
Plastic Love edition


Attached: britfeel may.jpg (3877x2823, 1.8M)

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Good morning boys, how are you all?

I'm alright lad and you?

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I'm pretty good this morning, just finished an iced coffee

lmao at this lad


Nowt worth stealing desu, plus manager knows I'm on alone.

2nd time posting this cos old thread died and I didn't notice

was gonna make a coffee but cant really be bothered to get up

I'm doing alright lad. Went to a gig last night and booked today of work. Chilling in my comfy bed right now.

jesus fucking christ she looks terrified

I've woken up at 6:30 2 days in a row and have another 2 days of it. Dumbfuck that I am I said I'd do Saturday and Sunday shifts on a bank holiday weekend.