Things you wish you knew

What are some things you wish you knew about lifting before you started?

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she's not going to fuck you again even if you can bench 250 now. :(

It was all about face

Woman don't really care about gains.

You will never get big unless you eat until you're fat or use roids.

The huge ripped guy is exclusive to roids

you don't have enough muscle mass to cut, do a slow bulk

it doesn't make you less of a weirdo creep

Beyond not being a lanklet no one cares for muscles except for thots

Height and face beats everything for attractiveness, again as long as you're not a skeleton or fat

Most people that look good that aren't named Omar Isuf are on steroids.

Big. Ripped. Natty. Pick two.

Consistency is more important than your routine or even your progress. Never stop.

Workout to get strong. Dont do deadlifts. The ONLY muscle that matters is abs.

>don’t bulk on too many calories
>don’t cut on too little calories and start cuts on as high calories as possible
>don’t over-use cardio during a cut

All 3 very important things to know if you want to absolutely maximise your body composition naturally.

Of course taking steroids negates all those 3 tips.

Eating is more important than lifting.

Nothing, I did pretty much everything right from the start. I only ever fucked up by stopping.

>as long as you're not a skeleton or fat

And that user, is why we lift

When you get the chance for her back you will say no and still feel hollow.

>Dont do deadlifts.

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>implying you lifted long enough to know if what you were doing was right

Any shit cunt can get noob gains in their first 6 months lifting

Fitness should be making your life better, not worse.

You will never be satisfied with how you look, you’ll never be big or lean enough

Fitness doesn’t make your life worse, fitness just shows how shit your life actually is

I lifted for about 6 years, numbskull.

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Why did you quit then?

I lifted from 15 to 18 because and quit, started up at 24 and now 31 been lifting non-stop and have no intention of quitting this time till death.

How do you even train your forearms

Wrist curls don’t do shit for me

Do captains of crush help forearms?

Alcoholism, girls, life. I'm sober now, been back at it since late last year with no intention of giving it up again.

It's funny. A lot of people ITT are complaining about their lack of social gains after lifting. I got a lot of social gains but didn't realize how much being in shape/the discipline of eating well and lifting hard contributed to them. Just my general self confidence and self respect.

I'd tell myself: "just find a source and get on test and DBol. In 6 months you're only gonna be slightly stronger and way fatter and even further away from your body goals..."

focus on strenght gains

Lots of exercises will engage your forearms such as curls, DL, pull ups/chin ups, and shrugs. But wrist curls are good too imo. Remember to do them with palm up and palm down to get all the muscles in your forearms

I didn't say "fitness makes your life worse," I said "don't let it make your life worse."

unironically 1 is forearms, 2 is back, 3 is calves

Just roid.

I just wish I had started getting serious about lifting during my Freshman year of college.

I'm a soccer player so I was doing cardio almost every day, but if I had been lifting seriously from Freshman year, I think I would have been a lot better.

I do finger curl/wrist curl combo, and reverse wrist curls. With dumbbells one of my workouts and barbell during another. Also wrist roller for bonus material on an off day. Also some other exercises like chin ups, pull ups, deadlifts etc help out.

People seem to love the farmer's walk as well, but I don't do em. Just saying.


No question

strength gains is the biggest conductor of growth in a beginner, but you don't have to focus on the big 3 if your physique is already unbalanced

(ex.: if you have a lower dominant chest fuck getting a big bench press just to earn some rippetoe points, do inclines you dumb cunt)

>with steroids being as prevalent and effective as they are, the reality is that literally every guy who stands out is using them
>don't fall for the protein meme. anything more than 0.7g / lb is not worth it
>95% of diet is consistently eating the correct number of calories, not getting drunk regurarily and hitting the bare minimum protein requirement. the rest is just memes or doesn't matter unless you want that last 5% of gains
>while training specifically for strength will not give you the best possible physique, it's almost impossible to get big without getting strong (natty)

Natty lifting was a waste of 15 years of my life.

IIFYM plus blasting and cruising test is seriously the best fucking thing ever. You just fuck around and get huge. Followed that protocol for my first 2 blasts and got great results.

Drop Set Farmer's Walks.

Stop scaring me like that

>strength gains is the biggest conductor of growth in a beginner
A beginner will get stronger doing basically fucking anything.

I just wish that I would have dieted and did cardio hard for a few months before I started lifting for strength so that I could have started at lower body fat and worked my way up instead of this 2-4lbs of fat lost per month crap. I have a visible 8pack now but it took 11 months and I could have looked better the whole time.

I like hammer curls. Bonus is it allows you to make a pseudo-masturbatory motion while you stare at thots in the gym.

>Natty lifting was a waste of 15 years of my life.
How shit are your genetics?

Like Rippetoe says. A beginner's bench will go up by riding a bike. Lol

Jewish control of media and around blacks never relax

There’s no difference in hypertrophy between Flat, Incline, or decline bench, so pick one and get good at it

The aim of the study was to compare the EMG activity performing 6RM competition style bench press (flat bench-wide grip) with 1) medium and narrow grip widths on a flat bench and 1) inclined and declined bench positions with a wide grip. Twelve bench press athletes competing at national and international level participated in the study. EMG activity was measured in the pectoralis major, anterior and posterior deltoid, biceps brachii, triceps brachii and latissimus dorsi. Non-significant differences in activation were observed between the three bench positions with the exception of 58.5-62.6% lower triceps brachii activation, but 48.3-68.7% greater biceps brachii activation in the inclined bench compared with the flat and declined bench position. Comparing the three grip widths, non-significant differences in activations were observed, with the exception of 25.9-30.5% lower EMG activity in the biceps brachii using a narrow grip, compared to the medium and wide grip conditions. The 6-RM loads were 5.8-11.1% greater using a medium and wide grip compared to narrow grip width and 18.5-21.5% lower in the inclined bench position compared with flat and declined. Comparing the EMG activity during the competition bench press style with either the inclined and declined bench position (wide grip) or using a narrow and medium grip (flat bench), only resulted in different EMG activity in the biceps- and triceps brachii. The 6RM loads varied with each bench press variation and we recommend the use of a wide grip on a flat bench during high load hypertrophy training to bench press athletes.

