>have a fuck ton of hair growing on my back, traps, ass crack, balls, and dick.
>barely any chest hair, barely any facial hair, and hairline receding
Only thing keeping me alive at this point is being 6"4 and having rich parents
Have a fuck ton of hair growing on my back, traps, ass crack, balls, and dick
making the chard go from 22-26 instead of 0-26 to imply the bmi difference is much bigger then it actually is to brainlets
Into the trash it goes
The chart is wrong or outdated
Newer data shows The Netherlands to be one of the healthiest countries in terms of BMI
Belgium has much more fat people
T. Netherlands cope
Chest hair is thin and comes much later, u might not have good chest hair until your 40s, just don't shave it. If u have little hairs there then you're fine it'll grow. If u have none, then you never will
Why is the British kid white?
>his feelings get hurt by a statistic
Into the trash he goes
t. delusional UK fag or coping Belgian KANKER fag
France only has low BMI because it's filled with nigger invaders who have enjoyed a sub-subsistence diet for most of their lives.
Out of date fgt
Found this from european commission website dated 2014, anyone got anything even more up to date
i thought italians were fat from pasta "carbs", wow.
Just American Sicilian mutts masquerading as Italians.
Notice the countries with more matriarchal families have higher bmi
>Named after lean meat
>Fattest Europeans by a mile
Italian and French women are expected to be rail thin.
All the other Europeans love their women chubby/fat for some reason.
pasta is a fine carb source
an AVERAGE difference of 3 bmi points is fucking huge, stay mad fatty
stay mad fatty