/plg/ - Powerlifting General

Powerlifting General: Reconsidering Your Life Choices Edition.

For the discussion of training the squat, bench and deadlift for the purpose of building a better competitive total. Or just for funsies.

Please check your tisms at the door and remember to try your hardest.

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That depth

Anyway, my squats today. These hurt a lot. Every set I had to count how many I had left.

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Did some impromptu running and now I cant lift my foot anymore.
Like, I literally can't lift my foot back


Bench was okay I guess.

>forget webm

hi is my first day here

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Congratulations on figuring out what an unathletic gde you are.

guys how to fix weak glutes in a functional way? it hinders my squat and gives me weak posture.

cant even clean properly

And the best for last

Double at 300kg @7.5


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I can do a 3 minute mile at 180kg bodyweight ????

>>guys how to fix weak glutes in a functional way? it hinders my squat and gives me weak posture.
>100 dumbbell squats per session, increasing the weight of the dumbbell each session until you run out of dumbbells.

>Take the squat as deep as you can. If you are doing a hundred reps with a 150 lb dumbbell, I guarantee your core, upper back, quads, glutes, and even your biceps are going to be much better off than they were before. Your squat mobility will be top-notch too.

Reposting from last thread:
There was a study about it causing bad patellar tendon tracking, and therefore damage, but I don't think the sample size was up to snuff, among other things. journals.lww.com/nsca-jscr/Fulltext/2012/10000/Wearing_Knee_Wraps_Affects_Mechanical_Output_and.31.aspx

anyone else starts to be light headed after the DLs on SS?
Squats went smooth but Holy shit after the 5th rep I started to see in black and white. And I only did 1plate. How to prevent this fellas

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is the pause important to increase strength? I just touch and go

Nah I had the tendinitis from the training cycle leading up to the British and haven't let myself recover since. Very stupid of me honestly. The culprit was squatting 3x a week.

Why discord plg turned into polish general?

You pause in competition so it makes sense to train that way.

One of the variations I do often is long pause bench, anywhere from 2 to 5 seconds depending. But yeah it's good for strength even if you don't compete. Teaches you the importance of being tight the whole way through.

Breathe out, numb nuts

holy fucking michelin man

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yeah and powerlifting is cool and totally worthwhile LOL

Cause discord is for weebs and 3rd worlders


I did my man, maybe I need to get used to squat+DLs on the same day. I might increase the rest inbetween exercice by 5 to 10mns

cardio, if my heart-rate starts racing and i do heavy weight then im kill


yea, tottally grab a coffee, grab a smoke, fuck some girl, than comeback and do another set

as in goblet squat eh?

and thanks for the rooting vid tips. i'll look into it.

she shut him down FOREVER

What this the Disrespectful Meme thing Raj did?

You probably have no base cardiovascular fitness at all.

Is this another case of sedentary video game nerd decides to get big and strong and then cry babies about not being able to move their bodies correctly without having a stroke?

you pinning bruh?

How do I spell illiase

How do u spell this shit

No. A real life friend of mine.

He asked her out twice in two minutes where we were chatting as a group and she was like
>okay can we just sort this out now, please stop asking me out I'm never going to say yes.

Absolutely ded. Even he was laughing.

>>>guys how to fix weak glutes in a functional way? it hinders my squat and gives me weak posture.

Do bodyweight glute bridge raises. Get your legs as wide as possible without hyper extending your back. Do sets of 50-100 reps.

>as in goblet squat eh?
Yes. It's basically a front squat that you can sustain for really high reps.

The only gear I use is sold by titan or SBD if that's what you mean.

you dont ike inzer uhhh?

You deadlifted gud bruh. Whats your weight around these days?

I'm a good friend of Cameron, I know your dirty secret ;)

HAHA 3 minute mile

Fucking hate them. I've tried their TRX suit and it was shit. I've tried their wraps and I didn't like them but they're not bad. Their belts are probably on a par with titan but the sbd belt is the best.


What would that be? That I don't hate him?

Im not complaining Im asking if its "normal", pls no bully senpai

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what about hiptrust though?
i see. cheers bro

Isley what was your height again? I tought you're around mine but Im 104kg twink, and you are a big boi

How is it giving you weak posture?
you got posterior/anterior pelvic tilt?
If yes just fix it by simple exercices findable on our lord and savior jeff cavaliere/be aware of your posture when you sitting down and youll be gud.
Correcting mine atm and after 3days shits improving well

Is that rise in your back after youve hip draved in the second rep good form? I found myself doing that when is stsrted squatting and didn't know if it was good or not. It doesn't hurt my back or anything, it just seemed not right. I also seemed to end up on my toes.

