I've got a friend who's at most 5'5, probably 5'4. He gets pussy almost every day of the week and hops from temporary gf to temporary gf like it's his job. He just banged my other 9/10 friend last Saturday.
I've got another buddy who's probably 5'7 and rail thin, probably 140 lbs. He just started dating a 9/10.
The blackpill is a lie.
The Manlet Myth
When a woman says confidence and personality she actually means height and money.
Weighing your height and money difference up to her friends boyfriend/husband
sure they do little guy
sick larping bro but as a 5'4 manlet here, i know for a fact that its over for me
women like being around manlets because they're not imposing. he's not fucking em
i'm 5'5 and it's nothing short of torture
manlets actually look worse when they lift, and they either attract the scorn and disgust of people at the gym, or ridicule. i even got made fun of by two 6'0+ guys when I went, to my fucking face. the onlookers just looked away or chuckled
if you're 6'2+ and living in the US, you can fuck almost ANY GIRL, unless you've got a severe facial deformity. expanding on that, it is literally impossible to be a virgin at 6'2 and above, unless you're genuinely retarded. everyone under your height will respect you and see you as a god. if I was hiring someone for say, a SETI position, and I had to pick between a 5'2" subhuman with a 150 IQ, or a 6'3" alpha with a 100 IQ, I would go for the latter, every time, because my monkey brain naturally wants to submit to these shining specimens of humanity. i am naturally inclined to want them to lead me. i want them to cuck me to ensure that I don't pass on these defects. i want to aid them in every way I can, for the good of posterity. from birth, until death, a person who is taller than you, will ALWAYS and I mean ALWAYS be superior to you, because in the end, you'll ALWAYS be a little itty bitty manlet who never learned. if you're taller than say, 6'1", and don't live in a tall country like the netherlands, give yourself a pat on the back and rest easy my friend. you fucking won. i want you to know. you may be at a bad point in your life, thinking you're useless or that your life will never get better. it will. you are tall. the moment you enter a room and stand next to that multi-billionaire manlet with a 10/10 face and Von Neumann tier IQ, he will want to neck himself, and his wife (unlikely) will want your babies.
any woman who actually dates a manlet is clearly mentally ill or has low self esteem, because dating a manlet is social suicide to women.
I know a manlet who has no problem getting laid. His income is less than 2000€/month, he is a bit overweight and doesn't have a 9/10 face. This fucker still have a good sexual life, and he had multiple gf and have a lot of child with different women.
Kek, this manlet did what every man is programmed to do: survive and impregnate a lot of women to pass his genes.
Holy fuck what a life you must lead.
yep, that's life living as 5'5". be thankful if you're 5'9+. you've never suffered in your life, man
>I don't even have to try to improve cuz I was born this way :(((((
These stories are 100% true. Either accept that or continue through life as a self-pitying victim
I think you is this manlet
I think you is also liying
I think this board is full of dumb people with muscle dysmorphia.
you got made fun of and didn't do anything about it? one thing is being short, another thing is being a spineless cuck.
>the final manlet blackpill
calm down little fella
god look at that brutal mog
why do manlets even bother lifting
How many children do they have?
How is their wives?
This is what matters and respectable; fucking slut is futile and irrelevant
I understand what you are trying to say but creating this thread is a massice C O P E on your part due to you being a manlet and being jelly of your friend. Saged btw.
>9/10 chad and 4/10 beta competing over a 2/10 female
This is the modern dating scene, get use to it. Women have won.
If you have face and height than you have confidence....idiot
thing is height and money spawns confidence so women arent that wrong
The Manlet uprising is real. You see will every new generation, women give less shits about aspects that were once important for breeding. For evolutionary purposes, women would want the strongest, and biggest. However, after modern civilization, society did needs these as the amount of men matter more than the size of one. And therefore we focused on the other aspect of what makes the appropriate breeding mate. This was caused because people started focusing on the aesthetic aspects because of the influence of art had on society. Fast forward hundreds of years of this mentality and you get women that only care about beauty and less about size. That and because they are fingering themselves to midgets that look like Zac Efron.
They find Zac Efron attractive becouse he is famous and rich... he would be just another midget without that....
If you think a Zac Efron looking motherfucker wouldn't pull in bitches easily then you need to go outside more, user. Also you are missing the point, its Classical conditioning. Because of sexy symbols manlets are just proving that height is not needed anymore.
If you're a manlet and get jacked you actually pull more women you're talking out your arse
You faggots think this manlet joke is real. Im 5ft tall as a 30 year old man. Women wont come near me.
