How do I look like
How do I look like
Genetics play a big part probably. My arms aren't too far off from that with 2 years of lifting natty
>6'3 210
I’m 5 11 and I’m taking oxandrolone
Hot op
Train your forearms more.
Yeah I bought an hand griper
his forearms are fine
they just get dwarfed by the arm
you look pretty huge to me.
Not really. I’m small.
Stats? And please take those sunglasses out of your shirt
I'm flattered you wanna look like me. Do heavy preacher curls.
What’s the matter with my sunglasses
fakin joocy
soyboy with those wrists. you'd get btfo by any construction worker lol.
Look like a 2003 Xtreme sport bro
I work as construction guy.
>zipper abs poster still at it
What makes you want to post yourself so often?
Post wrists
What exercises do you do for arms?
What makes you think working in construction makes your wrists grow?
You obviously have no associations with masculine men.
Would lick
One of the Iron Mind ones? They're pretty neat. I've been doing Zottman curls on top of those.
Looking pretty good though brother.
looking like you lift. very solid triceps OP