ITT your most alpha trait

ITT your most alpha trait

not giving a fuck about how I smell

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That’s the opposite of ‘alpha’

being 6'5"
Usually more than enough

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I buy a 16oz diet sip and a 8.4oz red bull and put them at the front of the top shelf in my fridge. Everytime I open it I chuckle to myself and say “mogged” under my breath.

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cool thread bro

I don't get nervous

I have enough money to never work again so I can walk away from any person, location, job, or situation without consequence



My most alpha trait is that I rollerblade often.

I bake.

So you think walking around smelling like a man's stale shit encrusted anus is alpha?

Absolutely not.

I have turned like 3 people at my office from degeneracy to traditionalism.

Not a easy task in Sweden

Having 5:1 dick to ball ratio

>Most alpha trait

I Drive.

Sometimes, when my wife is at work I come home early and wear her clothes. Started thinking that she's losing weight because they get stretched out when I wear them.

>your most alpha trait
I get Dubs.

best one so far

This guy sucks

very vivid, user

> 6'4" with a 7.5" dick

I'm a pretty chill guy

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you're just a beta singles guy

I shit with the stall door open in public and I just stare people in the eye when they see me.

That's the joke

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keep up the good work user

>making 60k per year as an engineer

>"we should revert back to our traditional Nordic ways"

>"uh, yeah, ok, user. Sounds good"

Do you even want to know what these people say about you when you're not in the room?

>>making 60k per year as an engineer
I hope you are fresh out of school because those are shit numbers lad.

Normies fear my very presence

Im fresh out of school making 60k and absolutely murdering it out here. I asked for a promotion at around the 7 month mark and they said I definitely deserve one but they can't do it right now.

Wat do

I hope your job is rewarding while you're there, not just at the end of the month.

Regardless I'd say ask again, if its no start looking for other, better jobs. When you've find one ask for a promotion/raise again, if they can't do it then quit.

I feel very little physical pain

thats fucking disgusting, I have to deal with people like you daily. Go back to india you fuck.

I can say the worst things to people and not give a single fuck about how they feel. Thanks internet.

unironically wearing a well-kept moustache

>Blade a lot in middle and high school
>Haven't done much since then (7-8 years)
>Gf and all her friends get into it
>go after they do it a few months reluctantly
>get the shitty rental inlines
>This is pretty fun
>Why did I stop
>Hamplanet cuts perpendicular across the rink in front of me
>No time to stop
>Try to sharp correct and grab her arms to try to cut force with centripetal spin so I don't fucking atomizer her
>Ham planet has clearly never skated before, try to hold weight, skates slide from under me, and we go down
>Fall directly on my tail bone with her on top of me
>Pain shoots up through tailbone, lower back into mid back
>Her lanklet bf helps her up
>Have to accept help up too because my legs don't want to bend at the hip from tailbone pain
Should have just checked her. Tailbone still hurts sometimes two weeks later now.

people with asbergers and autism will go days or weeks without bathing or stop bathing entirely. its not because they forget to, its because they feel like it is unecessary. the autistic guy at work smells like onions 24/7

I am a very spiritual person with no children and therefore am not affraid of death. Nothing bothers me

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being 6'4 with a pretty big dick, not too big, but big enough that girls compliment it.

Feels good man

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Cutting ties and burning bridges just as quickly as I started them.

I'm not sure I'm doing this right anymore.

Horrible story user, get well soon. Fatties should be banned from going outside.

Thank you user. When it doesn't hurt to put pressure on my tailbone my first deadlift will be for you.

t. autist

My little bro has literal autism but is mega scrupulous about his hygiene. Skin, hair, everything, every day. Thank god.

fucking beta faggots always think this shit is alpha.

i rememeber i once saw a thread about the "most alpha thing you've ever done" and the top response was this faggot boasting about how he kicked the shit out of someones little dog he didn't like.

this is how fucking pathetic and losery 90% of the people who come here are, so naturally, you get a response like OP.

If you have bad morals or just plain bad influence on me, I will cut out of my life. Have done it with friends I had known for years and family members.

