Daily reminder a big wallet is more important than muscles.
Even animals agree on this.
Daily reminder a big wallet is more important than muscles.
Even animals agree on this.
Girl here hot pic dripping wet
Girl here post pics of the bird who made that I have to rub one out
I’m the bird can you just please have sex with me I need to lose my virginity
no ron
That bird is judging creativity, not wealth, right?
>Not enough juxtaposition, no smash
Is this blue plastic bird currency then? Probably more stable than bitcoin LOL
Lemme smash
>would watch that Bower bae dance for me since has all those bottle caps
T. Roastie bower
bitches love sticks
Big wallet, shit body
>Gets you a girl who wants to settle
Great body, small wallet
>Lets you smash anyone you meet
>Gets to smash the big wallet guy's wife while he's slaving away
lemme smash
post beak
*fluffes wings*
*crushes nut shell with peak*
*builds huge nests with man-made products as material/currency*
*Dies from pollution*
Ben is a hoe
top fucking kek
I laughed IRL
this is true i regularly fug married women and i'm poor as fuck lel
the trick is not even try to pretend to be wealthy
>this is what walletlets actually believe
I make 120k as a software engineer in New England.
Still a DYEL though.
You just need to not be fat, be shameless and have bants and adhere to at least average hygiene and grooming and you can easily get pussy. Especially when you get older women start to get more realistic and are happy with an entertaining guy who will give them some dick and drink beer on their couch.
The whole 'women only fuck ultrachad so I might as well not bother' is a meme made up by scared lads to feel better about staying in their caves.
Do you realize how much of a curse that is?
To have people interested not in you, but your assets? To second guess why anyone sticks around you every time?
120k is nothing. Hitting 6 figures is easy as fuck these days.
250k is minimum 'slightly wealthy'. But if you dont have millions in assets excluding your shitty mortgaged property you are not wealthy.
Lads, lets be honest here. How often does work/money come up when you are out at the bar with friends?
I'm an eurofag engineer making tons more than my friends around me but once we hit the booze and start having fun, nobody cares. I've never picked up women by bragging about money either. Is it different in the states?
Tbh, getting swole and improving my style/haircut has made tons more for me than trying to push my salary in convos.
Wrong setting.
Money matters when people are sober and working/day time activities. When someone is with X and they make diddle and you make double or triple and they learn that it changes how they view you.
Really depends on your occupation
Eurofag here as well, sales manager and I travel a lot which is always an interesting topic for the bitches. Plus once they know you go on important business trips in suits to foreign countries, they assume you're hot shit - even though all I really do is visit our already existing partners for smalltalk and tenders. Nothing I couldn't do via emails/over the phone.
Looks are still quite a lot more important to actually start the convo though, no girl wants to have her friends see her talking to that 'ugly loser', and 99% of what girls do is done to impress their girlfriends
Recently turned 18, I have no idea how to make money so I just go to the gym instead