Khabib: 5'10" 155 lbs

Khabib: 5'10" 155 lbs

>a real man weighs 200 lbs

This guy could fuck any one of your guy's shit up. He fought a fucking bear as a child.

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Jesus I'm 4 inches shorter and 15 pounds heavier

>This guy could fuck any one of your guy's shit up.

Is that before or after i blow out his monkey Muslim brains?

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he weighs in at 155 lol

normally hes probably around 190-200

Are you fucking retarded?

Face it LARP Master General you wouldn't get a shot off if a fight broke out.
-Struggle to pull your clothes out of the way
-Fumble getting it out of the holster
-Drop your gun
-Proceed to get beat to death because you introduced a weapon

I served in Afghanistan, i wouldn't hesitate in the slightest to pull out a gun if my life was in danger and blow your brains out. If i was up against a professional fighter, i'd send a round right between his eyes.

At what distance are you drawing this gun faggot?

why is the hammer cocked in holster you fag. shows lack of weapon skills. you would miss.

haha what did you do sort the mail?


5-10 meters, which i regularly train in. I have no problem pulling out a firearm at close distance or when under heat.

I involved myself in competition shoots just for this purpose.

Hes not retarded lmao. Top 155ers weigh 180-190 in camp before cutting water and around 190-200 out of camp

Yes, but they don't gain 45lbs in a day. In the octagon Khabib is probably 170-180lbs.


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>I served in Afghanistan
yeah waiting tables

>he thinks fighters cut 35lbs for weigh-in

This would be fat loss correct? Unless you think someone can lose that much in water weight

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Yea he's a good fighter, but he's got the personality of a turnip.

Yeah, you'd be dead. Few fights start at that distance and usually involve an argument. He would have already closed the distance and even if he didn't, you'd likely be dead if he came running at you within 21 feet.

Nah I'd say most fighters cut between 15~20 pounds of water during fight week

So khabib would be like 190~200 at the start of a camp and then drop to 170~175 by the end of a camp and water cut the week before weighing to make 155

No that's you, he walks around at 86kgs ish. Put it into your stupid fucking freedom units and do the math dickhead

A lot of Russian,Central Asian and South Asian(excluding India) guys i see seem to have this really lack of personality like the people there never smile and are just waiting for it all to end

He's 155 only on the weigh-in day

YOU are ONLY lifting for 3 YEARS while CHAD has been WRESTLING BEARS since HE was a KID

Boy oh boy its another manlet compensation thread.

>"OMG look at this one in a billion! OMG so alpha! Wow! OMG lanklets BTFO!"

Daily reminder that you and every manlet you will ever meet will never be this guy. You are all part of the other 999,999,999. Worthless grains of sand on manlet beach.

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how is 5'10 manlet

I bet Khabib aint even 5'10". The UFC loves to exaggerate fighter heights

can you admit khabib is a good fighter

Yes he is a good fighter. He will lose soon tho. His striking is pure dog shit

> muh babby bear meme

who do you think he will lose to

Either Tony, Dustin, or Conor. I know Conor is a meme, but I think he can catch Khabib within the first minute or the last minute

well he hasn't agreed to fight him yet

khabib doesn't weigh 155lbs
he walks around at 185 and weighs 170 in camp

He will fight one of those three 100% in his next 2 fights

*attacks your bus*

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>being this insecure that another man could physically beat the fuck out of you so you resort to using weapons
Hello Jason Blaha.
>if you dont act like an arrogant and obnoxious americsn idiot you have no personality bro
American idiots

>his striking is pure dogshit
>literally known for top tier striking

Stop I can't take anymore

Wait you think Khabib is a good striker? Please watch his most recent fight.

are you retarded? No competitive fighter fights at their walkaround weight. Moron.

I don't get how they don't feel tired and weaker after losing all that weight to fight.

Hey, Conor… don't throw that dolly… Hey, Conor. Conor!

I'm in the camp that believes Khabib will be keeping his belt for a long time but that is pure bullshit

They have 36 hours till the fight is on to rehydrate. Weigh ins are usually friday morning and fights are saturday nights, but it used to be weigh in on saturday morning and fight saturday night. They obviously dont gain all the water weight they lost back, but probably gain back 75% of it.

Lol anything below 6'0 feet is a manlet. Tons of Tinder thots literally state right in their bio that they wont even consider anyone below 6'0.

So they weight in at 155... but when the start fights they're a fuck ton more. That's retarded and seems unnecessary.

If you dont cut weight you are at a huge disadvantage unless you are a heavyweight. Lets say you dont want to cut weight and want to fight at your natural weight of 170. You will be fighting people who probably weigh around 190-200 lbs in cage weight. That 20 lbs is a big fucking deal at that weight class.

Yes I'm aware of that, but I'm talking about the entire system. Why not just make everyone fight at their actual weight and organise the weight categories around that?

