Look in the mirror

Look in the mirror.
Not sure if I look good or bad.

Take a picture of myself.
Look like a completely different person.

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perspective and focal length are a bitch.

just be confident bro

Also lighting.

Camera phone pics taken at 1 to 2 feet away fuck the image up considerably, making your head look longer and narrower, as well as making your nose like 25% bigger.

>Take a picture of myself.
>Look like a completely different person.

I seriously hate that shit. Looking in the mirror I look ok, then take a picture and IM like wtf!?

>look in the mirror
>the person looking back is not me
>logically he has all my facial features
>the acne scars
>dark circles under the eyes
>it all checks out
>this should be me
>but it isn't me
>I don't know how or why but it isn't me

I don't even look in the mirror most the times these days.

Find a professional, or at least an experienced amateur with a good rig, photographer to take any pictures you use on dating site/app.

Hell even Sears portrait studio would be good if you're young and hip enough to be ironic. Cellphone camera shots in your bathroom make everyone look horrible.
Ideally hire a pro photographer to follow you to a bar/club/other venue and take pictures of you smiling and interacting with other smiling people.

Because There are actually dumbasses that see themselves in shitty selfies and convince themselves their face is ugly and get surgery. Something like 60% of rhinoplastys were caused because people saw themselves in selfies.

Just use a filter, duh.

Use angles and lighting to your advantage.

Wear make up.

>Warm make up.
Do you?

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A still, 2D image is not you and hardly portrays you correctly. I've sent girls shitty selfies and gotten myself rated before and was met with apathy/shit ratings. However, whenever I met people irl or talked to them on cam their impression of me 180'd. I've had quite a few girls from r9k ask me why I'm even on r9k since I'm a "chad", in their words. You could be the same, I think the main thing is that normies abuse the fuck out of angles. I just try to be honest and take straight-on pictures, but apparently those look terrible. Phone cameras are also shitty and warped.

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Oh really? Show us this chad.

You should start looking yourself in the mirror more often, dude. That depersonalization is getting to you.

Anyways, the most attractive thing is a smile. Even monkeys show their teeth to each other as a mammalian gesture of good will. Hack into the monkey subbrains of the normals with your face weapons.

I smile with a closed mouth.

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It's because of camera lenses.

mmm hmmm. hmm hmm

Took a picture with a smile.

Looked at the picture the smile disappeared the instant I captured the photo.

Attached: VvV18.jpg (900x810, 55K)

well what's wrong? are you constipated?

Self awareness kicks In.
I realise its a fake smile.
I'm really bad at lying.

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Why is it fake? Do you need to poop?