Keto is just calories in calories out bro like any other diet

>Keto is just calories in calories out bro like any other diet
>lose 30 pounds in one month
>best I did before was 5 pounds

Why are people on Jow Forums so retarded about keto's obvious effectiveness?

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cause they secretly know they dont have the willpower to pull it off

>I had 2 dietritions and a weight loss clinic with a low fat low calorie in my youth.
>Never worked.
>try keto for a week
>lose shitone of weight
>lost 40 kg and gained muscles
>went from fatcel to the guy that get asked out by girls.

Fuck every other diet, didn't had a headache, didn't snored or got a cold in this time.
The first time I was in ketosis for 10 days without interrupting it a fog was suddenly gone.

What about your lifts though?

It's the same for fasting and I guess everything in general. People on this site are sometimes stupid but mostly bitter and full of anxiety.

>doesn't know how to CICO
>cut out carbs from diet which are usually calorie dense foods
When you're a lard fuck and can't eat burgers, pizza, fries, and pretty much every food worth eating, dont be surprised you lost weight

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What is with the influx of fat fucks on Jow Forums recently? Don't you people have a buffet to empty or something?

>Sudden cardiac death in association with the ketogenic diet.

OP talk about your lift progression under keto. You do lift... right?

Keto does not violate CICO (because CICO is basic physics). It's just a way to game the numbers a little in an attempt to reduce CI.

It can be, and is, successful for many people.

When you restrict carbohydrates your body no longer stores glycogen in the muscles. Glycogen weighs a decent amount since it's stored at a 4:1 water:glycogen ratio. The large amount of weight loss associated with keto is simply a large amount of water weight. Once your glycogen stores are depleted you will lose weight at the same rate as any other calorie-restriction diet.

> burgers, pizza, fries, and pretty much every food worth eating

You a 19yo bar-hopping turbo thot? If you drop any of this shit fast food for any considerable amount of time you'll realise how garbage it tastes/makes you feel when you eat it. Plus there is nothing better than a good fatty steak desu.

>inb4 hurdurr ketofag, I've never actually done keto

>food worth eating
What does that even mean?


> Reported here are two cases of death in a child on the ketogenic diet for seizure control

Nigga I'm not a child with fucking epilepsy.

>the human body is an indescriminate furnace that burns all foods with total efficiency

CICO, while more or less a foolproof method, is not the only factor that can be considered in dieting

Fuck man, two single cases are not even close enough to prove casualty

wrong. keto increase CO significantly. thousands of people as prove

When you go on Keto aren't you basically avoiding most high calorie foods anyway?

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>No corn
It has good ideas but no.

>keto increase CO significantly.

>burgers, pizza, fries
>food worth eating


Just not interested in going bald

>trying to do keto
>can only have eggs, salads, and chicken & broccoli
Is there anything else I can get? I'm really dying here, it gets boring after a week.

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>cuts out hundreds/thousands of calories in carbs
>hurrrr guys keto da best, you don't even have to eat less.....
>except all those carb calories I'm not eating

>it takes a lot of willpower to eat bacon, sausages, butter and cheese

You not being able to count calories doesn't mean keto is magic. Calorie for calorie, it is no more effective than any other diet.

>keto's great because you don't even have to count calories
>what's in that meal? how many carbs in it? I don't know if I can eat it, let me run it through the calculator
>nope, I can only afford to eat 12 more carbs today or else my diet will be ruined
Keto's more autistic than anything else

And this post is a blatant lie because we know that the first 1-2 weeks of Keto is physical hell where you experience flu like symptoms and lack of energy.

This, that, and this.

Keto works because it's a whole foods based diet, you remove the excess horrifyingly bad sugars and processed foods, and it has crazy ass satiety potential.

That and most people who progress on it have massive insulin issues and a pseudo starvation diet where they go full on cold turkey will help.

Problem is that it's completely impossible to live on a pure keto diet for years and decades.

