>not going to to a nice restaurant to eat alone
Why are robots so autistic? It's not that bad when you look straight forward and ignore the stares
Not going to to a nice restaurant to eat alone
I'd do this when eating with others, anyway. Except, maybe, I'd be looking away from everyone, and not straight forward.
Nigga, that is red lobster.
I would consider this if it was a slow weeknight without many people around. I'd bring some earbuds and prop my phone up on a stand to have something to watch while I ate. The only downside compared to eating at home at my desk is that the screen is much smaller.
I might even consider tipping if the service was good. It probably wouldn't be even on a slow night since the tip would be small anyway. Roastie waitresses would rather loiter and gossip with each other than do their job.
>eating alone in public
>not autistic
I used to be really into just doing autistic shit in public. I remember I went for a walk during freezing rain at 7 pm in winter with my huge autist coat and boots and ushanka. Then I circled around the parking lot of a business park a few times and looked into my work to see what was going on before going into GameStop and shooting the shit with the two guys dicking around in their, asked if they still sold pc games but it was all funko pops and Star Wars panini presses. Then I went to wendys and got a spicy chicken sandwich meal with Fanta then walked home.
Its really fun to just go out in public by yourself, very calming, dont worry about what other people think.
I would but i accidentally sent nudes to a guy friend of mine (no homo) as a prank and he stopped talking to me so i don't really want to go out and eat.
UPDATE: The fucking roastie CUNT waitress kicked me out because I refused to turn down the volume on my 3ds... Why can people have fucking loud-ass conversations at no one's inconvenience BUT THE SOUND OF A POKEMON BATTLE IS SIMPLY TOO FUCKING MUCH!!!
Fuck this gay earth I fucking hate everyone
I'm sorry user :(
but also why don't you use headphones? Better audio quality and it stays private.
I lost my airpods and i dont hve any other headphones because my parents tossed them out after buying me an iphone and forcing me to use it
that's shitty. fuck that waitress.
This and a half
>mfw seaside shrimp trio
OP, a true patrician
Go find somewhere comfier to play Pokemon, user.
ay this nigga knows shit was delish
>actually going out and doing things when you have no friends or gf to bring as social proof
get a load of this creep
The trick is to bring a suitcase or some small luggage and wear something business-like. Then they will think you're a normie just passing through town.
I do this all the time and never get any stares lmao
>>not going to to a nice restaurant to eat alone
>red lobster
When I can drive and have a bit of money, I'm definitely taking myself out places. Nice restaurants and cafes included.
People asking me why I'm alone might be a smidge hard to deal with, but whatever. Life is short and hard, I'll be dammed if I don't go see movies and enjoy amusement parks with or without other people.
Sorry for the spiel..
Your'e a stupid nigger
I haven't been to a restaurant as nice as Red Lobster in years.
I do this all the time, and unfortunately the waiters think i'm pretty retarded. One mentioned a couple weeks ago that they've never heard me say any thing other than "thank you" in the past year I've been going there.
You also get really, and I mean, really fucking nasty looks from seaters if you go when it's halfway busy or a weekend.
My coworkers have also seen me out in public and go on about how sad I looked and shit, so now I have that stigma of being a friendless loser at work. Not that I ever believed I ever had a chance of convincing them other wise.
when i used to work food service i didnt give a shit if someone ate alone as long as they seemed normal. if some guy came in and just got a table for 1, ordered and ate his food normally while fucking with his phone or watching what was on the tv it seemed normal to me