Mental health affects gains. I just wanted to tell someone that I've applied for the army. My girlfriend is going to dump me. I only told my dad and he just looked disappointed.
I just hate interning in offices and cleaning cafes so much
Mental health affects gains. I just wanted to tell someone that I've applied for the army. My girlfriend is going to dump me. I only told my dad and he just looked disappointed.
I just hate interning in offices and cleaning cafes so much
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im joining the navy.
feel you man, the drudgery of service work is killing my soul. some people were happy when i told them, some cried. Support is nice but i don't care about the people who think it's a bad decision. There's not a girl on earth who's pussy is worth continuing my current path rather than trying to aim a bit higher.
>tfw loner with no friends
>tfw feel bad about it sometimes, but mainly because it's "not normal" and my family probably assumes I'm suicidal or miserable
>Dropped out of college fucking twice when I was 18
>Terminated off financial aid, had two loans forgivin
>26 now working two jobs living at my grandmas
>Fuckin misreable, just want one more chance
>Want a 120k house out in the country
>Keep lifting things as it gives me a break from the everyday existentialism
>Huge bags under my eyes, look like a man about to kill himself
>Trade school may literally fix everything, but due to reasons above Its a complicated situation
Fucking hell you're so right
I'm actually somewhat happy.
I don't feel numb anymore, I feel more emotions, My mood doesn't swing wildly anymore. It's weird and I'm confused and concerned honestly.
Serving in the military is a noble career op, I hope you get accepted, I'm sorry your father doesn't understand. Do
what makes sense for you.
enlisting or ocs?
ocs, but if i'm not selected i will enlist
Good luck, hopefully I'll get into ODS after my MS. Godspeed user
thanks man, good luck to you too.
>full cocoon mode for a year now
>no gfs or anything, don't really go out much aside from once or twice every semester
>uni, gym, swimming, vydia, reading and studying is all i do
>mom literally begging family to "help take me from my room"
>dad straight out asked me if i was gay
>sister called me assexual
i just don't want to settle for a fattie or uggo. Leave me alone in my hyperbolic time chamber, when i leave it'll be glorious.
Hello friend.
I'd like you to check out Jim Rohn on youtube or hooktube wherever.
But give his talks a listen.
I miss doing drugs
I'm also considering to join the army and everyone is giving me shit for it. I was so excited to tell them
Hey wow that's literally everyone that's ever stopped doing drugs.
26yr old user here.
6 weeks ago my girlfriend of 3 years unexpectantly broke up with me. We had a house, dog, we were recently discussing marriage and kids. She was my best friend, and we confided everything to each other. I was madly in love with her, and genuinely looked forward to spending the rest of my life with her.
From nowhere she acts distant, begins fighting, she starts sleeping in the spare room, then one day she tells me we're done. I'm distraught and decide to move in with a friend for a couple days. I decide to pop back unannounced to grab a few things, to find a guy in my bed, with half his shit moved in.
I ended up losing my job due to the shock of it all, but I've managed to find another but it's a serious downgrade. First experience with serious depression. I'm living in my grandparents, its nice but not something a guy in his mid 20s should be doing. This came out of nowhere and it ripped me apart.
I was driving home late night and spotted them, walking who used to be our dog. (It's in her name, technicalities). I've been totally replaced, as if I never existed. The person who I loved for 3 years, that I used to pull all nighters with, take trips and vacations, and fuck for hours on end, was a total lie. I thought I was okay, but when I saw that I burst into tears and it was like hitting reset.
I used someone I know who likes me as a rebound fuck this evening, i feel an absolute cunt. Im struggling to remember who I am and piecing my life back together.
Atleast I hit a new bench PR today, caught a few mires but idc, I lost my lover, best friend, house, dog and job in the space of a week. I'm going to make it, but it's hard as fuck, and im finding it very difficult to not hate or trust women at the moment.
This is going to take some time.
>she keeps the house
are you dumb?
>monkeybar whores
There's wisdom in monogamy.
look for a woman who wants to be monogamous and you won't be cheated on and dumped by a girl who can't pair bond.
Frenchie here, will read The Rush to Europe, but this shit is fucking killing me.
In The Rush to Europe, the Duke University professor describes a massive, unprecedented population transfer still in its infancy, which he explains will — “paradoxically” — be triggered largely as a result 0f Western aid money financing would-be migrants’ journeys from Africa.
