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Everyone will face death you dumb ass
It looks like he has two mouths. Weird
fembots, please take note of this and see the harm you cause to us when you dont love us back or give us atention. more of this will happen if you dont take our virginities
I think this is a russian kid that killed himself along with his gf after shooting a police car from his gf home one or two years ago
I could be mistaken but the photo is pretty much the same I remember
I don't see the girl anywhere though.
Women enjoy it when men die over them. It shows women how much men value them.
You think women care? Women literally fetishize violence. Why do you think violent men have girlfriends? When some loser is gored they think it's sexy.
Poor Franz he was so young
this but unironically, a womans view of the perfect romantic scene is the one in titanic where jack literally fucking dies while rose watches
Please don't orbit us, go out and better your lives.
>reverse image search
>Pic was originally posted in 2016.
someone give me a rundown on this corpse
As if getting shot isn't bad enough, silly bugger landed in a puddle of ketchup lol
what are you doing Franz! XD
lol really !rage posted it and he is always full of shit
lol what a silly willy
>someone would orbit ur ugly ass
dont talk for the cuties when u aint a cuteee
lmao he dabbin
i have one question:
who took the photo and posted it online?
don't lie to yourself you're the ugly duck here
One down.
Follow the example, incel scum.
n-no u ;-;
show tits but not ur ugly roastie
Murdered by the Russian police - if I remember right.
The girl snapped the pic.