Idk. i guess

>working out all the time
>being a strong cunt
>not giving a fuck about stupid people and giving people a beating who ask for it
>drink and eat a shitload
>mostly always active

im a pretty chill person. i like video games and all that shit to. but in the shithole i was born in i had to be some sort of alpha in my own right anyway to survive, so i adapted pretty quick. But i still keep my beta nerdy things to, because at the end of the day people are just people and if you fixate on being an "alpha" you'll just turn into a piece of shit and really only an insecure faggot does that.

decent sized dick. never knew i had a big dick. saw my friends dick one day who was the most popular alpha ever, better than me at everything in every way, and better looking, stronger, etc. But then when he saw my dick he literally said oh my god your dick is way bigger than mine. i was like u fucking wot. so yeah thats that. still would probably trade it to have all the other advantages he has though.

>tfw am alpha as fuck and don't need to brush teeth or comb hair

Feels good mang

again not alpha just gross

sorry brehs, but smelling like shit is just a part of who I am

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dont care if people see me smelling my balls in the gym get me going man

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Not to burst your bubble but a big dick isn't everything. It helps spergs with confidence.


My fuck buddy says my sweat smells erotic and he likes it idk
Seems my boobs are perkier than the average for my age (21)


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the fact i'm one of two founders, directors and shareholders of the biggest dairy company in my country at 23 years old

I can mog pretty much anyone where I live

I have monsterously loud protein/fibre farts that I rip where the max amount of people can hear them

being unable to commit to women no matter how sweet or beautiful they are

I don't give a fuck about wiping my asshole

fuck all you niggers and your baby beta bullshit

be amazed at what a real alpha like me does

>always pay with a check, even if it holds up the line while I write it out
>tell car mechanics to delete the shop fee from my invoice and threaten to call the BBB if they don't (they always do)
>get dabs from black people in public but vote against their interests and talk shit about them in private
>call animal control as soon as i hear a barking dog on the neighborhood so there's a record of a noise complaint (have gotten three people to move away already)
>run my lawnmower and leaf blower from 6:30 AM to 9:00 AM on a Saturday
>put flyers on mailboxes even after the mailman tells me that it's a crime to do it (fuck you, you letter-carying fuck, i do what i want)
>wear brooks brothers and other ivy league brands exclusively because it pisses off scrubs and confuses low-class idiots
>go trick-or-treating in multiple neighborhoods even though I'm old as fuck, and tell off anyone who dares to talk shit about my age
>curl in the squat rack with headphones on and a "POLICE LINE DO NOT CROSS" t-shirt so everyone is afraid to bother me

you all wish you were as cool as me

Natural baritone also apparently I'm very stoic and serene to most people though I don't see it

I'm a natural leader, and I've been told this by a lot of people.

I am 6'5
I have the deepest voice i ever heard in real life
Very confident

I am a bit skinny though

me to man

Yea i brush mine like twice a week

you have 10 dicks?

It's the same way here man

the less aware i am off myself the more stoic i become

>get dabs from black people in public but vote against their interests and talk shit about them in private
they get better, don't they? I'll keep reading.

>The ability to make casual conversation with womenwithout dropping any spaghetti

>Was an autist until 17

I literally have a huge cock(19 cm) and i'm white. I also hate normies and treat women as objects

Really not something to be proud of


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That gif

No you're not

Very good listener

Lol this used to be me. Depressed people also seem to not give a fuck about personal hygiene. Clear sign of mental health issues desu.

Im from a country where people don't shower as often (no, not india), so I never had it as a daily habit. More like 2-3 times a week.

Same. Once you make it and become alpha as fuck, it really stops mattering as much as people think it does. 2 sticks of gum per day plus brushing once every 3-4 days is enough

I'm funny

>19 cm
do you not know what a big dick is

My man tits

face is chronically stuck in a near-scowl unless I consciously animate it. sucks when I actually have to communicate with people though.

I brush mine twice a day, with fresh onion juice and chopped garlic.

you are smell mogging them

I've never seen someone summarize my life's ambition so nicely, good shit user

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reading literature or boxing

How’d you do it

>most alpha trait

i have a gf

Not afraid to fight/Confrontational
Getting better in social situations everyday

Bost a pic so we can all make fun of you, user.


That's a great answer.


Imposing domination

this is the way it should be
if everyone smells, then no one smells

I take showers daily, but I get lazy about doing laundry for bedsheets. Right now they smell like sauerkraut.

best one

Or he has 0.2 balls and 1 dick?