With dad going places

>With dad going places
>"Table for 1?"
>"And who is he?"
>"Oh that's your dad?"
Being mulatto sucks, man.

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Die, shitskin
Die now

Feels bad robot, amirite?

I don't wanna.

Fuck off. If you have racial purity you cannot be a robot

I feel bad for mixed race kids.

You know its fucked up for them when the mainstream media has to try and make it seem like it's so special and amazing to be one.

Getting the tranny/retard treatment.

Unironically how do you live knowing you're a mutt that belongs to no culture and you'll just taint whatever genetics you manage to pass on? It sounds like it fucking sucks being born into that, I'd probably kill myself out of shame

I don't understand your post.
Why table for one if there are 2 of you? Why someone asks who is your dad? Why are they surprised?

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OP's dad probably looks nothing like him (completely different skin tone+facial structure) so the waiter was taken by surprise.

>mfw im a shitskin brazillian mutt
>mfw my family genes are made for a way id go fat one way or another
>mfw i got addicted to anime at 16, in 2011,and thus evolving to become a lonely,disgusting looking weeb
>mfw i was condemned from birth to be a ugly bastard

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