How do you know if you're ugly, /fit?

How do you know if you're ugly, /fit?

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Post pics here and we'll tell you.

you dont get noticed, dont get into fights or dont get mired by women


make tinder account

What does fighting have to do with attractiveness? I've never been in a fight

other guys get jealous, do you go to bars?

I go to bars, no one tries to fight me, why would they? I'm 6'3 and 210lbs that may be why, I still don't know getting in fights makes you handsome though?

1. You're almost literally invisible for other females at the streets. Even if one looks at you for longer that a half of second, there's fear in her eyes.
2. When interactinh with other unknown peoplefemales (shops etc.) they rarely smile.
3. Your male friends, if you have them, don't give a flying fuck if you're ugly.

Pro tip: never believe your mother telling you you're attractive.

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damn thats probably why in your case and yeah men wanting to fight you granted you arent too intimidating is a symptom that youre attractive of course getting into fights doesnt make you more handsome though

i mean also they want to fight you because they feel youre a challenge to them because youre handsome and more likely to get more attention

If you are not sure if you look handsome by this time, you are probably not very attractive.

Oh lord papa bless, I know I'm not ugly but this confirms. I match none of the criteria.

So if female cashiers regularly smile at me very warmly does that mean I'm attractive?

You smile at a girl and she grimaces.

I think you're at least semi-attractive. They are paid to be nice, but if you were really ugly and they probably couldn't force themselves to smile regularly and "warmly".

So, how ugly am I?

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People only say I'm attractive with my clothes off.

Wear tighter clothes

that nose.. you irish?

I think I've finally figured out that I'm not entirely ugly. But i really only ever manage to bang like 6/10s. I might be batting bellow my average, but i get laid so i can't be the worst off here.


Good face shape
Eyes too wide
Nose too large
Neck too thin

You don't seem it but I'm straight and you look like some anglo cunt

You're not. I mean you're not drop dead handsome or a 10/10 but you're definitely not ugly.

Am I considered attractive if only attractive qts stare at me?
Wtf like, do I automatically ignore the goblinas?

>Do you know what you're doing?
>Hell yeah, I do it all the time
Fucking loved that scene.

I am slav.

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Great jaw, cheekbones, chin, and brow. You're good dude... Be thankful for what you have.

Get a bigger neck and you'd be a solid 9/10.

I am thankful.

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You kinda look like chad from the comics

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Living proof that lookism is retarded and a sum of good parts doesnt always make a good face. I think it's the feminine eyes that ruin the overall impression

you look like a younger and pussier vinnie jones. Not ugly, more like a creep. Grow a stubble and you'll draw mad pusseh

Every. Single. Time. kms.

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Thank God I only apply for the first point BUT without the fear look.

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A bit strange. Quite strange.
But normal. Like a 5 or 6 maybe? And some people will call you a 7, but I think you're a 5 or 6 maybe.

"Well he's not my nephew"

>might as well keep it in the family

Has anyone other than your mom ever told you that you're handsome? If no, then you're ugly.

Once, but she was a 6/10 at best and I didn't trust her opinion.

Girls called me handsome. They also complemented my eyes and cheeckbones.

What if your friends tell you that you're attractive ?

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You look too stern, a beard could light your face up


Seriously, get some sun glow tan

>You're getting your cock sucked kid what does it look like.


Go back to morrowind and grab a graphics mod on the way

my sides

what a nostalgic fap, this image really takes me back

just need a wardrobe change man

girls and older women tell me i'm pretty and handsome from time to time
still feel like a ugly piece of shit that only had one shitty relationship
how do i into self esteem?
pls help

disregard women, acquire currency. no seriously, do things. go out and do things, and get really good at them. get good at your job. these things increase your confidence and self-esteem.

kinda hard to fuck bitches when i'm still a virgin my man
don't have many friends so i don't go out that often

>Prominent brow and deepset eyes
>good eye color
>nice jaw and chin
>good forehead and skull structure
>clear skin

>weird hair, receding hairline
>ugly and fat nose
>soyboy eyes
>mouth too small, has a weird ratio with the nose
>eyebrows too thick
>pencil neck
>Cheekbones too big
>looks depressed, mentally ill, looks like hes about to shoot up a mall or something with his operating bag
>sickly complexion

You have the basis to be a Brad, but you need to put in some work.
I think a lot of your issues could be fixed with a rhinoplasty, that nose doesn't belong on that face.
You're definitely above average, but you probably get treated poorly because you look mentally ill

you didn't even read my post so I'm not going into more detail. have fun being a sad, pathetic, self-loathing virgin

Solid jaw bro.

i did you fucking idiot

take the neckpill, bro

Ugly, but you have the potential to be great. Just fix your style.

if u get no pussy ur ugly FACT

females treat you like trash and have a general disdain for you. If you are attractive women literally fall into your lap

>as the soyboy virgin realizes his error, he has no choice but to slink back, wounded. as a last resort, he lashes out, both out of hurt and anger, towards anons trying to help him. alas, he'll go to sleep another night, virginity still intact.


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You are perfect
You are what Hitler wanted for the white race
do you lift? if not go fucking lift now!

Whether or not people smile at you has more to do with how you carry yourself. Most of you spergs have a bland facial expression that makes you look either too serious or creepy and it makes people want to get the exchange over with as soon as possible. Couple that with lack of any kind of small talk or kindness and people just assume you're an asshole.

How do normal people treat you?
Do non-viable human specimens cower in your presence?
I find that I am treated with respect by normal people and deference by the ugly. But I’m also a secret sperg

Get bigger neck, try to get a light tan at least, long better haircut

it's like you're saying word for word what's in my head
multiply that asshole factor if you're attractive, people think you're conceited asshole for being sperg because if you're attractive you should be outgoing

What type of women do men with high test/ogre faces attract?

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Bloatmaxx Chernobyl Waifus

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just take a pic of yourself and look at it

how ugly am I?

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Fucking hell man how did it rotate

not ugly imo, a beard would probably suit you though

you look pretty good assuming your teeth are ok

Not ugly, but...brown.

Eh it happens my Grandads Afghanistani

>TFW no designated shitting street near the gym

Here's a normal one

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>It happens
>Theres a risk you will one day wake up as a sand person

Jesus christ I hope not

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Why is every pic i post getting rotated

Heres the Thing both my dad and and Granddad are both pretty white passing(pic related this is what my Grandfather somewhat looks like) but a couple of my dads brother were slightly brown skinned and me and my 2 youngest brother are slightly brown skinned as well while the rest (sibling and cousins)are pasty

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I have a weird situation with my look. Slav girls in EE find me attractive, but I moved to America and have extremely limited success with local girls. So looks like you can be a desirable man in one place, and a reject in another.

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Is your granddad Varg Vikernes?

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>You are what Hitler wanted for the white race
Not really. He's a slav and Hitler though of them as untermenschen (most of them were though).

when i was 9 a 7 yr old family friend said she wanted to marry me does this count

How tall are you? I feel like you could do a few things here and there to improve. Stubble, maybe a different haircut. No stupid red shirts.

Damn, are you looked down upon in your family because of this? I know that's how it works in latino culture.

people like invaded India and killed people like a long time ago
know the difference between chad aryans and virgin dr*Vidians


Smiles fade when you approach people

Im not Indian Im like half Afghanistan
also Ancient Iranians may have invaded not Europeans

Straight up serial killer look. Wear button down dress shirt tucked into tight blue jeans with a belt and belt buckle.

I know that movie, we've had many good times together.

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