their. age. All the sudden you can't identify yourself with the 'younger' crowd. To a 21 year old a 28 year old person is old, and to a 28 year old a 21 year old is so young they haven't experienced life yet. And when your 28 you notice that you just can't do certain activities like you used to. You still have the energy to do them, but all the same it requires just a tad more work to do. You have to push yourself a little harder to do something that when you were younger you had youthful energy on your side to power through. And then 29. 29 is the ultimate cope; I'm still in my 20's! I'm not 30 yet! Guess what? All that year is the countdown to 30. And when you hit 30 that's when you realize the young folk are talking about pop culture you haven't heard about, guys and girls are powering through sets you struggle through, and their gains are bulkier than your gains -welcome to 30. Buckle in boyos, it's quite the ride.

You fucking brainlets don't understand aging. Have you ever heard of the "mid-life" crisis? It's actually not a crisis at all, it is when a man comes to realize and understand his own power and importance . Men have been told they are nothing since birth and have been programmed to behave and think like females their whole lives. If you are healthy and have the will to change, the 30+ years are PRIME male years. There is nothing more powerful than a man in his 30's. The modern world was built upon what men at this age have accomplished.

realized today all those squats have given me stretch marks on the sides of my ass. i only worked out for sthetics anyways. fucking kill me. i'll be 30 in 3 short years and i haven't had sex in two years. why live

Im 20 and im shaking reading this

i can't interact with another human being normally user
even sex is for the most part something that is too much for me
what am i supposed to do now

Drink more milk.

Im 30 but only young thots at the gym check me out. No sophisticated career roasties

I'm 29 and i have the opposite situation - i have much better focus than when i was younger so now i actually progress in liftan and art (in fact i successfully changed my occupation from programmer to digital artist in my late 20s).
I've also become much more outgoing - i regularly play with awesome D&D group and have a bunch of artist friends - some local, some international that i've met in big events in EU (now i actually have money to visit those). Both of these groups of people contain both teenagers and folks older than me - if you have similar interests than age gap is not noticeable.
30 is really too early of an age to sulk down and bitch about everything.

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40 year old here. Lost all gains. No more coming. No wife. No horse. No mustache. Spend all day on Haitian farming forum and beta orbiting e-celebs. Fucking kms

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If you had any gains before It will be easy to Get them back. Just focus on positives and what you like doing most in your life. Also i wouldnt be upset about not having a mustache,doesnt suit everyone and People with horses are mostly cunts imo. Don't give up user I'm cheering for you

T-t-thanks user. We're all going to make it (again)

trips confirmed, you're gonna make it brah

>30 years old
>no wife
>no kids
>shitty low paying job
>doesn't own a house with a full basement
>can't afford a proper home gym
>oldest guy at the gym and gets laughed at on Jow Forums
>gains have stopped
>hairline is terrible
>dick doesn't work anymore
>tinder matches are all divorced out of shape smokers with 3 kids

What went so wrong in your life user? How did you get to this point?

55-year-old master race here. Swole as fuck. Full head of hair. Still a cunt and ass destroyer.

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Do you talk to women?

I hid my power level grom october till yesterday, always wearing hoodies and loose sweaters. Yesterday I wore a t-shirt for the first time in 6 months and I got so many mires it was ridiculous. Girls I barely talked to approached me, everyone staring at me, giving me compliments, woman preening themselves as soon as I'm in their vicinity. It's a whole new world, even got phone calls from qt's asking me if I'm okay since I'm not at work. I didn't even talk to those thots untill yesterday.

You should really go to places where there are more females, it'll help you with autistic behaviour and if you're really jacked girls will come by themselves. I'm pretty lucky my workplace has around 400 staff members with 70% being women.

Where do you work that 70% staff are women? I'm a game developer, literally 5% staff are women. Fuck this.


1/2/3/4 is my lifetime goal

>speaking like that

Nice larp