Do a fucking basic homecooked whole foods(which means veg meat etc etc) diet change. And eat 1-3 times a day. Breakfast lunch dinner etc etc.

That's all it fucking takes..

It depends. First time I tried keto I quit. I realized I was definitely eating too much sugar. I worked on it just for general health, not intending necessarily to try keto again. The second time I tried it, I had hardly any symptoms at all, possibly because I knew that muscle cramps meant to eat more salt, etc. But I only knew it was working because my mouth started tasting sweet. No flu really at all.

That's only if you are a retard about it and doesn't get enough potassium, sodium and water. I go into ketosis with only a few symptoms, and they are mindfog clearing, clearer skin on my face and back and much more stable energy.

Here's today's meal. Pretty sure it's keto but otherwise it's low carb.
Doing fasting so this is my first meal in 6 days. Was going to post this in the fast thread but I didn't want to trigger any of them there lol

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Can't you get diabetes from this?

>can't eat fruit
What the fuck man

It actually cures diabetes

I think keto is muscle sparing and skating down this giant mountain of weight loss is a lot less difficult.

Also, if you fall off you get instant gratification. I went from 200-270-230. I lost about 25lb on keto.

It is significantly better than low calorie diets. Why? Because you can eat almost no food and honestly still function in other areas of life.

On top of that, you lose like 7-10lb over a fucking week. I mean, it's so gratifying. Plus, easily transition to fasts and intermittent fasting on keto almost comes naturally.

I am starting keto this Saturday again actually. Can't wait for my stevia, cinnamon, MCT and heavy whipping cream coffee in the mornings again.

I do some serious labor at my job. So, the sustainable energy is great.

3 months in keto here, 1000cal deficit, went from 211 to 189
>still 5'10 tho, feelsbad
5x5 lifts are still 70/120/140/180, just like when i started, so good shit

it doesnt cure diabetus
it just switches to ketons as fuel so that your body doesnt get wasted away by the blood sugar spikes anymore
that and fewer meals a day reduces the need for insulin
also, keto will even increase insulin resistance in muscle cells so that your brain can absorb more glucose

why would you ever fast for so long unless you are like 100 pounds overweight?

>It takes no willpower at all to not eat fruit, chocolate, pizza for months

Because it's not as easy as just eating half a pizza

What exactly do you do on keto? Surely the diet alone doesn’t work by itself. Do you have a routine?

>Not just making keto recipes in bulk and grazing on those.

Takes all the counting out of it.

I went from 200lb to 170lb on it alone in like 2 months. And I'm a sedentaryfag.

You just eat tasty filling food and it does good.

I actually have much better body composition on moderate protein, high carbs, and low fat.

I look like poop on low carbs, and I gain fat fast on high fat.

low carb kills test

Is that a pound if bacon?

You're not supposed to cook bacon on high, faggot.

I've been on keto for 8 months and I am currently doing maintenance. For the weight loss portion I stayed under 20g of carbs a day, high fat and medium protein. In the 6 month weight loss portion I lost 107 lbs. I am now on less than 50g a day, fast friday and saturday and carb up on sunday (around 100g).

It's an easy diet until you learn how many things contain carbs and how many. It has been a long sauceless almost year.

You don't know how to track what you eat probably, seems like you're the retard here who needs a fad diet in order to achieve results, a fad diet that works by literally restricting the variety of foods you can eat.
Literally toddler dietary practise.

No it doesn't, it hides its symptoms, insulin resistance is increased on ketogenic diets, if you lose bodyfat and gain muscle your insulin resistance improves regardless of what you're eating, but doing so on a low carb diet literally reduces insulin sensitivity and carb tolerance.

Insulin spikes prevent your body from burning fat. Once you are in ketosis you're energy expenditure comes from fat instead of getting it from glucose.

fair dues on the weightloss, what was your starting weight my dude? almost 4 months in and i've lost ~40lbs

>1-2 weeks
more like 2-3 days

>fucks ur test levels
>fucks ur athletic performance

What a great diet

It is the only measure in losing weight. It is not the only factor to better health through dieting.

