>read online water can help you lose weight >Also read a gallon of water is 8lbs >Don't like the taste of pure water >Drink 2 2litres of Dr. Pepper instead >Drink it real slow throughout the day >Feeling pretty good about myself >Weigh myself >228.5lbs no big deal, it's just 8lbs of water >Pee like a horse all night >Weigh myself in the morning >I Fucking gained 2 lbs
What the fuck I thought drinking water doesn't actually make you gain weight?
Water at 20C = 0 calories by definition. 4l of Dr Pepper is 16x whatever the number of calories says on the bottle. (Serving sizes are always bullshit to trick you)
Ryan Carter
you realize water has no calories right
Ethan Morgan
The number one ingredient in Dr pepper is water
Cooper Anderson
you realize dr pepper has a shit ton of sugar and other stuff other than water that gets retained in your body right
Isaiah Ward
Number 2 is sugar
Lucas Gray
does this guy really not know how many calories are in soda? It's like pure sugar dissolved in water
Isaac Miller
You just need to exercise more, OP. You're doing fine.