Asserting he set out to provide a “dispassionate” expert view on how Africa’s demographic explosion will affect Europe, Smith in his book has outlined a number of different scenarios he believes could emerge from the situation.
>“The most optimistic” of these — according to Le Figaro — is “Eurafrica”, which would see mass migration create a ‘welcoming’, multicultural Europe, which “would fully embrace being a ‘mixed-race land of immigration and interbreeding’”.
This scenario would see the end of welfare states in Europe however, Smith said, pointing to the incompatibility of large-scale immigration and generous social programmes.
Another possible scenario, ‘Fortress Europe’, is one which involves “a battle generally considered unwinnable, or even shameful” but which Smith points to as the case which strongly “has its reasons and its chances to succeed”, noting the effectiveness of EU deals with Libya and Turkey in stopping the influx.
Fuck, I just wanted europe to remain european, thousands of years of history for nothing all I ever wanted was for europe to not become the US Uk or China, instead this continents future will be a lukewarm IQ mestizo population consuming and consuming, forever, this is suicide.
>that faggot who has 2-3 hour long conversations with his girlfriend over a phone during free time
it would probably be for the best user
Or be a aickcunt and play their game. Fuck monogamy.
>extremely depressed for a year or so
>don't want to do anything, eat anything, talk to anyone
>life starts going to shit
>realize how bad I've fucked up, start taking steps to get better
>start going to gym again, eating healthier, studying more and going to class
>things starting to look up, actually feel excited when I go to bed at night for the next day
>do a push workout, everything goes great
>wake up next day, shoulder feels horrible
>can barely carry groceries, can't put bookbag on
>one week later and it hurts worse now than ever
Why is life so fucking cruel? Why am I such a failure?
True, but you don't get to whine if she cheats on you first.
My friends want to drink/go to movies/eat fastfood while talking about boring shit
This happens atleast 2x a week
It costs me time and money and everytime after i go somewhere with them i feel even worse then before
When i do not go they get pissed off
I just want to make gains bros but dont want to be all alone
>be 25
>no friends
>third time attempting university
>working ass off to get into nursing program to pay down student loan to go to med school
> lift study and vidya are my entire life
>crushing student debt once i finally do finish
Oh no things will change, this has definatly never happened in the past. How horrible.
You can always make your life better as long as you've got your health. At least you know your life is bad, that's more than others in your position. Once you've acknowledged that there's a problem you can start to take steps to fix the problem. We believe in you bro.
I wear basketball shorts
Do you contribute to the family financially? Do you have a job? If not, why not? How can you expect your parents to treat you like an adult if you behave like a child?
Also stop playing fucking vidya. Use your modems settings to limit it to ~2hrs.
To make gains, bro.
You need gains-bros.
Who the fuck cares if she cheats first, it's a get out of jail card, especially if you play it right. Next woman, next life-experience.
Whatever you do. DO NOT BECOME AN MP OR A COOK. You will hate your fucking life.
I feel you Frenchbro. As an American I want European countries to stay white just like I want America to stay white.
All white countries are fighting the same battle. Hopefully we are victories.
It fucking hurts me man, I just want to live my life
Fuck man thats horrible. Things like these makes me glad to still be alone.
How much of a pipe dream is to join Special Forces? I never hear of anyone actually doing it.
Guess what military life is? Drudgery. Out of the frying pan and into the fire ... enjoy the slowest 4 years of your life.
cause i literally have classes from 7am to 23pm. I wake up and lift at 4:30-6:00am then swim till 7am
they call it an "obsession"
I'm in the Army, and I'm afraid to go further, but I know that I'll be right back where I was on the civilian side, fucking nowhere.
You have never worked an office job where you stare at spreadsheets all day, enjoy an hour long lunch in the dry office, and listen to your bosses moronic jokes politely.
t. wage slave
I know that feeling user, I’m still fighting it but I’m learning more and more when you let life put you back in the hole it fucks you up even more. You have to fight through it and not let it set you back (life, not your shoulder)
tell me more about the shit jobs they have to do
my bad, but you get the idea
I quit smoking weed, tobacco and drinking but now my apatite is out of control. I know ill reign my diet in soon but still Im just hungry and angry all the time
It's ok, if you're working 16 hours of the day you're probably tired.
