Hello robots. can someone please tell me how to get a strong jaw gf. thank you
Hello robots. can someone please tell me how to get a strong jaw gf. thank you
bumpppp can you help me anons
be an entj
Go to Austria or Switzerland
you're going to have to transition, user.
these are some strap-on, pussy-pleasing bitches. the testosterone that formed their man-jaws still flows freely within them.
In order to get their attention, you have to be smol, fem, and soft. Then, above that, you have to be cute, too, if you want the whip.
I've heard that Germanic girls have strong jawlines. So it's true?
Southern Germany and the alps region is filled to the brim with tall manly girls.
I thought it was the Nordic girls who are supposed to be manly
I've seen only perfect Aryan goddess pics from there, mostly because of Jow Forumstards on Jow Forums probably.
I'm drawing personal experience from a vacation in Bavaria btw.
Alpine people are literally just a mixture of Nordic and Mediterranean (mostly Nordic). So they're not that different.
Do you mean manly in a gross ugly way, or in a hot kind of way like Olivia Wilde
bump bls answer user
Get a GF take her to the gym with you and get her to do some jaw workouts.
Wouldn't the girl be the ENTJ?
You'd have to be extra masculine to make up the difference
>implying he isn't a beta who want's a dominant/masculine gf
Actually no I'm not. I just think that strong jaw grils are really hot
There was this gorgeous 10/10 strong jaw indie girl in my class at uni and she said hi to me once but I never saw her again.
Fair enough but it's pretty beta in the first place to be attracted to masculine features in women
Go to /lgbt/ lots of them have jaws like that there
Unironically chewing gum gives you a stronger jawline. After a couple weeks of gum chewing your jaw muscles get bigger and you have a stronger jaw.
Post more legoheads
Some girls have a strong jawline but still look very feminine.
This girl I saw at uni looked like a beautiful Aryan elf with the jawline of a Norse god.