People will always find a way to play the system in order to gain an advantage over their competitors. There have been attempts to change the system, but sometimes it led to fighters using even more dangerous practices in order to make weight. Another problem is that there are so many independent athletic commissions all with their own rules and making big changes like this takes a lot of time and involves hella bureaucracy

Guy grew up in a former soviet shithole where militant islamic groups recruit kids in the streets and is the trophy fighter of a criminal ass oligarch dictator he probably knows how to handle a gun better than you do

>I served in Afghanistan

>drive around in an armored humvee
>ambush fire :D t. Abdul from half a mile away
>sit back
>call in an artillery strike
>watch as abduls position gets obiliterated
>continue driving with your buttbuddies

Yeah, you sure are a tough guy.

>He fought a fucking bear as a child.
>He fought a fucking bear and got his shit fucked up as a child*
fixed it for you.
back to your containment board.

That's one of the most awesome things I've ever seen. There's no cruelty or vicious violence there. Beautiful to watch. You can really see the bear isn't trying to hurt him.

At 5'6" you're basically female so it's not comparable

fucking cazzies

Except he probably won't carry one

I'm 7 inches shorter and 20lb heavier...

>in this very specific scenario I would beat him!

i know that nothing of what you said is true and you wrote it to sound tough, but do you realize how fucking beta you sound
>i-if i was about t-to get beaten up i-id place a god darn bullet between his eyes!!11 muh liifee is in danger!!!!!!!!!!!!

I can't wait for this manlet mudslime to face someone with a good guard/better wrestling

I wanted to see Tony light him up standing then cut him up with his elbow then D'arce his ass

I would cum buckets

Dana said he will never book that fight but when has Dana ever told the truth

Don't believe his lies user, keep hope alive

kek'd out loud


One fc do it quite well in that they make fighters pass hydration tests that resulted in most fighters moving up a weight class

T. Butthurt Christcuck

he walks around at 185lbs.

t. butthurt pedo worshipper

Damn bro try to go outside sometime....

georgia here, can confirm its like that

Just weigh them right before the fight, problem solved.

People fighting dehydrated sure seems like a good idea

Uzbekistan worker fag here.
>can confirm how shitty it is here
>corruption is near 100%
>government steals almost as much from people as organized crime steals from the government
>most people consider gangsters as role models
>blame all problems on America and the Jews.

prove your uzbekistan

Have you literally ever watched fights, they routinely cut that amount of weight

This dude leaves his chin so high up in the air, the commentators who were trying to hype him up couldn't even ignore it and started pointing out his amateurish standup.

Conor McGregor or Tony Ferguson would easily destroy him in the standup, this guy is the most illegitimate undisputed lightweight champion ever. Imagine beating #11 in the world and being called the best.

>Imagine beating #11 in the world and being called the best.
Dana just wanted to strip conor of the belt. I don't think kebib will be able to defend against any of the top 5 contenders (except for barbosa)

do you believe that times were better when your county was part of the Soviet Union ?

tits or gtfo

Not impossible but I bet his cut is less than that. 175-180

*He punches through the afterimage I left*
Heh, I've grown a bit too fast for that
*I pull out custom dessert eagle and put it to his head like trinity in the matrix*
So... Dodge this!
*sodium/pottassiujm alloy tipped bullet explodes inside his head*

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>10 russian guys punch a bear
>9 get eaten
>1 survives by pure luck cause bear freaked out
such man, wow.

>be a fighter
>fighting fore huge sums, even to lose
>get top tier trainers, medicine, roids whatnot
>have a judge to save your ass in case opponent goes ogre

>be a soldier
>fight for duty
>know enemies give you no quarter
>every step could be a landmine
>that 6 year old could stab you in the back with a piece of glass
>shit wages
>no fame
>no sleep
>shit food

yeah, shit bait bro, kys

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Also 9 times out of ten in a fist fight you do not have time to pull out a gun. And a guy like that will put you to sleep in two punches.

he weights about 180+ in real life, but too afraid to fight in higher divisions

in russian interviews he said he weights about 85 kg in normal life

Why wouldn't I just shoot this guy? I don't go roaming for fights to get in like you dumb niggers so if you fuck with me I will be justified in defending myself with a bullet.

>physically weak and timid beta that gets brave when he has a gun

The people on this board think a real man should ruin the function of his balls to become a veiny lump of mass

he trains with heavyweights, and wins

he cuts diets down to 170 then he cuts weight to 155, he walks around at 190 he has said that many times. his training partners also disclose that. so stop being a nigger.

American men are always so cringy and insecure. No wonder you all shoot up schools every week.


you're the retarded one here

most lightweights in the UFC are cutting from 175-185 (gleison tibau apparently cut from 190+), and walk around at more than that between fight camps

What about bravery? Why are you acting like you're in some movie. It's just simple if you tried hurting me I'd shoot you out of self defense. Stop being ornery like a nigger.

They wouldn't fight dehydrated because that would fuck with their performance.