Are you stupid? What I'm saying is that if Zac was taller, he would be insta more attractive... and if you ask women they would agre... im 6'2 and it's EASY
I already went from obese to fit. Literally no difference in the way people see me.
Being tall = tremendous benefits in general in your life... you just saying that becouse u like 5'1 dwarf
Nope, before they thought your fat lazy fuck, now they dont...worth?
I'm still disregarded as a subhuman. I'll never be able to have a normal life cause my dad was too retarded and married someone a foot shorter than me
Well thats sucks... But if your rich thats not a problem, just marry tall slut and hope kids wont be dwarfs like you...
I'm actually just planning on kms soon. Very unlikely I will get rich since short dudes already make less on average and get the shittiest jobs in life. I'm not even white which gives me more disadvantages already.
If you want to date white women and you are not white is not a reason to kill yourself
Dont be cuck, stop complaning and start doing shit... you can get same job as white person, its just harder to get laid and thats it...
Dont mix rase, kid will be retardet and ....
Are you friends with lil wayne
i spent 27 years living not knowing about this "manlet" term.
I meet all kind of bros , from what you call "manlet" to "lanket" , most of them dont have any difficult with woman at all .They all have stories to tell, a passion to chase ,woman naturaly charmed by their "depth".
Sure i met womans who have standard in height , but that doesnt prove anything , because i also know some of them end up with 5"7 guys. I think its like " I like big booty but damn this girl is super sweet , and her cooking skill is out of this world"... sort of .
And then i discover fit.
What the fuck.
I dont know man , it just doesnt work like that in my experience . I still check fit for fitness advice but cringed very hard everytime i see "manlet" "lanket" shit.
please , go out more , find passion , do shit , make your stories interesting. Grow as a person , not as a tree.
I mean wouldn't you say as long as the chick is a bit shorter, the dude will look fine?
for example, a cute petite 5'2" chick with a presentable 5'4" guy (with shoe lifts) would be a solid couple.
dont forget the ufc has flyweight and bantamweight divisions.
those guys HAVE to attract at least some hotties
No, it just means that face beats height for attractiveness.
TFW 6'2" and virgin, but by choice. Even with my position your post is all sorts of sad.
Mexicans dont count
This guy is onto something, although I believe that's the manlets gf.
I have no problem with height and body mass, I just stay in the normal BMI range and it's enough. Kek, I don't even have to do great effort because I'm French and our diet and our lifestyle don't make us as fat as amerilard. This board is full of dudes with body dysmorphia and body image problem. Don't fall for any meme produced by this board.
Pasta la vista, baby
You were right with the spelling the first time bro. You played yourself
Yes you're right. Everybody who goes out and has a social circle sees that this shit aint that black and white. Problem with incel lookism etc type of faggots is that they are isolated. Tho there's definetely truth to their shit.
Unreadable cuck porn
I am 181 cm (5'11) and I've been complimented about my height a lot despite what Jow Forums tells me.
But I live in a manlet country (Greece) so that explains it.
>A lanklet took time to write this
>i'm 5'5 and it's nothing short of torture
5'6 manlet here and i had 4 girls ask me out in highschool but rejected them because autism, ironically 2 of them were taller and cute. other too were qts too i admit. im not from rich family or 10/10 face and i was playing league of legends all day in hs, i was skeleton, for whatever reason im really autistic and talked about retarded Jow Forums tier shit with them. probably that was ,,different'' and thats what made them get into me idk.
>inb4 nice larp
did girls mire you when u were in college?
yes but im shut in retard, they tried to talk to me but since im autistic i ran far as possible. college age girls are dumb shits who think they are geniuses and talk about drama shit all day basically brosophers.
well in fact most people are faggots girls or guys fuck them. i have few friends that are worth being friends with and im pretty happy with it
You do realize OP tat you are getting nothing but COPE from a bunch of loser virgin lanklets. They come on here and believe that if they put others down it helps their frail egos.
The sad thing is that because they come on here it starts seeping into their real lives and they will never get women.
They have preconceived ideas about what it's supposed to be like out in the dating world and that's just not realistic.
>>muh height muh face muh frame muh aesthetics.
None of that means anything to women and because they read internet articles from sources that are equal to the weekly world news they believe the bullshit. It actually quite funny.
inb4 manlet cope.
I'm 5'9" and have no problem attracting women. I'm marry though so i don't act on any offers. I'm not a slimeball like you all are
There are guys under 6'0" in the NBA, but they are the exception not the norm.
Ive seen this pasta before...
