Why do people listen this guy again?
>can't even properly program for himself
>hey guys if you like this then come and watch me talk about it and help you out

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There's already an anti-Alan thread. S&R

happens to the best of us mate. I'm a personal trainer and I have lost track of my own training and nutrition in the past while focusing more on all of my clients. Even as a trainer sometimes you need an outside eye to help you get on track and to give you accountability.

>two minute intro for a vlog
what the fuck

>can't even properly program for himself
>identifies problems in his program and fixes them

This. It's amazing how Jow Forums will praise a fat slob like boogie for getting lyposuction but then anyone associated with Starting Strength gets criticized for the slightest imperfection.

This. Introspection isn't an easy thing.

I like Alan his videos can be informative and pretty entertaining. I don't get the hate.

Alan is amazing. He gives solid advice and his coaching is on point. Shredded he looks absolutely amazing. The fact that Jow Forums is praising boogie for plastic surgery is because 90% of Jow Forums right now are fat fucks who want to get AESTHETIC for summer after being 300lbs their whole lives. Alan is great, don't believe the hype. Also looking at your own programing is hard and it takes a great man to ask for a second opinion.

He didn't identify shit though, he stagnated for years until a sand nigger told him to deadlift more if he wanted his deadlift to go up instead of doing box jumps

He's great overall, but I don't like his diet advices, you can get needlessly too fat while bulking. AlphaDestiny is better in that sense.

It's Jow Forums dude. There could be a cure for cancer tomorrow and Jow Forums will hate it because it keeps black people alive or some shit. Or the jews invented it.

People laugh at him because it took hin 10+ years to make progress normal people can make in 3. Shit, I benched more than him when I was 20 and I was a curlbro back then. On top of that he looks like shit.

He's simply not qualified to give advice to anyone.

>Is imperfect, but learns from his mistakes and corrects them

>He's never allowed to give advice again

>t. OP

>hating on Alan
Never gonna make it.

>hate it because it keeps black people alive

A valid reason

>watching Manlet Destiny

>associated with Starting Strength
Was. It's quite funny how he completely "abandoned" his SSC credential not long after getting it. But then again, his YT channel is way bigger than Rip's and all of the other SSCs combined.

austin is as white as it gets lol.

>he’s not qualified to give advice

There is 0 credentials anyone needs to have before they can give advice.

Even if you knew more than him, which you don’t, nobody would seek out your advice. You’re a boring humorless cunt who finds validation in your life by giving a harsh review to a man whose far more accomplished and stronger than yourself.

Not watched more than 2 or 3 vids of his but in the ones I have watched he acknowledges that his form isn't perfect but advocates learning and practicing until you can get it right. Teachers/couches aren't meant to be perfect, they're meant to give you the tools and knowledge to try and reach perfection


Cant even say what the problems were without saying
>I think
He doesn't fucking know what was wrong with it. He had to be told what was wrong with it and still isn't sure

One of the first things you should learn when lifting

>too weak for the amount of time training
>too fat for all his of maxes
>beginner tier knowledge
His knowledge is mediocre at best and harmful at worst. His videos are way too long because he doesn't know what he's talking about

>can't tell sarcasm/jokes through text

>stalls on intermediate lifts for years
This is a valid reason to hate someone especially when he competes in powerlifting meets

>has to be told exactly how to program at the intermediate stage
>can't identify his own problems at the intermediate stage
>still gives out advice every inch of the way

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The only people I see taking Thrall seriously are weak faggots. So, congrats on your redditor level of weakness. You "made it", champ.

t. squats 225 for 5

>the jews invented it
You know damn well the Jews would keep it a secret from us goyim.

>y-you're just weak you wouldn't understand
>watches thralls 7+ videos on how to do a squat

so you admit being weak

>can't read
Lol I don't admit to anything. Are you same poster that can't read sarcasm?

kek the funny thing is my mum actually believes that pharma companies are holding big cures like cancer back because they can charge money for sub-par treatment. Bit out there but scarier conspiracies have turned out to be true so...


*blocks your path*

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(((they))) are being more and more open about it every day.

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he's iraki

What? Is there some rift between him and the SSC community?

That's been a known thing for over a goddamned century.
Fucking writers and poets from hundreds of years ago wrote of this very same thing.
Every other childrens' show from when I was a kid had stories about this kind of thing.

You'd have to either be a massive MASSIVE shill are absolutely fucking RETARDED to not know that they'd sell a vaccine and a drug that will make the symptoms worse and even create symptoms but not the cure.
Hell they'll spend more money then god discrediting an actual fucking cure. Espescially if it's cheap or worse free.

Like how arthritis can be fixed with a small bit of bromide.

t. Alan

He's not stronger than me. I just benched 375lbs for 2 reps at a 205 bw while on a calorie deficit. When that fat bum gets near those numbers call me.