I live away for uni and have no friends, and lie to my parents saying I do just to save face. Im studying medicine, but barely go to any lectures etc, sometimes going a full week without speaking to anyone. Literally just spending my life in my room while seeing everyone I was at school with going out, going on holidays on instagram etc. Quite heavily cannot be fucked
I'll give it a listen
Thanks brah, I'm not sure what step to take, but at this point I'm waiting for the step to present itself to my face.
the modern soldier is little more than a thug or a bandit
Believe it or not but the guys that attempt it and fail are often the most respected in members of any given unit. Just trying for higher makes you stand out. No one expects you to pass selection your first time going through. Especially if you pick up an 18X contract. My friend SGT Mour went through selection twice. Injured the first time, and wasn't selected after passing the 2 week course. He was immediately promoted ahead of pears when he came back. Going back a 2nd time is what shows true dedication and how much of a badass you are. It's not a pipe dream. All you have to is try your hardest, don't drink, don't do drugs, and don't have kids. Easy
We're splitting it. She living in it until it's gone, new owners going in in a few days.
I believed she was, kind of the whole point.
>look like a man about to kill himself
and are you?
Fiber Fat and Protein all make me feel full.
btw i'm not saying this to brag or anything it's just concerning because the mood change came out of nowhere
This guy gets it. Look forward to picking up other people's cigarette butts.
You thick headed lunatic,
I've done that 1 time, and no one told me to do it. Usually that only happens to people who are on Extra Duty from an article 15. Please, do go on saying more stupid shit.
False. I've done that, and served my country. Everybody wants to think they have it the worst, but the truth is that it all sucks.
Also, lotta nerve comparing spreadsheets & bad jokes to getting blown up by shitskins.
i dont like my body, yet i lack the motivation to put everything into lifting
i want to be cute and have a decent ass but no matter what i do it seems to stay small
im so lonely
I'm still trying to fully figure out why I feel worse than usual, not shit, just worse. I feel like I am less than I thought I was; I am not doing as well as I did a couple of weeks ago but I'm stil doing fine I guess. Life is not really hard right now besides exam, so it isn't really something from the outside that is causing me to feel down. It's probably my fault, I haven't properly unwinded in a long time so that could be it, I don't really care a lot as long as things get better and I improve.Sometimes I think that God does not listen to my prayers, either because he knows that His help is not needed or because I don't pray with enough faith, it's okay as long as He still loves me. I have been through worse times but this feels different, like it's my fault. Anyways, whatever happens I will continue to struggle and improve so that I can protect others and help people, even if I'm less than I thought I was.
>to find a guy in my bed, with half his shit moved in.
I would beat this man senseless and dump her right there and then.
I was comparing boredom levels
Great idea user, now you can hear her moan like a ghost in the walls.
lmfao, have fun hearing him shoot his goo into her cervix... fucking cucklord
user, you're embark upon a special kind of hell.
that's a little better but my man this sounds like a fucking terrible and crazy idea, you will end up spilling that you love her at some random moment and she will completely go cold on you, and then living with her will be ultimate pain.
She'll start doing passive aggressive shit to get you to leave, like indeed fucking loudly in the apartment when she knows you're there, not keeping things clean, fucking with your shit
women are even more territorial than men over shit like this, they go completely schiz.
I've been on Jow Forums too long and can't curb my bias against other races. I'm a blonde haired blue eyed guy living in LA. I get so angry seeing black and brown trash everywhere and I see no solution. Not for here or the rest of America. A glass vase can take a long time to create, and just a second to destroy.
I'm half nig here
I take pictures
Have a happy photo
I work in a restaurant currently and am applying for OCS. Even if I'm not selected and I enlist my quality of life has nowhere to go but up.
>be me
>no education prospects (dropped out of high school then college)
>no career prospects
>can't drive
>only friend I have is a long distance away and I can't talk to him about serious stuff
>don't even have the resolve for the military
>the sole woman I've had feelings for in the past year is my 32 y/o professor who is in a happy relationship
>I still have feelings for her
>barely have the will to wake up in the morning
I'm not going to make it lads.
