What is the ideal dog of /fit? Do you have/want a dog? If so what age would you get one?
What is the ideal dog of /fit? Do you have/want a dog? If so what age would you get one?
All dogs are pretty great.
unless they're niggers.
but most dogs aren't niggers.
post dog
I've got a dog
Lab/strayan shepherd mix (I think) I got from the shelter
She's the sweetest dog imaginable but has lung damage from heartworms (she wasn't in great shape when I got her) so she can't do much Jow Forums stuff or she'll start wheezing
At some point I want to get a greyhound but the "rescue agencies" seem like some Jew shit, $600 for a "rehoming fee"? Just admit you're flipping the dogs at that point. My dog was 40 bucks from the shelter and that covered everything except her meds.
>"rescue agencies" seem like some Jew shit
They are. They're run with good intention but at the end of the day they have to make a profit and cater to people who care only about breed (not that breed isn't an important factor, but "I have to have X dog" is never valid unless you're a sled driver or something). Avoiding puppies and purebreds is the only way to stop backyard breeders, you did the right thing by getting one from a shelter.
I wish more people wouldn't write off shelters as exclusively pitbulls, there are some really unique breed mixes with varying personalities at my local one. But everyone just has to get a cute golden puppy from Jimmy Bob's totally-not-puppy-mill.
>not being in a pack
I'm more of a cat guy
Dogs are cool but they're too hyperactive for me
Greyhound because anybody who comes to Jow Forums isn't active enough for any other breed