This board feels like young adults in their late teen and early twenty

This board feels like young adults in their late teen and early twenty.
How old are you people? Do you bitch about women or not having a gf, or friends on here?
I'm 30 and I don't.

Attached: 1519552148137.jpg (1029x1920, 441K)

im 26 and i dont mind being alone. but having a girl to do stuff with sounds comfy

>This board feels like young adults in their late teen and early twenty.
It feels younger than that.

I am 26 and I find the "ironic" style of humour to not be funny at all.

Also people being unable to actually differentiate between baby boomers, gen X, millennials and gen Z is grating.

It comes with a lot of hassle.

>those 30 year old boomers who still posts on Jow Forums

Attached: boomer.png (381x353, 36K)

24, no I never really had much interest in having a gf. Sure I feel like I am missing out and long for it some, but mostly I am more worried about myself and future then anything else.

1 month and I'm 18, and no, I don't really post anything here, I'm only reading the threads and people talking since I'm obviously a fucking newfag and I don't want to annoy anyone

>30 yr old boomers

See , most of you faggot kids on here are retarded. Just kill yourselves already

>tfw 18 and i've been here since i was 12

why live

>im 26 and i dont mind being alone.

that's good, because you're going to die alone.

select all images with your pathetic existence