SS vs SL vs GLSP vs Other

I recently got back into the lifting after a long break. Which routine is recommended these days? I see reddit recommends Phraks GLSP. Need your advice /fit

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If you aren’t hungry skel mode don’t do SS

if you can't bench 225 yet I would do phranks GLSP, its more balanced for aesthetics

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I am faaaar away from that.

ok what are your stats? 1 rm and 5 rm pls on bp ohp sq and dl

SS is SS
SL is worse SS
GSLP is much worse SS
that being said, a novice can do any of them and make decent gains

Doesn't fucking matter, just lifts weights and you'll be out of the noob zone in no time and can do a proper program.

I am very weak. Kinda ashamed to even post the numbers.

then start a basic hypertrophy program, something easy. think about a push-pull-legs routine 6 days a week with strength/hyper days (strength always in 5 reps range, don't do 3s yet, hyper in 10 reps range). Basic progression, add reps then, weight later. Basically try to achieve 8 reps on the last set of your strength set, and 12-14 on your hyper sets and THEN you add weight and go back to 5s and 10s and try to add and so on. Do it for 3 months at least, then check the gains. If you're progressing, keep doing it until you stop. Then come back here, post stats and we'll figure something out.

What does the third point mean? Double the increase?

if u hit 10 or more reps on amrap set increase upper/lower weights by 5lbs/10lbs instead of 2.5/5lbs

What do people think of dup? (daily undulating periodization)

Literally do SS and add whatever isolation you want, maybe rotate bench to be the first lift if your work capacity is so shit squats tire you out.
If you want to do MUH BARBELL ROWS do them after deadlifts and power cleans you won't overtrain.

This greyskull sublime text screencap is so cringe.

>power cleaning to warm up for deadlifts

what a fucking circlejerk thread
>6 days a week

>"What the hell is going on this thread?"

Attached: ohhimark.png (719x581, 91K)

SS is the baseline beginner program
all others, SL GSLP, are just ripoffs of this program


Attached: himark.png (719x581, 615K)

OP I was in a similar situation, I was super into lifting about 5-6 years ago and my hurt back then gradually got less interested and gained some weight barely hitting the gym with no routine and taking month breaks in between.

I'm focused on lifting again and wanted to reset with a beginner program to gain back higher numbers on all of my compound lifts but didn't want to do SS or SL etc because you are in the gym for 45 minutes and I really dont think it's that beneficial unless you are a extremely new skeleton. Right now I am about 5 weeks into Jason Blaha's Ice Cream Fitness 5x5. I know Blaha is a fat lying autist but his program is pretty legit. It's basically SS with a bunch of 3x8 acessory body building exercises.

I am making consistent strength gains I've added about 35 lbs to bench, 40lbs to squat, and 50lbs to deadlift and I've lost about 3lbs. Haven't counted calories but I am eating generally healthy large amounts of food. Noticed a pretty significant body recomp already. Workouts are about 1.5 hours each 3x a week so it's more taxing then SS or SL plus you get to do arm work etc. Main complaint about the program is its to difficult for noobies and can lead to injury but for someone who is getting back into lifting its perfect. It's designed like a noobie program with 3 times a week full body exercises but a significantly larger workload. I just felt like I wasn't getting a full workout in doing SS.


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Whoa dude it's like if you do a lift your muscle gets broken down and repaired bigger xD

It's like the more frequently you do a lift for a muscle the more it'll grow xD

crazy tho because it's like you can do whatever you want based on what muscles you want big

Fugg if only there were like 4 big exercises that trained most of your body that you could do as frequently as possible. /:

Fucking brainlet faggot


Attached: heheheymark.jpg (791x581, 67K)

does this unironically mean 3 exercises per day?


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You could do the Fierce 5 routine.

Or you could try this one.

I've been doing greyskull lp for about 4 months and noob gains have been good. But I'm stalling at 1.75pl8lmao and considering switching to pic related.

Attached: beginroutinegzclp.png (800x3700, 1.32M)

Yes sweetheart that's exactly what that image that is formatted in a way so braindead apes can understand it is saying.


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RIP ART BELL 1944-2018

Attached: iambecomesquatdestroyerofhamworlds.png (580x788, 136K)

This is what happens when nerds get involved.