You sound like a pussy on its way to a rude cherry popping. If you can't muster the motivation in yourself to improve your standing above restaurant work without someone spelling everything out for you, you're not going to fare much better in the military.
my 6 best friends in the world are all over the country, the nearest one being 500 miles. We talk daily, play vydia together and get life advice from each other. We got together last year as best men of one of them.
it sounds like you aren't really friends, just acquaintances. Also learn a trade, get a job even if its flipping burguers, a fucking responsability to take you out of the house. And start lifting.
my girlfriend left me and i have been painfully ok with it. still kind of hurts because she was my only in-person social communication, but i honestly still feel kind of fine.
i just wish this cute 5'2 girl would text me back lmao
Thanks dad
Just remember: it's going to get worse before it gets better.
Thanks nig nug.
been out of university for 3 years, still no real job
applying for jobs is painful
I used to live happily in the Rockies surrounded by whites and now I'm in Minneapolis surrounded by the hordes. City life wasn't meant for whites
Quit NOW, ask yourself honestly if you're happy with what you're doing. If you're not, then stop or at least take a year break to figure out what you really want
I did exactly as you did (not medicine though) and was too ashamed to quit my studies for a long time. It only got worse.
Pretending you're fine while being not isn't strong. Be strong user, and honest
AAAHHHHHHHHHH holy fuck. I wish you the best man.
I'm just about done my first year and I'm scared about the future. It wasn't that long ago that I started and now I gotta start working, going to summer school and making something out of myself. It's a scary thought. I also fell pretty hard for this one girl and I don't think she likes me back even after how well we get along. I don't know. Shit sucks.
Your family just wants to know you're ok. I wont tell you to change your habits, because it sounds like you're working hard, but just think about what they see. They see their kid isolated and alone. Talk to you're parents. Be happy dude. It has nothing to do with having a gf or any of that shit. Just be a connected part of your family.
This hurts my heart
fuck off recruiting faggot
>walking who used to be our dog.
Fuck that. I'd go back for the dog bro.
>dump her right there and then.
Can you not read? They were already broken up.
no matter how much i lift ill never be able to look decent since i was so fat
I still think about my ex often.
But it's nice knowing she doesn't matter anymore, that all of her relationships will end in tragedy. In five years she's going to be a broken mess and I will have spent that time improving myself and finding the girl of my dreams.
I shall become the greatest man and she'll be some washed out whore, and that's all I ever need to know when I think about her
Fuck them, man. I can't really say I understand since everyone I have told has supported me but just know that you will be better than all of them. What branch are you joining and what force?
I'll be joining the Royal Marines soon
>Be 20
>Been with GF for 4 years
>Both each others serious partner
>Love each other
>She does nothing to better herself, depends on me completely for social stuff etc.
>I still love her but sometimes get cold feet.
>I'm slightly above average looking, I get attention quite often at the club but shut them down.
>Have an incurable itch to fuck every 7/10 that comes to me
>Don't want to be a cheat.
>I don't want to leave her because it would break her completely but sometimes the relationship just drains me completely and I don't want to waste the best years of my life. Really do not want to be one of those dudes who ends up in a relationship till they're 40 then try to fuck everything they can to make up for a wasted youth.
thats a natural reaction to seeing savages destroy your home.
I sort of want to join up. The money is ridiculously attractive if I get into OCS after I graduate.
But I’m not sure. I really kinda want it for money mostly. Most people tell me I can get skull druggey in civilian life just like the military. And I don’t see the benefit of spending time to kill Brown people for fun. There’s no noble cause to fight for, only dumb geopolitical interest shit.
>European crying about being “invaded”
>literally every other continent’s history for the past 500 years has been having to deal with European invasion
You guys brought this on yourself, dickwipe
Been there man, its been 5 months .
High school sweet hearts , together 11 yrs , married 6 weeks. She tried to open the marriage thanksgiving night , then she left a week later after saying we'll work it out the night before , we made love in the morning and she moved out that night.
Then 2 weeks later she's seen dating this guy she tried to invite to our wedding - I didn't want him at the wedding cuz she talked about ending our engagement to date this fuck but backed down and begged me to take her back , I did because we were together 9yrs at that point - she left the house, our cat , our lives like it was nothing . to go be poly with some fuck
I started lifting , rock climbing again and swimming. Never looked better, not otter mode but nearing it. Still passed my classes. Sloots mirin but I tend to aim up and still rusty.
Only reason I didn't drop out of college was I had 2 jobs on campus that require enrollment .made some really good friends this quarter too.
message me on Reddit if you want -u/helpstothrowaway
We're all gonna make it brahs
Just keep pushing. It’ll get harder before it gets better