Are you a Machiavellian lifter? Would you do everything it takes, even unmoral deeds, for those gains?

Are you a Machiavellian lifter? Would you do everything it takes, even unmoral deeds, for those gains?

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I purposely ask girls how many sets they have left knowing it causes them to hurry their ass up.

I don't let anyone work in with me

Machiavelli’s work was a parody. He didn’t actually advocate for people to behave that way, he meant to ridicule those who did.

Machiaveli was a moral man, everything he proposed was for the stability of a country

>how much sets u got left bro?
>cool, ill just chill around and wait for u to finish

This is a possibility. Still, Machiavellianism is a useful term.

Moral he was not but he did love his republic.

You have to remember that The Prince was written for, well, a prince. The entirety of the work is morally ambiguous due to the reality that in order to maintain a kingdom and your power, morally ambiguous things are a necessary. The ends justifies the means. The reason behind wanting to maintain your power isn't because you want women and money and fame (if it is, you're pathetic); the reason is the prince knows what is right for his kingdom and therefore citizens.

>Would you do everything it takes, even unmoral deeds, for those gains?

Look at Arnold. He used his gains to get into movies and then politics when Bush Sr. was president. His gains were created through the usage of steroids, his bodybuilding wins as a result of knowing the right people (look at the 1980 Olympia, for example). He was the head of the President's Council on Physical Fitness and Sports in the 90's. He probably did this for the money and furthering his career; his motives aren't stated as to why he wanted to do this or "make a difference", but our make-belief prince would have used this position of power to attempt solving the (growing) obesity problem the US has. If it's detrimental to the state, it should be outlawed.

>tldr basically everything you do should have an ends attached to it. Why would you chase those gains through unmoral deeds if you don't have any good reason why.

I still dont hurry up.

>proceed to take my time to finish my stuff
>wonder why this retard doesn't ask to take turns instead

> if it’s detrimental to the state, it should be outlawed

You’re either a communist or a nazi

>You must be A or B
Ask me how I know you’re a retard

People don't have the agency to be treated as individuals, if you want to be an individual prove it and rise above the masses.

No, good thing morals don't exist

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It's immoral you fuck.

Stupid ass brainslets learning a new word and trying to use it in any context they can to seem more intelligent.

It's literally called The Prince. He was a diplomat for the republic of Florence. The only possibility here is that you don't know your shit.

>wonder why this retard doesn't ask to take turns
I never take turns unless someone asks. Too many faggots just walk away when I tell them how many sets I have left, as if I was intimidating or something. Anyone else does this?

You're an ahistorical idiot go get /fitlit/ you fucking brainlet

Machiavelli lived in a time where italy was the punching bag of surrounding nations, and he himself formally removed from his position, he wrote the thesis on what makes a *strong* leader on the working of statemanship because Italy needed far more than a moralist a leader who would unite the warring city states of venice, florance and tuskeny while the swiss and french kept harassing the greater nation.

Imagine that the US was balkanised and russia kept on bullying the indipendent warring states, would you not want a strong leader to unite the country in a peacefull unity?
He wrote it as advice to somebody who could conceivably unite the country and maintain power.

For fuck sake, he goes on an autistic speel about how mercenary forces are shit and pushes for militias, and did so repeatedly in real life as well.

"Morals come from the belt of the father and tears of the mother"

Peace comes from the end of a gun
Unless you can stop the spooks from bullying you through their power in society you remain impotent and not just ideologically.

No idea. I take turns whenever I see shit being used.
I don't even ask for permission. I just tell them I'm taking turns and start using the thing.
Like, how hard can it be?

Then it's a good thing i'm trying to become stronger to resist spooks

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>if it’s detrimental to the state, it should be outlawed

Lol spook

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>the state is a spook
The great thing about Stirner is that he managed to take late era German idealism to its idiotic conclusions, but that doesn't mean we should read him as anything more than a troll nowadays.

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You live in a society -

you cant escape your family and everybody you will meet being guided by spooks.

t. post 30 year old at the gym brainlet

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That's true
which is why i live alone and have no gf, I am spook free

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Stirners ideas are decent

I prefer Nietzsche but spookposting comes across as more smug