all are welcome
show how you've made your body look less shitty
all are welcome
show how you've made your body look less shitty
You done gud
Good job OP, you’re no longer repulsive
Great job OP. You're a lot better looking now. What's your stats and routine?
yeah good job man.
Good job, broski. Love what you've done with the place.
6 2, 198ish right now.
Heaviest was 226 after superbloatmax in jan. Not lookin like much right now, but hopefully will be more impressive after this cut.
I've been lifting 4-5 days a week for almost a year and my body looks more or less the same. I can almost hit 1/2/3/4 and am a lot stronger than I was when I started but you could hardly tell I ever started lifting. Other than slightly bigger more defined arms I look like complete shit. It pisses me off to no end. I'm probably never going to make it aesthetically and I'm really considering just going back to drinking and eating like shit every day until I die of liver failure or a heart attack at 50 years old. Who gives a shit
Incorporate more volume/hypertrophy in your workouts, duder. What's your routine like?
Post above you is me.
Post before/after pics, routine and let's fix that shit bro
nothing crazy, was super depressed in first pic
>nothing crazy
shut the fuck up
excellent work, faggot
Time frame?
Really good progress OP; I hope I can be half as lean in 6 months as you were in 11.
looking good broham
6 months,
These are old but I've been sitting around 120lbs for a while now. I cant shake it
I guess my picture didnt upload rip
Current progresso
Before I could barely squat 20lbs total
Now my max squat is 115
Slowly but surely making progress
Unironically good job. Keep it up. Lots of thick meaty cock in ur future girl
outer quads
Show us ya tiiittsss
height/weight? nice man
Here's a year's worth of gains, doing a recomp now
That jaw. Holy fuck man n-no homo
Bro never stop shit posting love your tattoo
You look really good dude.
Your words hurt
January vs Now. Started at around 225 in August and weighed around 215 in January and currently weigh 191. not a lot but still progress
You look noticeably better man, good work. Keep it up
you should bloatmaxx
Also do you have loose skin?
After being a whale I'm riddled w loose skin.
I've heard using neck skin tightening cream works for loose skin.
I'm thinking about trying it.
gotta finish cutting
keep going brah
6 months in from skinny fat, these man boobs don't seem to go away no matter how much chest work I do.
What was your starting weight and what is current
far right pic is probably ~205, far left (current) is 175
6'0 108kg to 96kg
Still not jawbro though.
good job, dont stahp
>spot reduction
>man boobs don't seem to go away
You probably aren't doing enough cardio and aren't eating right.
dude you lost a shit tonn of weight in your thighs. good work.
You gotta lose bodyfat to lose mantits. You can't get rid of them by doing chest exercises.
I don't do no cardio but I eat really healthy,no junk food,lots of fruits meats and vegetables. Maybe cardio might help idk tho,
But I don't wanna lose my muscle, cutting is a step backwards.
good work, girls probably don't look for excuses to get the fuck out of conversations with you now. "Oh, so much work to do tonight."
Still trying to get down to 8-10% body fat.
you had a very femme way of being fat, wide hips/big ass and shit. I get a big gut as a fatty. Anyway, you dun did good.
gains bro, keep it up
I wish you were my big Daddy bear I could cuddle
Face gainz
Be my friend :3
How tall are you? Nice build
who is your daddy?
What are you now, like 12%?
Lost 75 pounds, got a gf, not depressed anymore. Can't remember how many threads like this I looked at for motivation when I was a meatball. Keep at it current fatties, we're all gonna make it
We are officially friends now ;)
5'9 Duke of Manlets
changing my diet and doing body weight exercises (can't afford gym at the mo)
You don't lose chest fat by doing chest exercises you lose chest fat by losing fat overall, so by consuming fewer calories than you expend.
You have become a completely different person. Mirin'
Looking good considering bodyweight exercise only. You shapeshifted from a rectangle to solid v-taper.
That's your choice, gain muscle and fat or stall lifting progress. Obviously this is hyperbole but the basic sentiment is true.
You must work really hard. That's great progress you look good. Keep it up.
Cheers guys
6’4 160 -> 215
Two years of forcefeeding myself later and I’m kind of content with the gains that I’ve made
howd u do that to ur tummy
whats ur usual ab routine
Discount Keanu Reeves?
Lame tattoo.
Lame tattoo but better than the above.
Keep it up.
Honestly not sure if it's just the clothes.
Really lame tattoo.
Shave your tree hair.
Dude I am more fit than you and I've only been working out for a year as a natty.
Alright but fuck your striped underwear.
Well at least your hair got better.
Cool now bench.
Congrats it looks like all you've done is cut.
Try buying a dumbbell.
Believe it or not sometimes wide backs can look like shit.
Deus vult brother
5'10, ~180, used to be about 210.
Eleven months worth of progress. Used to be skinnyfat, almost obese like. Didn't snap any pictures because I didn't expect it to be anything life changing. Well, turns out it was. Oh well, it's a start...
bulk time??
more glute exercises
What do you do at the gym?
you're an inspiration, bro. I want you to know your pics inspire many young men like yourself to change their lives. I've seen you post here several times, but I don't think I've seen the pic on the right until just now. You've made incredible progress. What are you lifts by the way?
40lbs off. 246->206
I keep getting farther away in these, I just realized I can look at the floor tiles and take the picture in the same position as 262
5'11, 195lbs
11 months lifting
I don't think I've changed much in the last few months
Started at skinnyfat but a bit fatter.
No pump and I can't into posing.
Prolly around 14%.
I know shoulders and chest are lagging behind, I had some dislocating shit in my shoulders that took me a lot of time to fix, only started properly working out ~3 months ago.
Currently cutting to 10% and then I can lean bulk to eternity.
>those hips
I would go for bear mode if i were you buddy
6'0 133 > 175
you look much better.
dont stop. you lifting heaving too?
wow, nice transformation. same type of body with wide hips, at 6'2''. your amazing progress gives me hope. What's the time span?
Yeah I started a few weeks ago for the first time since highschool. Been about 2 years.
it's not quite as bad as it looks in that photo, it's the angle. Doesn't really bother me anyhow.
about a year
still dyel looking and have some chest fat but it's an improvement
Kinda crazy how I'm the same weight in the before and after pics- down to 85kg now.
Hit the pecs delts and traps
what kind of fucking stupid ass advice is this? obviously the OP does some lifting, if he's been here a while, he probably does the compound barbell lifts. how is he not hitting his pecs and delts?
OP, just keep lifting and doing your thing, you look like you know what you're doing
stop being a sperg faggot.
fuck you, idiot. I'm calling you out for giving useless advice and meaningless critique.
But you needed to make a bunch of presumptions in order to make a point. You don't know what program OP is on, so shut the fuck up and hit your fucking pecs and delts.
28-31 years old.
Started @ 205, cut down to 145 over 7-8 months.
178 in middle pic, 185 in last.
amazing, from cuck to alpha.
if natty a true inspiration.
Excellent work user.