GOAT vegan bodybuilding breakfast

tofu scramble with beans

>protein for muscle gains
>soy for hair gains
>nutritious as fuark
>tasty as fuark

add this to your meal plan Jow Forums


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>inb4 people here come defending their eating habits till death.

You can be fit and be vegan, you be fit and also eat meat. Shut up.

Oh my god that looks delicious. Thanks user.

np brah

Not bad but I'd swap the tofu for eggs

Fuck v*gans

tip elsewhere plz


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I want to cut out meat but beef is £3 /kg. what vegan foods can compete with that economically???

Beans and brown rice.
Pea Protein powders.
Seitan if you make it yourself.

these are all so low calorie tho

as a vegan you get to carb up on fruits. I eat at least 6 bananas a day. As long as you hit your protein goals, and make sure you hit you micros, you can eat a ton of great high calorie stuff. Like peanut butter.

I actually don't like soft tofu/scrambled tfu. the texture is just off and just doesnt taste that good.
would probably replicate with eggs instead

tofu and beans trigger my ibs like crazy
cant be vegan :(

Go to an Indian shop and buy a 5kg bag of soya chunks for like 10 euros. Cheapest protein source you'll ever find

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Strange. Usually tofu isn't a problem for people. All of the fiber is missing. Beans I totally get, but most recent treatments treat IBS like an allergy where the treatment is to slowly add more and more fiber to your diet until you're able to eat normally.

Yeah tofu blows, it's the chicken breast of the vegan world. I can't understand why it's so popular.

how dare you say that about tofu

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because it has a badass nutritional profile, and will absorb the flavors of anything around it. If you don't like it, it's probably because you don't like the texture, or you haven't learned how to flavor it properly.

The former is fixed by buying extra firm and squeezing the water out of it. The latter with spices or stock.

>badass nutritional profile
honestly I'd much rather have the carbs. i can cook quite well, and making stock from dried beans has so much more flavor and way less effort than squeezing the water out of tofu and marinating it.

Not vegan and I'd add eggs but it looks delicious.

It takes about a minute to squeeze the water out. And it turns it into a sponge, no need for a long marinade. Just add some stock while you cook it.

soy just no and beans make me want to vomit I can't digest that shit and both of these don't taste good either

How do i get Tofu cubes that don't fall apart when fried? It's like they just melt everytime i try. I've tried drying them before hand, but they basicly fell apart as soon as i got them out of the carton they came in, so i could dry them with a towel.

depends where you live. In the US, Nasoya now sells a super firm tofu that comes package with no water. It will absolutely not fall apart.

you have to add all that shit just to make tofu tasty, you only need salt n' pepa 4 meat
does this confirm? vegans BTFO

ikr, meat eaters are louder and more stupid than most vegans.

>brown rice

It's to create a complete amino chain, dumbass.

you can do that without cuck-tier rice, cancer. eat healthy person rice.

Live in DK, but i'll try looking for firm tofu i guess.

>not oatmeal with flax meal
>not berries

Never going to make it eating processed bullshit.

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chock full of phytoestrogens. Enjoy your man tits and shit sperm count

tfw vegans have been tested to have higher test than their meat eating counterparts.

You can just say meat tastes good. I'll respect you more than if you just repeat Jow Forums memes.


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Beans and white rice already do this. The only valuable AA low in white rice is Lysine which beans have in high quantities.

Also the bran of brown rice is highly anti-androgenic but I figure with the rest of the shit you put in your recipe, you either don't care about this or you're trying to jew some anons. Brown rice is also high in lead and arsenic.

Dude, stop, that meme is dead.

Chicken breast is great, you just don't know how to cook. I don't trust soy anything.

>lacto vegetarian
Nice proof dumbass, dairy literally kills testosterone.

