How do you use a rope to kill yourself if you have nothing to hang from?

I'm currently walking around my house with a noose around my neck and I can't find anything I could use to hang myself from. I need some creativity, but web results for this sort of search are omitted. Mind you that I'm using a PVC jumprope. If I can't hang, then I need help coming up with methods to asphyxiate with this rope.

Please don't be don't do it fags. I've already made up my mind.
Pic unrelated.

Attached: gisele.jpg (620x778, 102K)

Do you live near a lake?

no. I live in a big city. The only place I'm sure to die is in my apartment. Anywhere else, people might save me.

I'm still gonna tell you not to do it bc i dont yet believe in becoming an hero, but, does your apartment not have a ceiling fan?

Well surely you can find a swimming pool. Do you have a pair of handcuffs?

user i dont know how to tell you this but you can still stay buoyant while handcuffed for quite a long time

a swimming pool? I live in the equivalent of NYC. There are no houses with swimming pools and the few houses there are are surrounded by brick walls and electric fences. The only pool I can think of is a public one and those are not open or full during autumn/winter (where I am that's the season). You can't even have pepper spray in this country if you are not a cop, let alone handcuffs haha I don't have handcuffs.

Nope. No ceiling fan. All I have to work with are doors, furniture and closets.

also have roomates, so I need to keep the suicide restricted to my bedroom.

Oh, well you're not supposed to do it in winter time anyways. Scope out the public pool sometime though. If there's something to handcuff yourself to at the bottom you're fucked.

No, you handcuff yourself to something.