Gentle reminder to train your neck

Gentle reminder to train your neck

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go stand in front of a mirror and do this pose and tell me what happens to your neck

He probably thinks that dude has no traps too

And when he'll see him flexing his traps he'll talk about his lack of lats

What kind of optical illusion is this? I can't tell if he's tall or a manlet

That guy is an english teacher who went to japan, that door frame is about 5'11

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fucking nu-Jow Forums doesn't know about this type of thing because they don't have anything to flex

the absolute state of gymcels, the guy looks like a bad joke

>that face
lol thank god i'm not white
you just can't help but look like a pussy

>that copy of myofacial manipulation in the back
never change

>one White guy
>omg Whites look weak

Get out more, shitskin.

this guy should have reduced his lat workouts by 50% and instead invested the time in arms and core. looks borderline retarded with lats that big.

What a fucking gymcel lmao, this pussy probably calls himself "fit". Fit for what nigga s m h

Looking good but need to bulk out some

What the fuck are you talking about? The illusion is shown from his small waist and v taper. His lats are completely normal

he looks retarded

This comment confirms how DYEL you are. Did I forget to mention how he’s spreading and tensing his body? This board is a joke

>Posing specifically for lats
>His lats look too big
>He looks retarded

Are you a fucking shit monger you stupid fuck? If he was standing normally he'd look perfectly fine, he's flaring on purpose. Do you lift and know anything about posing?

>thank god I'm not white
top kek

Post body

And how do I train my neck?

Go ask Jow Forums for the best brand of kneepads.

Someone with skills photoshop thicc neck on this guy for compression.

Can someone tell me how the fuck people get serratus like that? When I flex my lats and put my fingers in that area there is literally only the ribcage, not even a little bit of muscle. Do they target it directly or does it come with the years of pressing?

>And how do I train my neck?
you dont, you train your traps.

high(ish) rep upright kettlebell rows are your friend here.

>And how do I train my neck?

Attached: DPJaBXi.jpg (800x1143, 175K)

Yet white people have conquered literally everyone. Try harder, faggot.

halo effect
someone had to take over the world
it could easily have been other races


These fitness mangas really are the cringiest shit on Jow Forums

It's not even the cringiest shit in this thread.

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