2 hr exercise per day

>2 hr exercise per day
>1200 calorie deficit
>30 days
>weigh in higher than before

You liars. Everything you said was a lie. TDEE my ass. Calories in calories out my ass. Fat genetics is a lie my ass. Fuck your son of birch bastird, if I ever see you on the street I will kick your ass

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You should stop lying, at least to yourself.

*smacks lips*

bet you don't have a food scale, bet you don't know what 8 ounces of chicken looks like, bet your portions are out of control, bet your concept of a spoonful of peanut butter is way off

>1200 calorie deficit
This was incorrect

OP is an idiot!

> 1200cal deficit
> no weight loss

Well then its clearly not a deficit then, is it

>I will kick your ass
try catching me first fatso

>2 hr exercise a day
>1200 calorie deficit
putting way too much stress on the body there, it's storing all the nutriets while breaking down organs and muscle cells

No dummy he’s just eating too much

tdee goes way down on calorie restriction
only the twinks on this board advice to restrict calories
if you want to lose weight you have to stop eating
yes it is that simple


Duh, any fat person would tell you this. You think we're joking about our own experience? The body adjusts against us. Thin people do not have this problem and assume we're making it up. I worked out for a full year at a deficit and didn't lose one pound.

Let me guess, you used a TDEE calculator and took 1200 calories from it.

Those things are wildly inaccurate and are useful only to find an approximate starting point from which to empirically determine your TDEE. The body is a highly complicated machine which is at the mercy of all kinds of hormones, regulations and metabolic processes, and many factors go into determining how it distributes the energy it is provided with. The only way to know where you're at in terms of your calorie needs is to verify it by trial and error - thankfully for you, you have just determined that however many calories you're currently eating is above your maintenance. Step 1 complete, now reduce calories by 1000 and see how that goes.

worked for me fatass :^)

> You think we're joking about our own experience?

Not joking, just lying. You are addicts. You shovel food into your mouths blindly that you fail to report.

Because you eat too much you delusional cunt

Yeah I was at 2800cal. The TDEE said 4k. BMR * 1.7 for strenuous exercise 5 days a week

If I Locked you in a room for 90 days and fed you 1000 calories a day through a slot in the door you would lose weight.

>user wins Nobel prices in biology and physics by defying thermodynamics through his sheer will

Nice try, Lucifer.

I don't know about that, user. You'd have to account for his habit of cum guzzling.

That article is only useful to people who are trying to recomp a few pounds, and it's barely useful for them. The tone of the whole thing was very misleading as well. The author screamed DONT CUT CALORIES AND EXERCISE TO LOSE WEIGHT, IT'LL MAKE YOU FATTER! Through 80% of the article. He also made the claim that overeating is rarely the cause of excess bodyfat, along with other claims that contradict everything I've learned about biology and physics (with no sources listed for these claims).

Then, at the end, he says to cut calories a little bit, eat nutritious foods. Then, slowly work your way up to maintenance calories when you're done, which is basically correct. But also contradicts everything else he wrote in the article. This was not a quality read, and I regularly get better advice from Jow Forums and the MFP momscience blogs.

That's way too high. Set it at sedentary. "Strenuous" exercise for a fatty is acutually more like light exercise for the general population of fitness minded folks. You are not burning as many calories as you think. I would recommend eating 1500-2000 calories a day and see how that works. I started at 350 pounds, and ate 1200-1500 calories a day for ~9 months and lost 112 pounds. Then, maintained for a few months to let my body have a break. I gained 12 pounds back rather quickly, then stayed at a steady 250 for the remainder of the maintenance period. Now, I'm back on the 1200-1500 calories a day for a while, and losing quickly again.

>that guy who lies to himself about calorie intake

Ya I might lie to other people about things like adding 5-10 lbs on my bench press but deep down I know that I'm a weak cunt

>exercises 2 WHOLE HOURS a day
>probably spends the rest of the time on the computer
>dumbfuck thinks he's burning 4000 calories a day

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Enjoy your shitty metabolism

wrong, OP is just lying to himself and everyone here

Lol shut the fuck up with that hoescience

>Metabolic damage
What a shit article

>1000 calories a day through a slot in the door you would lose weight
You're not going to worry about where the weight is coming off from? How do you think you prevent muscle loss during fat loss?
Basically means that don't go TOO low on calories, little bit of caloric deficit is ok. You need calories because it creates muscle, and having muscle creates healthy metabolism that burns fat more efficiently.


Gallon of Water a Day
Salad between each of your 3 meals
Breakfast should be big
Lunch/Brunch should be mid
Dinner should be small
Do cardio after every meal for 20 minutes, anything faster than walking speed
Do butt lifts and planks for 15 secs every hour, increase by 5 secs everyday
Do lots of reps, even at low weight to get the motion in

Also maybe stop sitting on your ass in general, how you train yourself mentally affects how your body plans for your actions.

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You have no muscle fatty
Also since you’re locked in a room you can do body weight exercises

>satan reaching this hard

Jesus spoke the truth

Sound like you have no clue.

Lmao shut the fuck up you manatee. You are fucking pathetic. Quit making excuses.

Not really. OP crashed his metabolism and only dumbos like you are surprised. A Nobel for crashing metabolism? From what planet are you?

Don't be so upset about your lack of understanding about nutrition

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Assuming you didn't somehow get swole af in that month:
Recalculate your resting metabolic rate and do so every week. No cheating.
Recalculate the the calories you burn doing your exercise and do so every week. No cheating.
Weigh your food and count every calorie. Drinks and snacks, too. No cheating.

If you still don't loose weight while breathing out co2 you have pmm, meaning your body is a perpetual motion machine.
If you breath out o2 try to avoid the sun.

Were you starting from 6000 calories?

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