To all the men struggling to accept their bodies in a world telling them there's only one way to be masculine, handsome and worthy: I see you. You're good enough. Exactly as you are.
Men can be soft. Men can have stretch marks. Men can have body image issues, too. Men are allowed to embrace themselves at any size or shape. Men deserve to feel handsome, or beautiful, confident and unashamed of their bodies. And men deserve to know, beyond all of that, that their worth doesn't depend on how they look. You really are so much more than just the outside.
Theres one thing, you can't develop a persona over your current condition - this is where you shouldn't try to kill youself because you are fat.
But the problem that people are taking now is that its OK to be like this. No, we should all be striving to be better than we were, but not regretting where we came from either.
Charles Ward
What are you, fucking gay ?
Daniel Bailey
kys faggot
Liam Collins
Good to see some positivity, but fat cunts need to stop being fat cunts.
Robert Sullivan
IMO you can be okay with your body but you should strive for fitness. You don't have to be ripped to be fit but that certainly isn't fit.
Blake King
>You're good enough. I dont want “good enough”.
Someone post the men vs women mountain top screenshot pls
Quran (7:80-84) - "...For ye practice your lusts on men in preference to women: ye are indeed a people transgressing beyond bounds.... And we rained down on them a shower (of brimstone)" - An account that is borrowed from the Biblical story of Sodom. Muslim scholars through the centuries have interpreted the "rain of stones" on the town as meaning that homosexuals should be stoned, since no other reason is given for the people's destruction. (Inexplicably, the story is also repeated in three other suras: 15:74, 27:58 and 29:40).
Grayson Walker
>good enough Enjoy your mediocrity you fucking loser
Benjamin Cooper
get fucked if you give up
you're not a man
Nicholas Russell
Faggot soyboy.
Hudson Jones
Lol, no you aren't faggot. Get moving fat cuck
Chase Green
i got stretchmarks actually on my right bicep you fucking dyel faggot
Charles Diaz
Fuck off I'm fat and I'm not stopping working on myself until I'm dead.
Thanks for the good vibes, but fuck off, you "good enough" faggot.
Noah Bell
The gayest fucking thing ive read all day
This pasta was written by a literal fag or a women.
Ian Cruz
Complacency is death.
Sebastian Hill
2 options
settle for your shitty self, that you yourself are not happy with but tell yourself its fine
actually make changes towards caring for your own body
i swear this whole "accept all your weaknesses except of working on them" attitude is whats killing modern society
Brody Wood
Men just need to not be pussies and learn to not get anxious over shit they can not control. So being fat is bad but id rather be friends with a fat guy who doesnt care than one who is tweaking out over it.
Michael Campbell
>Kill your ideal(s) nothing bad will come of it only happiness
We are much more then our exterior, I agree. But being a fat fuck and not doing anything about it says a lot about character. Good vibes are cool, but hindering someone's personal progress is trash tier, bottom of the barrel shit to do. You are the fabled gains goblin, user.
Austin Allen
Reminder that you should always try to be the best version of yourself possible and anyone telling you otherwise is either naive or trying to sabotage you.
>in a world telling them there's only one way to be masculine, handsome, and worthy Which autistic world do you fucking live in? Last I checked there are many forms of being "handsome" (none of which are fat). >You're good enough, exactly as you are. No one is good EXACTLY as they are. You can accept who you are and STILL want to improve yourself. Some might even say that if you really love yourself, then you'll strive to improve yourself. >Men are allowed to embrace themselves... Not if you're a fucking fatty and are not even able to physically hug yourself. >Men deserve to feel handsome Yes they do, so they should start working out and improving themselves so they will be handsome if they aren't already. >You are really so much more than just the outside. I agree, there's so much more than subcutaneous fat: there's visceral fat, fatty liver disease, and type 2 diabetes. All of which can be prevented, and hopefully fixed by diet and exercise.
There are fags, and there is OP. Fuck you OP, hope you choke on mediocre cock as well.
If you're friends with that fat guy make him do something about it, you fucking idiot.
I've been working out for more than 4-5 years and I've literally gotten 4/5 of my friends to join the gym and lose the extra weight they have and now they're all doing strength programs.
Nathaniel Moore
i cant get over this pic hahaha
Jacob Johnson
Fuck off, OP. I am a fat fuck of a man, but I am man enough to accept that I did this to myself and I can fix it myself. Take your crabs in a bucket somewhere else.
Fuck off, I'm obese and I won't look good but I might look decent in a few years. Fat shaming is also a good thing, it helps us fatties open our eyes and better ourselves and those who cry about it isn't worth listening too.
no, youre a fat sack of shit and we'd be better off without you
Ryan Thompson
Why does she make him sleep with leshaun?
