What is the ideal dog of /fit? Do you have/want a dog? If so what age would you get one?
What is the ideal dog of /fit? Do you have/want a dog? If so what age would you get one?
All dogs are pretty great.
unless they're niggers.
but most dogs aren't niggers.
post dog
I've got a dog
Lab/strayan shepherd mix (I think) I got from the shelter
She's the sweetest dog imaginable but has lung damage from heartworms (she wasn't in great shape when I got her) so she can't do much Jow Forums stuff or she'll start wheezing
At some point I want to get a greyhound but the "rescue agencies" seem like some Jew shit, $600 for a "rehoming fee"? Just admit you're flipping the dogs at that point. My dog was 40 bucks from the shelter and that covered everything except her meds.
>"rescue agencies" seem like some Jew shit
They are. They're run with good intention but at the end of the day they have to make a profit and cater to people who care only about breed (not that breed isn't an important factor, but "I have to have X dog" is never valid unless you're a sled driver or something). Avoiding puppies and purebreds is the only way to stop backyard breeders, you did the right thing by getting one from a shelter.
I wish more people wouldn't write off shelters as exclusively pitbulls, there are some really unique breed mixes with varying personalities at my local one. But everyone just has to get a cute golden puppy from Jimmy Bob's totally-not-puppy-mill.
>not being in a pack
I'm more of a cat guy
Dogs are cool but they're too hyperactive for me
Greyhound because anybody who comes to Jow Forums isn't active enough for any other breed
The single correct answer, a bloatmaxxed hulking nigger dog
I had a bro-tier Pug-mix. He couldn't run very far since he was a smol boi, but he was a great companion. Up until he died, of course.
>I'm more of a cat guy
Post your body right now fucker
We got this little feller about a month ago, they really grow on you, even the small ones. (Will be a little bigger than a terrier)
Definitely planning to get a bigger breed later on once we move to a house instead of our apartment.
But I gotta say, I should have gotten a dog long before I got a GF, I have never had this many girls come up and talk to me when I am out walking.
Newfoundlands are such an amazing breed.
Webbed feet and double coat for max efficiency in water, average around 100-150 pounds, great upper body strength, saved Napoleon when he fell off a ship so pretty much the savior of manlets, aided Lewis and Clark on their entire expedition.
Pic related is my Newfoundland. Only downsides are price and maintenance for grooming. Some slobber but mine does not.
What wrong with a puppy mill? When I have kids I want to bring home a cute little lab puppy for them and my wife. Not some used and abused 5 years old dog that has a fucked personality because of his shit last owner.
I respect people who can take these dogs and work with the but some people are better getting a cute golden puppy from Jimmy Bob's totally-not-puppy-mill.
>tfw used to be that skinny
gives me chills thinking back to it
My dad rescued a greyhound. He lives in florida and I'm a leaf so we only see them once or twice a year but that girl is the sweetest fucking thing in the world. She was a race greyhound that the owner gave up and took a long time to really trust anyone.
She's great with my kids (3 and 8) and normally pretty chill on walks, but she'll go quick if you want to go for a run. I hope you do get the chance to rescue a greyhound one day
I'd love a German, Scottish, or Australian Shepherd, but I currently live in a 1 bedroom apartment. I would absolutely get one if I had a house with a backyard, though. I currently just chill with my cat, "Space" Grace
the dog drool covering your entire world is a big turn off.
Border collies and German Shepherd are the highest tier. Really any shepherd type dog is a good one. They were bred for intelligence as well as stamina while maintaining a decent mass.
Only problem is their shitty posture giving them joint and back problems
Irish wolfhound is the king of dogs. Even Julius Caesar was mirin their size
Me and my gf got another beagle about 9-10 months ago after I had to put down the one I grew up with. She's just about 1yr old now and it's crazy how much more happy and active I am. She's got me running 2 miles a day again and going hiking every other weekend. I've lost 20 pounds in the past two months doing that with her.
Are beagles yappy?
Theyre talkative
My last one could be at times. But so far my new one is very quiet so I guess it depends on the dog.
I've got three of these fuckers. All female from the same litter.
Most hound dogs are very loud if they’re not well trained. My neighbor had a beagle and it would bay constantly.
I don't know, after volunteering at a few shelters I learned that most of the dogs are just victims of really shitty circumstances, and I feel really sad when some sweet 2yo mutt gets put down because people are only interested in puppies. Having a pitiful dog come to love you is the most rewarding feeling in the world.
>Old roommate had a beagle
>Would constantly make it howl because he thought it was hilarious for some reason
>Everyone in the building probably wanted to murder us
Sweet dog though, one of the few beagles I've known that wasn't an obese monstrosity.
Kelpies are the best
His name is Chewy, hes my chubby-butt boy.
Had a pug growing up and she was skittish and food-obsessed piece of shit, but I do miss her.
She's a qt
Kelpies, Aus shepherds, and cattledogs are all top-tier, for all their shit Australia definitely know their dogs
>What wrong with a puppy mill?
Other than the fact that they abuse the shit out of their dogs and are rife with disease and inbreeding?
these are some dogs
This is my little bastard. His tail was broken from abuse before I adopted him. He slays more than I do.
yaaassss qweeen!!!
Caucasian Shepherds seem like the most based dog breed to me.
Whippet owner reporting in.
Very healthy breed.
