Buy cookie señor?

buy cookie señor?

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Looks like a typical Texas girl scout troop

Fuck outta here i don't speak taco

ill have the one in the front in the middle


the one in the very back left, please

Sorry girls, I don’t eat disgusting processed sugary garbage



*tips display table*

What kind of creature are these?

la goblinas

I already bought some.

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Dios mio

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>Makes a call

If you would like to report illegal aliens, please call Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) at 1-866-DHS-2ICE (347-2423). They will need to know names, locations (either work place or residence) and any other specific information you can provide.

the sad thing is, even though those kids were born to Mexican parents, and even though those kids don't know English, even though their family has no connection to America before 1990, they're thought of as American citizens

Oh shit when I was in Girl Scouts my troop number was also 418 but I was Service Unit 70 not Service Unit 2.

this aint your girl scout troop no more, gringa, this is our country now. i cant wait for white people to go extinct

no one cares roastie

I buy them and put them out for my friends. I'm just no into sweets.

>implying I could get enough chad dick to achieve roastie status
Well despite you not caring, thanks for the (you) anyway friend. Kind of you

Ño, shuu shuuu goblins de los gains

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Shit now I have to move further north.

>even though those kids were born to Mexican parents they're thought of as American citizens
Well no shit they had to come somehow. By that standard nobody's American.

>By that standard nobody's American.

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When the fuck are we sending these Hart-Celler """"""""""Americans""""""" back? It was clearly a failed experiment.

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Yes. If you're born on US soil you're American.

fuck Drumpf and fuck white people.

so anyone can come over here from any country and shit out a kid and that kid's American? Like, for instance, if I was Cambodian, and I lived in Cambodia all my life, don't speak English, I can just come to America 9 months pregnant, have a kid, and that kid's an American?

Yes, why do you think so many come pregnant to there.

Dónde está la biblioteca?

>Yes. If you're born on US soil you're American.
drumpf btfo

I'll beat the fuck out of you, pedo scum

You do realize most countries don’t recognize citizens by where they are shit out?

America is so fucking retarded. It’s literally magic dirt theory

Fuck these spics I'm calling ICE.

A little girl tried to sell me chocolate at the park, my immediately thought "be gone gains goblin. "

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