Anthony Ortiz
You the person may be good, but your body is not if it has been neglected. You should still love your body but not accept it as ideal; that is why you should exercise and eat right. At the same time, you should not hate your body, but see and appreciate positive transformation.
Ayden Hernandez
fuck of
Liam King
Thanks OP I’m going to stop working out and restricting my eating now
Josiah Torres
i got stretch marks. they're experience marks to remember what i shouldn't do ever again. I'm ok with increasing amount of men sticking to mediocrity, dad bod, general gayness and stuff. Makes it easier for me as a beginner.
Bentley Wright
>but not regretting where we came from either. this Sometimes I find myself thinking fat aceptance is kinda agreeable, but it's only because they acknowledge that hating yourself is inherently bad In the sense of lifting and now feeling aceptable, but being anxious that nobody finds out you were fat, feeling shamed about your past That's the bad thing
They are still worng tho, They don't understand what beauty is, and how their movement will really affect beauty standards They have internalized being fat as something impossible to change, and are forced by their subconscious to see people that workout and put effort in improving as tryhard lying (they think it's only genetics that make them look good) bastards It's basic inevitable inferiority complex conflict Good people are a constant reminder that they are less worthy than them, so they act on it The problem is that this self-consciousness, which in moderation and well directed could lead them to a good life, is redirected to whining and moral highgrounding such us the pic in the OP
Michael Russell
To all the men struggling to improve themselves in a world where excellence and self-improvement is seen as virtue: I see you. Please stop, you are making me uncomfortable with myself because I strive for nothing. Please stop improving, and women please, lower your standards so we can all be ugly and continually worsen in health, confidence and energy togheter.
Men can be soft. Men can have stretch marks. Men can have body image issues, too. I know you all know this but here's the issue: I WANT to feel great even though I am a piece of shit with no self-discipline. I have no balls so I cant embrace themselves at any size or shape, I NEED YOU to change and help me change the entire world's view because I want to feel good while doing nothing. And men deserve to know, beyond all of that, that their worth doesn't depend on how they look. You really are so much more than just the outside. Except I know this is a complete lie and that the outside reflects your inner self. So PLEASE stop improving and lets ruin progress and standards of excellence everywhere so that we who refuse to improve can feel better. Thanks.
Your outside is a reflection of your inside fagot, especially if you're fat.
Andrew Ward
Apathy is death
Liam Young
>don't improve, because improving is hard, and accepting yourself feels better short term, even if that means constantly repressing the cold truth that your physique is unattractive
Jonathan Powell
I don't need your fucking acceptance and shit, I lost weight for me and me alone.
Josiah Cruz
This thread is true ONLY if you are trying to improve yourself.
Everyone can use improvement. Don't hate yourself for being imperfect, strive to be the best version of you.
Any other thinking is destructive and sadly I think the wrong way because I'm insecure from childhood issues.
Andrew Sanchez
If that's true why did I get no matches on tinder when I was fat, but get 2-3 a day now that I'm Jow Forums?
>Men deserve to feel handsome, or beautiful, confident and unashamed of their bodies
No, men deserve the opportunity to feel that way by developing into their best selves. Complacency is not only the death of the modern man, but the death of the society his predecessors spent all their time and effort creating. Sure, it's okay to have weak areas, and it's arguably okay not to be in peak performance mode physically, but to say that anybody should be content with their current position spits in the face of people who chose to do better by you in the past to afford you such a pathetic future. The last thing I would want to do with my life is go through it with the knowledge that generations of working and struggling were wasted on someone who took that for granted. When you commit to complacency, especially as a fat lard that couldn't exist only a couple decades ago, you're not only killing yourself, but the entire legacy that lead to you having the privilege of living such an easy life. If everybody thinks like this, the generation that follows will surely die in a pool of its own filth and decadence.
Blake Johnson
Worth has nothing to do with outcome.
You can feel however you want but don’t coerce me to participate in your reality.
Men can do and be all sorts of things, just don’t expect certain outcomes as a result.
“Men don’t need to feel assertive, dominant, in control any more.” - Emma Watson in a UN speech on feminism
“I only date American men, no more Brits. The American men are just so much more forward and British men are very reserved and timid.” - Emma Watson a month later in an interview for a magazine
Brayden Ross
Yes goyim, forget about self improvement. Just drink the koolaid and stop asking questions.
Not good enough to not die early due to obesity related disease.
Aaron Turner
Why are so many feminists like this? I know an extreme feminist who posts daily complaints about trump, men etc and meanwhile she's togheter with a guy who's active in the local right wing party and cracks sexist jokes, even WHILE she's there.
Is there some sort of weird stockholm syndrome shit going on?