I took a break from lifting for 1 month. Old maxes were 515, 505, 295. First time back in the gym I squat 385x5x2 and benched 225x4x2 and I want to die. Especially my hip flexors.

What is the fucking point if I i degrade this much in just 1 month? Seriously thinking of suicide btw

I didn't say it was, just was replying to fatmess's thing knee wraps being bad. Are you gonna run a wilks cycle between yaro cycles to recover or do you think you can do so with yaro's programming

ITT "power lifters" with no gfs kek get a life brainlets

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pls be ohp

>jeff cavaliere
yeah anterior pelvic tilt.

But also weak glutes in general. hips too. weak hips are due to weak glutes though.

>Tfw comfy PL gf



Unsure desu

Give me one month tops.

is she thick? send pics pls

This is text-book example of projection. You see this user who has zero idea about people here decided to insult them. In order to do that he subconsciously picked something he would consider an insult and the only way he would consider something an insult is if he would've feel insulted by it.

Tfw training through a wrist injury

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is this shaved rippetoe?


RIP your snatch

No, I'm a weak bitch from the chest up

>so fucking mad at a throwaway shit post that he felt the need to defend himself

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again, projecting in the same way.

You shouldn't have gone down that much that fast. It will probably come back real quick anyway. Don't worry user. I had to take 2 years off from broken bones and a torn tendon. I jumped on SS and got 95% of my weight back in 6 months.


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She is, and no

I would say you're just weak, that's why you lost all that "strength"

so you're still tall for 105kg but big

>tfw nice weather for a comfy rest day

I think I'ma do some SSB squats tomorrow.

i find scott hermans video better.


basicly, stretch lower back, quads and hips first. then do bodyweight lunges, glutebridges were you squeeze glutes inward as much as you can, and plank with inward squeeze glutes.

I hab her ig but Im gonna stay loyal to my fat and not so bright friend

I won't know how much I went down till I actually test in a few months, but like normally my squat warm up hits about 450 for 3, meanwhile my hip flexor was KILLING me at 385 for 5. Plus I was just completely gassed out embarrassingly early. It's just so fucking depressing to feel so fucking weak and pathetic after only 1 month off

Thank you pole friend

tfw did some rdls, and it was hard as shit and its fvolume day

i think i went overboard with percentages broskis

It's a Finnish unemployed vlogger from 2010

Aisley Aisley, thoughts on RDLs

Only weak lifters do them

Training today is feeling good lads

Not shown (partially because I'm still doing it)
4x15 DB Bulgarian split squats
4x15 single leg SLDLs
3x60s weighted planks


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You're not very pleasant to look at

what do you do for glutes? nordic hamstrings? good mornings?

I just deadlift I ain't gay nigga

i didn't ask you.

Yeah biggish. Better than hungry skelly mode at 93kg

They have their place. Why are you doing them?

That does look like a squat. Good work.

assistance lift for my sumo diddly

i feel like they dont murder my lower back as much as just hitting conv deadlift reps, yet do all the work on posterior chain.

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last 3 weeks ive been fkin with pin presses

my comp bench actually has regressed. Pin presses fked up my technique everything feels off now

I should go back to floor pressing not sure why i stopped doing that i was progressing hard during that time

Why do conventional deadlifts murder your lower back?

Anyway, I'd generally want a technical reason to do an assistance lift but that's not a terrible reason.

You literally did

Odds I get pizza
Evens I don't

I get 1 free reroll

Free reroll

>inb4 you order pizza anyway

Thanks fampai

Pizza is so low calorie to volume I don't even bother anymore.

I feel strange in my lower back, not pain, just doms from monday, and quite strange feelings now, like a warm masage, it strange Im worrying.
how to find if it is a snap warning or just my weak lower back starting to work

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youre looser than a pool noodle

9 is an odd number if I know my maths


im not sure if its my setup / technique for conv deadlift or just my mechanics.
I used to do plenty of pulls with mixed grip, but ive felt like im developing some imbalance, like i could feel my lumbar on left side (maybe si joint idk) get achey.

Since i started doing exclusively hook grip and regular double over hand it got much better, but i think i still have some left / right leg imbalance, might be because i had ankle injury loooong time ago.
For example my left hip flexor is always achey / tight after squatting, never right one, and when i used to do running for cardio my right hip hurt.

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Any cues to suggest? I'm packing my neck and shoving elbows forward, and those seemed to help a good bit too.

Yeah nearly everyone is asymmetrical. It's not a big deal typically. And it's not caused by fucking mixed grip. I hate this hook grip meme.

Anyway, you should take the RDL out of a rack rather than the floor.

This is the crab bucket of crab buckets, you're doing just fine AND you're wearing a belt, don't listen to these retards. Everyone likes to act like they're Rip himself on here, most people don't know shit about anything.