Buy weightlifting shoes

Slim down before your first bulk, squatting 385 doesnt make up for feeling and looking fat.

Bulk shouldnt mean "eat like a fat dickhead", makes the cut so much harder.

You have to fucking eat more.

One more that others may not agree with, being strong doesnt necessarily mean youre fit.

you have to have no muscle fibers in pec area or be literally retarded not to see and understand that incline press activates the upper chest area more than flat/decline

Yeah really nothing makes up for being fat.

You realize that you're supposed to lift more than one day a week faggot

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rack pulls > > > > > > > > > deadlifts

Is this really true, I'm looking for any excuse to never do another deadlift again

Hahahahah no

Did you see Alex’s hamstrings? They’re none existent. He needs to start pulling from the floor.

>Bulk shouldnt mean "eat like a fat dickhead"
I'd go a step farther and say that if your initial goal was to lose weight you should just not have a "first" bulk. Just go to a maintenance diet for awhile after hitting your goal.
Conversely I think that skellies should do the same thing, just don't bother cutting when you hit your goal unless your BMI got all fucked up in the process, which is rare at least in my experience.

Lately I've been viewing deads as more of a test to come back to and see where I am after doing other lifts awhile.

Yea I agree, I bulked because I was tired of babby weight but now I look just as dyel but with an extra couple lbs in my shoulders and legs.

No matter what you lift you'll never find a girl who'll fill the existential void.

I wish i dodnt waste years on a bro split and did a strength training program instead.

That pretty much all of the guys on TV that are known for having muscle are on AAS. Also that AAS arent worth it due to many side effects(unless you're low test maybe) and that being a maximum natty is something that women like.

said no one ever

SS is shit, kill yourself if you unironically believe doing 3 excercises is enough.


gotta do deads, kid

80% diet

That as soon as you stop lifting all that lovely muscle mass goes away. Big muscles = wasted effort. Fun, but temporary.

Let me know when you're ready to stop lying to yourselves and I can let you in on some sources.

This is a lie, you just look like shit. Post physique.

Want to be intimidating without fucking up my hormones

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is there any way to maintain muscle mass other than just continuing to lift but not adding volume or weight? retarded question i know

Meal prep for the week ahead.
Cook your food in water instead of oil and butter.
Get blood flood restriction bands.
Take a rest day after 3 days of training hard.

> t. complete faggots

Get a tongue piercing when you start your 3 month cutting phase.

A single full body single set workout taken to failure once a week is the bare minimum you need to maintain gains.

A woman will fall in love with anything that makes her happy. Being fit wont make a woman happy but maybe it will bring her comfort.

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Natty lifting led to my arms and chest putting on mass too quick. I was skinnyfat (but not really even, because I wasn't very chubby). I should have cut a lot before I started to avoid stretchmarks. Even natty, you can easily put on enough muscle mass to fuck up your skin, even if your abs are showing a little. Fuck these fags who complain about being natty. If you can't get ripped natty you almost definitely have a shit diet, a shit routine a shit sleeping schedule or a shit case of body dysmorphia from spending all day on Jow Forums.

That Peanut Butter exists

Excuses are no excuse

> what are genes

Genes do exist. Do they account for even 10% of people on Jow Forums complaining about their lack of gains? Not even close.

It will change who you are, at first you will think in a good way, but then you recognize that it's like you're preparing for something that never comes and neglect everything else, until you lose your gains at 50 for hormonal reasons and see that you did not invest in family and career and other things those with foresight did while they were younger. Then you post here in manlet threads.

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That genes matter a lot.

this is not trve tho... i have average face at best... and with the fitness lifestyle, i fuck hot grills

>Lifting so hard you don't invest in family or career

You're gonna make it

Join a top tier fraternity full of roiders/athletes and not a low tier one full of dyels. Seriously, if people are praising your natty gains then you're in the wrong place.

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Delete this

get as lean as possible first while lifting. If you are weak you'll still make some minor gains. Try to shoot for 10% bodyfat. Then go on a lean bulk until 14%. Aim for a 250-300 cal surplus. In terms of sex appeal, being lean and benching 180lbs > being 15% bodyfat and benching 250lbs.

You need to go out and practice your social skills. If you are in college, you wont have a better opportunity. When you talk to girls if the conversation extends past a few minutes then make a move. Just casually dropping that you find her attractive (be smooth) can escalate things rapidly.

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not that user but you're DYEL as fuck. Even with that good lighting its obvous you dont have much muscle mass arent that lean.

I agree with the cutting thing. Cut before you bulk. For the love of god, do not bulk if you're at or above 15% unless the only thing you care about is numbers.

Looking good user

>Just casually dropping that you find her attractive (be smooth) can escalate things rapidly.
How do you do that causally lol

Post body

Post your fucking body then faggot. That physique is more than enough to be considered "jacked" or "shredded" by normies aka women. Thinking this is inadequate to get women is body dysmorphia period.

When you're cutting - think about it as eating as much as you possibly can while still losing fat at a decent rate (instead of eating as little as you can bear). When you're bulking do the opposite - eat as little as you can over maintenance while still gaining mass (don't eat as much as you can)

I've had too long of ignoring this and bouncing between skelly and fat

Rest days are critical. Take a full week off once every 2-3 months. This I found to be true for me at least. This always help me break through plateaus.