>After the intake of cow milk, serum estrone (E1) and progesterone concentrations significantly increased, and serum luteinizing hormone, follicle-stimulating hormone and testosterone significantly decreased in men.

nope, soy objectively and scientifically contains phytoestrogens, it is you cult members who deny deny deny and claim otherwise. All studies done on this topic do conclude that soy in all forms has phytoestrogens in it, but you ignore them because you are a CULT member - wake up, bro. Your discord is poisoning you with vegan propaganda, and furthermore directing you to waste your time shilling on Jow Forums.

all other studies done on the matter conclude the same regardless of milk intake. Furthermore vegans are deficient in tons of key minerals and nutrients. Vitamins A, F, K2 come to mind, as well as creatine, creatinine, l-leucine, to some extent vitamin D, considering you dont eat eggs or fish either that could be a problem

also fatty acids
but I'm sure you'll cherry pick one of the above and say 'oh, no, look, here's this peruvian root powder I eat that gives me all I need of it'
hilarious considering that in almost the same breath you'll call your diet 'natural' despite the fact it's anything but, you have to eat dry powders of shit you would never find in your natural habitat...

if you raised your own chickens in a nice open area way, would you eat their eggs or is that still abuse in your eyes?

Soy acts as a serm, those "phytroestrogens" are weaker than mammal estrogen, so they bind to the estrogen receptors... so it's beneficial .
That's why they give soy diets to breast cancer patients .

completely changed your argument from 'it's not true/irrelevant' to 'it's true but here's why it's good for you'

how about you fuck off with your hormone changing bullshit. I will not eat it and I'm going to go out and buy bacon, steaks, eggs etc and eat it all in honour of you. Think of me faggot

Vitamins A, F, K2 come to mind, as well as creatine, creatinine, l-leucine, to some extent vitamin D

All of these are fairly easy except creatine which everyone on this board supplements anyways, and K2 which can be gotten from Natto. EPA is easily converted from DHA which can be gotten from algae, or an algae supplement.

Much like an omnivore diet, you still have to make sure you monitor your micros and eat accordingly. I agree, that too many vegans are deficient, but it's through stupidity, not lack of available foods.

>everyone on this board supplements anyways
those creatine supplements are extracted from animals. not vegan.

a thing you would never have found in your natural environment which I assume is north americas or europe. Your diet is completely unnatural and reliant on imports from a culture and nation utterly distinct from yours

without global capitalism you'd be fucked. how can you claim your diet is logical, natural etc when this is the case?

Also, A, F, D and K2 aren't that easy. When you get these from veggies, they aren't as bioavailable. D there aint jack shit at all in vegan foods.
Inb4 foritfied foods meme. Completely unnatural chemical shit, wow nice natural healthy diet you got going there where capitalism has to chemically inject shit into your food before you can eat it.

I didn't change the argument i only told that it doesn't increases estrogen, dont bullshit science because you need confort from not eating soy and eating beef.
btw, you can eat what ever you can, just don't bs science.

Appealing to nature doesn't make your arguement less retarded, it does the opposite

>those creatine supplements are extracted from animals. not vegan.

There are a ton of vegan creatines. Most creatine is in fact vegan. It's from synthesized sarcosine.

There is no whole food source of vegan creatine. Agreed. we have to supplement it.

I agree. on your argument. Technology enables my decision. The same as it allows me to do many things in my life. Like reply to your shitty arguments.

I don't expect someone struggling for calories on a remote island to be vegan. That's not my situation. I'm a first worlder with easy access to everything I need to be vegan. So I opt to make the more environmentally friendly, and ethical choice.

Your appeal to nature is retarded. Are you going to make an ancestral argument next? Because I'm pretty sure grug wasn't hitting the supermarket for his butter.

Then veganism is retarded because you faggot appeal to nature all the time

At least you are sensible about it but you should just eat meat instead of doing a bunch of bullshit not to eat meat. Just kys if you dont want to consume, lad, we are hungry omnivores who are designed to eat a bit of everything often.

Grug didn't get butter from the supermarket but he would have if he could, Im very grateful for technological advances dont get me wrong but I dont think grug would start drinking soy lattes, instead he would be in the meat aisle getting all the highest calories shit possible.

Looks really good, might have to make some tomorrow morning if I have tofu at home

No they don't, you only posted studies on vegetarians while vegan studies actually found higher testosterone.

