Be on the 5th day of nofap and no porn

>be on the 5th day of nofap and no porn
>want to fuck every woman on sight, even the chubbers

When will this horror end?

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Rape them

that only happens because you think of masturbating as a forbidden fruit, and that probably explains why you're so horny or whatever. just occupy yourself and have a fap here and there, nofap is a meme and only do no porn, don't be one of those faggots who blame porn as the root cause of their woes, and actually deal with shit that needs sorting out.

my god, you just converted me
I hereby renounce nofap

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Stay strong brah!!

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started nofap last thursday, first 3 days were pretty hard but now I have like 0 urge to masturbate or have sex.
Did nofap turn me beta?

just dont fap every second day, do that for two weeks then every third day for two weeks

but really just keep yourself busy. acknowledge the thought that you are aroused and move the fuck on with your day

>being ruled by your body not by your mind

>being a mexican

This happened to me. Suddenly a girl in a tank top with exposed upper arms got me turned on. Seeing the freckles on her back drove me nuts. It was honestly like being a 12 year old again. Once you hit day 31 itll calm down. Only nut in/on girls, never by yourself.

nofap is a MEME, I tried it and ended up fucking a fatty 6 days in and caught a UTI

>I failed at nofap
>therfore, nofap is a meme

yep see you get it

who said anything about letting masturbation or any other thing for that matter take over your life and dictate how you live it? What I said is that OP should stop making a big fuss about jacking off and should deal with real problems instead of falling for freaking memes.

I fap to this desu

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Can we extend her neck even further?

That's how the no fap crow sees it.

my first week I'm super horny and more aggressive. After I'm barely horny at all and a little beta (not more than usual though) but I have almost no urge to talk to girls which was the point of nofap. I do however like the self discipline of it so I aint nuttin yet

Never, this is the life of a man.

I was actually jsut going for /noporn/ but this automatically caused /nofap/ for the first few days and now I don't have an urge at all

I wonder if no fap leads to higher rates of prostate cancer?

Oppsite actually.
Excessive masturbation, or worse EDGING, actually leads to an enlarged and inflamed prostate later in life.

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This, make something useful of your day and you won't feel like jacking off 5 times a day

That's why I'm here

Good point

youre returning to your natural animal instincts. deal with it or be gay

This. When I'm sat in front of my PC all day the urge to fap is strong, whereas when I'm out or doing something it's non existent.

Fap every so often though, once or twice a week at most. Just cut that disgusting Jewish pornography out of your life.

There's always at least one shill in all the nofap threads
Tell Mr. Soros to fuck off and keep his herd of kikes on Jow Forums