Fast as fuck.
Very intelligent.
Surprisingly cuddly.
Elegant looking but very strong.
Golden retriever is what I would get
good doggie
puppy mills are horrible for genetic health of a breed and are often rife with shitty breeders, abuse, and disease. please just go to a reputable breeder
>I'm more of a cat guy
>Dogs are cool but they're too hyperactive for me
shame it'll probably have hip or elbow displasia and die of cancer due to being a genetic fuckup!
Had a black lab growing up, best long-distance adventure companion, used to take her hiking with me all the time. Now I have a rescue-weiner. Not as good for adventuring, but he's a good boy
My wife and i have 2 dogs, both female, both around the same age (2y/o)
1 we got as a puppy, she's a lab/border collie mix, extremely intelligent and has a super strong drive to please people. Local kids have fucked with her through our fence though so she doesn't like kids, and even though she plays nice with big dogs she HATES little dogs for some reason and always gets snappy.
The other we got a bit older, we were told she's border collie/kelpie but she doesn't really look like it so who knows. She was abused before we got her and didn't even know what a toy was or how to play with one but over time she has learned and it's been very rewarding seeing her come out of her shell.
I'd definitely recommend a lab mix to anyone though, super easy to train, very gentle with the wife and I (used to be with kids) and super loyal.
>tfw you have asthma and you don't want to deal with the poop but you still like dogs
Lab/aussie Sheppard? You just named a perfect dog m8
oh i thought they were healthy dogs
>A pack of Huskies looking for children to murder
my lab mix 9 years ago.
he used to run like 40 mins daily when he was young. now we just walk 30 mins and he gets tired.
Yeah, she's genuinely the sweetest dog I've ever known. Never leaves my side even if I'm just walking around the house. No clue if she was formerly owned (and if so, why would they have let such a desireable pedigree get to such bad shape?) or what.
Kind of autistic around other dogs (probably because she was pregnant at the shelter and got an abortion/spayed while surrounded by aggressive barkers, must have fucked with her psychologically, idk) but she loves every person she meets and can't get enough of exploring/walking.
My dad has a Blue German Shepherd similar to pic related. I'm going to get one just like it when we get a house as a puppy.
Both are good, have both.
Thanks, she is a qt
Long gone but never forgotten.
Artie boy.
>bred by the farther of western civilization
>used for everything from gaurds to herders
>will rip the throat out of any intruder
>banned in many cities for being too lethal
>can be trained easily
>strongest jaw strength of all dogs
>insurance companies too pussy to provide coverage for owners
Dachshund bro is best bro
mhm doesn't make sense. You'd imagine the average soyboy would prefer a dog because its the one thing in life that would get him attention and love no questions asked.
soy pets
Dachsunds are thus far my favorite breed of small dog. Just about every single other one bugs me, with their little rat bodies, not Godshunds with their sick proportions though. I wish i had a chest to arm ratio like that.
do you fuck them?
last dude i knew with a female akita was arrested for beastiality
i bet that guy can pull sick deadlifts if he ate right and actually lifted, those fucking long arms, wtf
Never had one, parents didn´t either though I liked my cousins dog a lot.
I kind of want one, yeah. A Sennenhund probably, either when I have my own house and/or children.
>grandparent's Shih Tzu is pushing year 17
my boi
There was some family busted running a puppy mill, $1K dogs with worms and other diseases. Most died with a few thousand in vet bills while one family paid $6K in bills and was able to survive.
Get a real dog you faggot
Borzois look so funny but adorable.
>too hyperactive for me
Most are supposed to sleep 12+ hours. At least get a toy dog.
My boy. It's a bedlington terrier, not a poodle. And he's from the shelter where he was a few weeks, after his breeder died
He's pretty relaxed, on the other hand he's almost 12
Loyal mut
this is where I get my only mires from while lifting
Adopted one under a year, lived until 16 or so. Had no health problems, just had to brush a lot. Was running and jumping until the day before he passed. He didn't like water, don't know if that was because he was a mutt.
Argentinian mastiff (dogo Argentino) is a truly Jow Forums doggo: well behaved, loyal and could literally rip the head off of any attackers
Disgusting Behaviour.
Second link was an accident but I still agree
>implying bear is not the ultimate Jow Forums pet
Prove me wrong.
>What are tigers?
Shit is what they are.
Step up twinkbear, post body if you think you're big
Nigga, tigers have no chance against bears. Just look at that orange faggot.
I have an Aussie. She's a very good girl.
A fully grown Siberian Tiger would have a strong chance against a bear my dude
You're basically comparing men and women now. Bears are still better.
heh, I’d love me a big doggo, but small boys are great too, plus I can always bring them with me everywhere I go. we can still be friends. have my other one.
My white alsatian, aesthetic as fuck and still powerful - pictured on the right aged 8 months
5 wolves could kill 1 bear. perhaps not in a day, but after a week of the pack nipping at its heels everytime it tries to sleep,drink or eat, fuckers dead.
Assuming they survive that long.
Great dogs but they're a huge mess. The slobbering and shedding is endless.
If you don't have a big fenced in yard and live a a relatively cool climate it's just not a good fit. My sister and bro in law had one and it would love sleeping outside in the fall when it was in the 40s and raining
>outta my fucking way purebread shits!
Rottweiler-Beagle mix coming through