Will some people never reach lean, no matter what they do?

For some people they may never get below 15 or even 20% Bodyfat- despite healthy diet and work outs. So what can they do? Is there any hope for them? Can they achieve some kind of aesthetics?

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so you're saying these people are immune to starvation?

Under normal circumstances, I mean. Starving body is not healthy nor muscular.

eat more veggies, no sugar, more exercise

bodyfat will melt away eventually

They should go back to their universe, because they clearly don't abide physics laws in this one.

Some people don’t obey the laws of physics? Hmmm.

>So what can they do?

Eat less calories than they burn.

What if they do all that, yet they still can' t achieve the low body fat?

Then they are lying.

eat less sugar you weak baby

Then they're not doing that.


Meme what you want but some people just aren’t ‘built’ lean. They can lose the weight and get to the bf% but they’ll still look big and likely like shit. Everyone’s frame is different. There’s women who could never ever get that nice pretty slim elegant frame we all like no matter what they did.

Nobody has insertions so bad that they will look like shit with muscle at 10% BF

Who cares about aesfagics? The only point is to get natty high test from compound lifting and eating right.

>For some people they may never get below 15 or even 20% Bodyfat- despite healthy diet and work outs.
U fockin wot? While losing weight can result in muscle loss, if you're working out and eating enough protein you'll always lose more fat than muscle.

Anyone can get lean, you just have to know that you're going to have to sacrifice and cross all of your t's and dot your i's when you want to get down to hormone fucking levels of low bodyfat.

Like the guy in your pic.
If he gets to 10ish% bodyfat he's going to sacrifice some muscle and throw his hormones out of wack.

When you're out of the normal or chubby range that's when you have to actually THINK about how you're going to lose weight and have to be serious.

You just can't eat a lot of shit and lift and run and then occasionally eat less. That's not how it works unless you're highly active and have been thin for a long ass time or have high as fuck NEAT.


intermittent fasting really helps! Some people will never look lean because they have a bigger build which makes them look a certain way. Ironically, the bigger build is harder to achieve. and the lean guys can't do anything about that! Fasting will help shrink excess body fat. Bigger and more impressive results.

You're right.
But we don't give a fuck about looking like other people.
That's fucking retarded nonsense built up to instill a sense of self loathing so that you'll buy bullshit and nonsense.
We care about maximizing what we have.

pretty slim elegant frames are 4/10 shit that scrawny homosexuals shill to you as hot.

A pretty slim elegant chick will get mogged hard as fuck by a thicc girl(not the fat bitches that are constantly posted)or a normal/petite girl with a nice set of tits(don't have to be huge) and basicbitch cardiobunny routine built thighs and ass.

10 out of 10 of those guys aren't as strict with their macros and cal intake as they would led you to believe

"set points" are only real when people are intuitively eating and going by hunger cues (and even them, they can be changed with behavioral therapy)

if someone is seriously tracking their cal intake, there's simple no way they couldn't get to 10% bodyfat

Fuck off back to your containment thread

Start incorporating long fasts into your diet, you will most certainly lean out. It's hard at first but you get used to it. I do 1 meal days.

some people have shitty bone structures and unfortunate fat distribution and will need to fill certain areas out with muscle appropriately in order to look good aesthetic or balanced at all, you cant deny that a person can lose fat, you're debating whether fat loss will have the same physique-enhancing benefits on one person as it will on another, to which the answer is aboslutely no and also highly gender-dependent

I starved/forced myself to throw up in high school. I never got RIPPED. Just bone thin with some flab. Maybe if I really counted calories and did tons of exercise, but I felt like I was trying 8/10 in terms of dedication and never looked good. I'll just shoot for bear mode like in OP's pic, that's pretty good to me

You're right op, its the gentics. The same genetics that cause people trouble getting down to under 600lbs

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everyone, absolutely everyone, can get to 10% bodyfat

but how they feel at 10% bodyfat, how much muscle they retain on the way there, and whether or not they will naturally (ad libitum eating, no tracking anything) tend to maintain near that level or bloat back up depends on genetics