Wyatt Rogers
Feminism is basically one giant shit-test where they want to see who will submit and who won't.
Joseph Myers
This is why we need more bullying in schools. And, honestly, out of school too.
Want to be seen as a lot of different things to attract men, be seen as respectable, and be the queen bitch of all of the women. They're also easily manipulated by group think created by falsehood pushed in media and academia by the feminist scourge + birth control has fucked up most women's natural hormones + women just being hormonal and no one telling them that this can affect how they think and act until it's convenient to get out of a jam.
What she says and who she actually is and how she acts are two very different things user.
Logan Martin
The problem is women decide who is "worthy" or "handsome". It doesn't matter how you feel. The reason this works for women is because men have almost no standards. Fat men will never be desirable unless maybe to weird fetish gays.
Jace Thomas
>You're good enough False.
Grayson Gonzalez
To ready him for when her strap-on arrives in the mail.
Ian Myers
Fuck off with this body acceptance bullshit and fuck the world for embracing it.
Jordan King
That's not a problem, that's just how things are.
Cameron Carter
Landon Perry
this user is right Slow improvement is fine as long as you always try to improve
Justin Moore
Accepting yourself is fine as long as it doesn't stop you from striving to be someone better.
Blake Collins
Its a problem if you think like the pic in OP. But yea that is indeed the way she goes.
Camden Morgan
Let them believe this shit. Less competition if these dopes are okay with being fat sacks for life.
Grayson Thomas
What the "fat acceptance" people believe is that everyone "deserves" to be "beautiful" even if they aren't. It's like saying manlets "deserve" to feel tall even if they are obviously not tall. Of course manlets can't really control their height outside maybe gaining a little through nutrition while they are still growing, or horrifying surgery to make them freaks with wacky proportions. Fat people actually have some control over how fat they are. Just because it's difficult doesn't mean they can't do anything about it.
Hudson Nguyen
I agree.
Brandon Torres
Why do soys like the guy in OP’s pic always have gfs? Is it a certain type of woman who wants a pathetic sack of lard who doesn’t shave his face?
Landon Harris
men should not be ok with their body if bf% is over 12
for women, whatever the equivalent is for them. like 22% or someshit cant remember
Jeremiah Rogers
>Gonna make it
Dominic Moore
Insecure women like men who are doormats and who stand little to no chance of replacing them, no matter how awful they get treated. Make yourself absolutely beta and a public spectacle and some girl will come to your rescue. You won't know she's a monster until later.
Chase Taylor
just a guess, but they can be "dating" as a way to virtue signal and make a statement about how they're "beautiful on the inside" and how superficial society is for only caring about looks those couples probably aren't fucking that often, and when they do, it's once-a-week, starfish, duty sex, because who wants to fuck soys?
Maybe they have good personalities or are fun to hang out with or something.
Christopher Morgan
"I don't blame people for their mistakes. But I do ask that they pay for them." John Hammond
People will do what they want, and receive their consequences when they come.
Hudson Reyes
Miss me with that gay shit
Aaron Butler
Fuck off. Good enough is a bitch state of being. There is always a higher mountain to climb and the people that don't like this declare that the valley they've camped out in is "their mountaintop".
No it's not ok. If you don't want to become a helpless nihilist who is never going to pass on their genes. You need to improve yourself and not be a fat complacent shithead.
All this acceptance bullshit is just people shielding themselves from criticism
Parker Sanchez
Weak willed bitch
Nathaniel Walker
I am that man in the picture. The one you're describing. And I say screw that noise. If I were pretty then I'd get women. If I were appreciated then I'd get respect. "Allowed" my ass. Like I need permission. Yes I can be however I like. But my current situation doesn't satisfy me and I refuse to settle for it. It is not okay to be soft and unhealthy, both physically and mentally.
If you want to be fat be a powerlifter and have people call you The ____ Bull
Austin Jackson
That's not the ideal body for men.
I'm realizing the ideal physique is probably 180 super lean (5 foot 9). Basically women want a twink with another 20-30lb of muscle.
Lower BF% is more important than the amount of muscle itself. They want the definition in the arms/shoulders/V-Taper.
Henry Green
Basically this. I mean I don't fraud, but most girls don't want a /fraud/ guy. Not because of the roids themselves, but the physique is too big and blocky for them.
Hunter Ross
Absolutely fuck you. I wasn't good enough as a 380lb communist neet, and I'm not good enough as a 220lb right wing authoritarian white collar wageslave. Betterment is the human condition, and denying yourself that is denying yourself humanity.
Henry Morgan
>This pasta was written by a literal fag or a women
Fags would never allow this level of self neglect. The homosexual community is the vanguard of the aesthetic ethos.