Idk why some people on fit think that the only factor that plays into losing weight is eating at a deficit. Our bodies are not that simple. Different hormones get secreted depending on the types of food you eat. An increase in the uptake of JUNK food with sugar/refined carbs causes the body to store more body fat since it uses up that energy source first instead of the fat on you. Most diets out there work because no diet out there says it's okay to eat shit ass processed junk food that spikes your insulin as long as you hurr durr eat below tdee. That's such a cocky way to look at eating. Anyone who eats like this is stupid and likely has a shit body. So it's not just CICO. Its eating calories at a deficit from your TDEE that don't spike insulin levels.

keto is a joke. i tested it on myself for a month and finally quit when i failed 135 on bench for 8 reps... i literally had to roll it off of me... 135 lbs... bench... now after being back on a normal diet filled with carbs i rep 225 for 10-12. max of 275. most of the weight you lose from being on keto anyway is water.. depleting your glycogen stores make you look small as fuck too. horrible diet.


are you a fucking moron?

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when i cut on my normal diet with carbs (1800ish calories) i don't lose any strength. so.. yea

Only if you don’t eat enough salts, brainlet.

Carbs cause water retention, cutting carbs flushes water weight which reduces salts, which is the sauce of keto flu.

Try drinking some snakes piss to keep salts up.

keto is just like veganism, some people thrive on it other people suffer from it

>keto will even increase insulin resistance

Post studies showing this

keto works wonders for losing weight.

on the other hand your strength will be non-existent.

Keto is a bit too autistic for me, but I’ve cut out all refined carbs and grains from my diet and I feel much much better, overall carb intake is down

yes and no, Avocado, bacon, cream, soft cheese @40%fat etc. There's a lot of calorie dense foods because they are fatty.
That being sad I don't get why everyone claims you loose fat so much faster. The only effects I noticed were less power but more endurance (both minor though) and that I'm never hungry even though I'm eating 1200-1500 kcals. (and before someone wants to correct me on eating too little I'm disabled not retarded, this amount makes sense for me because of my low muscle mass.

If you can't find different recipes with all veggies exept some roots, all meats and fish, most cheese, eggs, oils then you really need to up your cooking skills. Just look up normal recipes that don't contain carbs and leave whatever they'd add. There's a lot of food you already ate that is no/low carbs.

>Keto is just CICO
Please explain why I didn't drop anything in two weeks when I eat carbs even though I eat the same amount of calories as I did when on keto but dropped alot with keto (35kg so far)

The keto point is not that you loose more fat with the same kcal deficit, it's that the defecit is easy to hit because you don't get hungry
no unless you starve yourself to death
This reply pretty much shows that you didn't do your research by itself

Because your an idiot

>the defecit is easy to hit because you don't get hungry
Why keto specificially, why not just hit high satiety per calorie foods?
I'm on a (clean) protein/fat, fruit, and veg only diet right now and it's having a visible effect pretty quickly. Boring as hell because most of the time it's meat, salad, or sauteed veg, but effective. As much olive oil as I want. It's easy to get full on 400 calorie meals this way. It's also not actual keto and does not have any ketogenic effect because fruit is allowed, yet works just as well.
Bread/grain: high calorie, low nutrition, low satiety
Sugary shit: super high calorie, low nutrition, low satiety
Fruit/veg: low calorie, high nutrition, medium satiety
Clean protein: medium calorie, high nutrition, high satiety
Dirty protein: high calorie, high nutrition, high satiety
Clean fats: medium calorie, high nutrition, high satiety
Dirty fats: high calorie, medium nutrition, high satiety

Given most "diets" are just eating the same fucking shit but less of it, no wonder people get starving and start cheating and end up bloatmaxxing. High nutrition foods have more satiety than low nutrition foods like fuckign french fries or snack cakes or other normie junk. