Is it possible to lose bodyfat and get stronger at the same time when you are already decently jacked and have been...

Is it possible to lose bodyfat and get stronger at the same time when you are already decently jacked and have been lifting 2-3 years? I'm not talking drastic bodyfat reduction, but something like 12 - 13% from 15-16%.
I am thinking about going on a cut, but I don't want to lose strength as that is the main reason I lift.

Attached: kjEziby2mOwpD8F1msCVe5f2G1JrPfo1BX1YbRtynkQ.jpg (320x320, 33K)

I'm asking because I've heard and read a bunch of contradictory stuff.

Protein-sparing fast

Stims and bathtub chemicals.

PSMF just helps you zerk through the cut fast enough that you can go back to building muscle quickly. I always lose strength whenever I do it, even after cutting out volume and accessories.

Yes. If you keep your reps between 3-5 you'll be good. I do that in legday while i cut. Remember, between 3-5 you work only your strength.

If you're already jacked it's possible as long as you weren't using a program that kept you at super high percentages of your 1rm.

It'll mean you have to work a bit harder during your cut but coming out of it you'll either be where you were or have made miniscule gains from conditioning your pre-existing muscle.

Keep it short, though. Staying in that zone for too long while also in a deficit is a recipie for an injury.

I do oly lifting so I always train in the 1 - 5 rep range. Usually 2-4. Only go above that for bodybuilding fluff exercises and for things like back extensions, chin ups, sit ups, etc.

>oly lifts
Just do a regular cut and accept the temporary changes. Your risk for injury is higher than regular lifts.

>Is it possible to lose bodyfat and get stronger at the same time

in order to lose fat you need to eat below maintnence

in order to gain muscle (and fat) you need to eat above maitnence

your strength on big lifts is affected by your body weight giving you better leverages (with bodyweight exercises is the other way around, lighter you are, easier to do them)

if you drop weight you will lose strength


Muscle mass increase isn't the only way to increase strength, but it's by far the most effective and easiest to cause.

yes, me in 4 months.

Attached: progress.png (934x675, 900K)

does your relative strength decrease? never does in my case


This was all done by Keto + Intermittent fasting

And with the Fattyfoods in Keto I focused solely on "testosterone increasing foods" aka foods high in saturated fats and monounsaturated fats.

Attached: arm.jpg (1901x807, 183K)

I look like you on the right, but with more muscle. You were a bit chubby before.

I was fat as fuck but always "strong" & kinda muscular.

Im only 18 tho

snake diet is already lean, he's building muscle while losing weight / maintaining

Did you measure? these pics are shit, different zoom, angle, lighting. You actually look fatter on the very right pic.

u wont lose muscle if u keep lifting and eating protein. just eat less

it's taken on the same day dude just different angles, it was to contrast how fat I was 4 months ago and how quick I lost fat + built up muscles.

I cut from 280 to 210 @ 6'2" over the course of about 8 or 9 months. My strength stuck around for most of this time, but the end got kind of tough. I did lose some upper body strength while my squat and DL stayed the same. I'm 4 weeks into maintenance now, and my strength is already back to where it was before. Currently sitting at around 15%bf.

Cutting from obese to normal is completely different. OP is talking about cutting and getting stronger while already being decently muscular at 15% bf.

I noticed that I am losing weight and getting stronger after taking it kind of easy for a few months while busy at work. Going from 1-2 days a week lifting to back up to a 10 on 1 off routine has just been amazing the gains I have been making for the last month or so, I hope this holds out for a few more weeks until it levels out again.

I feel you, just sharing my experience with cutting and maintaining strength.

>this shit dyel body
>this "infographic" picture
this is fucking pathetic and you are fat as fuck

Post a pic

would you be mad if I told you I built arms like this with weighted chins and close grip bench?