>i even got made fun of by two 6'0+ guys when I went, to my fucking face. the onlookers just looked away or chuckled
You again??
I remember you in a thread a few weeks ago. You are a lying sack of crap. You always post this exact copypasta.
Sage in all fields
Abu Dawud (2142) - "The Prophet (peace be upon him) said: A man will not be asked as to why he beat his wife."
Men on this board think women actually care about height that much? Lol what fucking idiots
>implying they don't
i thought so too until i went to uni. literally every girl here talks about how tall their bf's are with their friends and always giggle when they see a tall guy.
>inb4 bait
not bait
Oh shit he said it's not bait, now nobody can accuse him of posting bait due to the eternal rules of the internet, checkmate manlets
if you don't believe it then suit yourself :^)
>if you don't believe it then suit yourself :^)
I don't believe it. Just because you are an ugly loser who no woman wants, don't lie on the internet.
be honest, cause I have had similar experiences to yours
You dont live in the USA, right?
i-is that a trap?
The problem is most people don’t go outside
This is the real red pill. Its difficult to accept but it's the truth
If you are tall and your life sucks just realize you would be Infinity worse off same position plus short.
>the state of this board
normie GTFO my boooooooooard!
Everyone on Jow Forums seems to know at least a highly promiscuous manlet. Odd.
The craziest pussy slayer I know is 5'6 haha
t. 30 year old who has a lot of bros.
t.kissless virgin who is butthurt.
jesus christ get a grip. If this isnt pasta, you need to legitimately see a therapist. This is not how normal people act.
That you think that women would only date you because they are mentally ill or have low self-esteem, and that dating you would be "social suicide" is so unhealthy and untrue.
Seriously, visit a clinical psychologist or a therapist. You are not healthy.
willing to bet my left nut that those guys have a good A F looking face though...
It's copypasta. He keeps posting this in every thread about short guys. Just an autistic loser with no friends.
lmao, his facial aesthetics are god tier. Plus the fact that he is "jacked" in their minds (low bf and moderate muscle), if he wasnt famous he would have joined the top tier frat at whatever state college he would have gone to and fucked hot blonde sorority girls constantly. It would be no question. Face > Height, under the constraint that you are above 5'7 and are well proportioned and semi-fit
I mean obviously, if you’re a fat ugly short loser why would a woman want to sleep with you? You can fix two of those things plus add money and dressing well to the equation and you’ll be better off then even most attractive guys.
If you were blessed with good looks that’s too bad, stop crying and fix and improve what you can. At the very least a woman worth being with will admire your dedication.
Yeah, if he became taller, he would be more attractive, no question. The point is that hes doing just fine at 5'8. Because hes handsome as shit.
Reminder that this literal troll of a man got married. Heard he was a pretty cool dude in person though.
According to dating site study Women prefer dark and short men, who can speach french, and doctors ofcourse =)
Men prrefer ladies with long blonde hair and blue eyes.
I prefer mid-length dark brown hair and hazel or green eyes.
>Newfags not recognizing this pasta
Y'all need to lurk more
such is life in the pit
There is no pit you autistic moron.
Don't forget your "please be patient i have autisim" cap.
Jesus fucking christ. Do you really think that the majority of women these days in the USA are that obsessed over the height in male? Sure, it may be highly desired physical trait, but I guarantee you that it's not a deal breaker for any woman unless she's just immature.
I can understand that some of us feel proud cause of their height (kek), but feeling superior than others basing solely on this and still call yourself a man?
Like someone said it before - leave your mental basement.
What's with manlets coming out in droves lately trying to justify their existence?
We get it, you're short and it sucks you dont have to keep trying to do mental gymnastics to prove to yourself it doesnt. sad.
And thats for teenage years only. In your late 20's early 30's its all about money.
>He gets pussy almost every day of the week
Like do you follow him or something, man? Are you spying on him as he bangs these women?
this guy is right, I have the same thing at my school. Anything below 180cm isn't a man.
I’m 5’8”, anxious, and not particular handsome. Have had a GF consistently since 9th grade of high school. At my peak a few years ago I had 3 GFs at the same time (only lasted a few months tho). IDK why you guys have so much trouble
Because they are legitimately autistic or they are actually short fat ugly losers that don’t lift.
there are plenty of girls who are 5'0
so unless you are literally 5'1" or some shit you can always find a girl who's smaller then you and who will feel like you are tall to her - your options are just limited because most girls WONT date a guy who isnt at least as tall as herself - or a bit taller
If you are unter 5' i guess there is no hope though lol
Based foreign bro telling it how it is.