Of course if you stop eating meat and are vegetarian you're going to dramatically increase your dairy intake to compensate for the lack of proteins.

> Not being caught on the fact that veganism makes you insane

There is a reason we go after meat user.

I do the extra bullshit to avoid meat because I care more about the environment than convenience. It's a choice I made for my values. It is however a scientifically proven healthy diet if you can be intelligent about it. I watch the studies. I read constantly about what I put into my body.

I also realize that I'm in a minority on that. Most vegans do it for the cuddly animals and pay little to no attention to their diets, relying on mom-science for all of their answers.

However, with proper supplementation for everything but my K2, which I get from easy to produce homemade natto, I'm hitting every micro.

Natto btw is like yogurt. You just add more material to an existing culture, and ferment it. Very simple to make, and you can get the starter for next to nothing if starting from scratch.


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Leafy greens are super high in Vitamin K, why do you need to supplement or ferment some fucking soy. Eat baby bok choys.

because K and K2 are different. And much like ALA to DHA, Human conversion rates vary my genetic capacity, but are consistently low. I love my leafy greens, but natto is a nice protein rich food that supplements something not easily found in vegan diets. I also enjoy the taste, and the texture is something not found in any other food I eat.

>good for the environment
Lmao you can't even eat local as a vegan? All of your food is imported which burns so much fuel. There's studies that show that pasture farming has a positive CO2 emission in comparison to modern crop farming.
And scientifically proven by who? I can link you to over 30 peer reviewed articles on how unhealthy veganism is. You can't possible claim that a diet lacking over 50 nutrients is healthy.

Sigh. Okay, here we go. yes pasture farming is better than crop farming for CO2. However, requiring less farmland and pasture land is even better, as it allows for the planting or preservation of trees, which both trap CO2 and produce more oxygen per acre than either.

I have a garden and eat local as much as possible. My soybeans I ferment and make most of my tofu with come from the local grain elevator. It's cheaper that way. Your meat is also shipped all over the country. So that argument is somewhat moot. But I still do whatever I can.

I can also link many articles supporting veganism. That's how decision making works. We read the articles, we look at who funded them, the methods of testing, whether it was peer reviewed, and whether or not there are backing studies and we come to a decision.

I've found enough evidence that I can be a healthy vegan to support my choice. If I ever find that I am feeling unhealthy, I will identify what is causing it, and supplement the minimum amount of animal product I need to correct it.

This is the rational way to behave. If you aren't going to go fully vegan, I respect that. It's not an easy thing to do in a healthy manner. I put hours of effort into feeding myself the best way possible every week. However, reducing meat intake is good all around, and the vast majority of peer reviewed studies will back that up, even if they suggest some amount of meat and dairy is beneficial.

>All of your food is imported which burns so much fuel

Cows need to be moved with trucks
Once killed they need to be moved with refrigerated trucks
Once in the meat store they need more refrigeration
In your house it's the same
You need can 9 times more calories getting from the plant itself that feeding a giant mammal

Go on with your mental gymnastics retard.

>I can't drive 20 minutes to a farm and buy a pastured cow all year long
Why do guys always assume it's impossible to be a concious meat eater?

"i only eat grass feed"
"i only eat organic"

every meat eater on the internet lmao.

>implying that more than a small percentage of people do this, and the vast majority of animals aren't feeding into a massive industry with all of the transportation issues associated with it.

>implying you aren't LARPing right now.

>OP is literally baiting by posting a vegan recipe on an anti-vegan board

Why would I be larping? It's not that impressive to just drive to a farm abe but food. And yeah I realize most people don't do this but I can only worry about my decisions.

And all their uncles are dairy farmers

mostly because in the US at least, it is illegal for a farmer to slaughter on site for sale. The animal must be slaughtered in an FDA approved facility. I assume it is similar in most countries. So even if you're buying directly from the farmer, he likely transported the animal somewhere to be processed anyways.

lentils. i pay 5 euro for 2k. and thats in norway, were everything is expensive.

I make brown rice, lentils and add various veggies and sauce. its so fucking protein rich and good. not to mention you get a shit ton of complex carbs, vitamins minerals and fiber.

brown rice and beans are 350 ish. its a good amount of calories.

Just like how every person has big dick on the internet. Only people with big dicks respond to dick measure threads

Just like how people who actually support local farmers will respond and not people like me who literal don't give a fuck about factory farming. Stupid ass fucking vegans.

I want to ____ those hands

"dick measure threads" are and ego thing, we're talking about facts, and you got rekt .

>autistic confirmation bias with shitty plant based funded studies which don't take into account processed sugar consumption


yeah no thanks ill kep eating meat.

Protip to anyone considering this totally counterintuitive diet

Eat ONLY animal products (ex. butter, meat, organs) and FAST a few days a week. it's what we're meant to do, and animal fat LITERALLY evolved our brains.


Yes, but you can't THRIVE without it.

Shit thread BTFO'd. Feel free to copy paste this into any vegan threads.

Watch this before embarrassing yourself with childish retorts.


>Vitamin F

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Sad that people still fall for this. Follow what said.

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seems tasty

Who goes vegan for taste wut it’s a health and ethics thing

I couldn't imagine being this much of a brainlet. The dude just said "stop with the memes" and you went full autismo. Please, post your body and any test scores you have on hand

Post more vegan bulking recipes, boys

Never got this picture. Be a fucking coward who surrenders whilst in full dress uniform? What's good about that?

>not training your body to build up an immunity to arsenic poisoning

Total test != Free test. You're correct, but misusing and abusing the information.

my test was 750nbol after a night of furious beating off, stress and no sleep to purposefully lower my score as much as possible

I don't understand this there's plenty of open range farms that sell eggs locally or in markets and vegtards cry about factory farming. Just don't buy from factory farms? The farm across my street sells eggs by the carton twice a week and the eggs are massive, dark yolk eggs that are literally a godsend

You can't get EPA from algae retard. ALA is in algae and requires 3 reactions to turn into EPA and a further 4 reactions to become DHA. Conversion rate is approx 6% from ALA to EPA and less than 4% from EPA to DHA, meaning you need to take a shitload of ALA to even come close to normal levels and thats provided you're not fucking your body with too much omega 6. "easily" my ass, just another vegan cope

yas salads until I die you go girl

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look here you fucking retards
inb4 this table of stats was funded by the meat industry

>you can't get EPA/DHA from algae


pls educate yourself retard

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>it's hard to get enough ALA


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>extremely processed biomedical supplement
yes processed you can, algae naturally you cant. It's taking the reactions that would happen in your stomach and super concentrating a shitload of algae just to cope instead of eating fish once a week. Please educate yourself retard
being so stupid you dont even know what ALA is, vegan cope for days

DHA and EPA build up in fish flesh from eating algae, it is the original source


educate yourself

>hurrrr omega 3 conversions done through bodily process is the same as test tubes
keep buying your supplements to cope with your incomplete diet, goyim

you truly are retarded

>Calling that guy a goy when jews eat their kosher shit meat daily and participate in animal sacrifice


>mommy i cant feed myself
>its okay son just take these pills and you'll feel better
just as bad as amerifats talking about thyroid conditions

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Lol at you fiberlets

Enjoy your diverticulitis.

> be vegetarian who eats some poultry
> enjoy most foods while maintaining optimal health


Looks ok but like other anons replace the yellow styrofoam looking stuff with eggs then add sausage.

I'm not a vegan, but a lot of my meals is mostly non-meat. I only eat one meat meal a day, and that's chicken. I try to avoid red meat, but sometimes i eat it. I feel a lot better when i minimize my meat intake, but I'm having a problem getting eating enough food, so a chicken breast a day helps me a lot. I consume milk and whey protein tho, maybe later i will switch to pea protein and minimize my dairy intake.

>he doesnt take dave palumbos testolize(tm) which inhibits the negative shit from estrogen, dht and prolactin
>he doesnt eat soy now that it purely functions as a super saiyan power up for your hairs thickness and health

soybean dishes are also tasty af

>supplements are bad

get a vegan blend with BCAAs so it's just as anabolic as whey

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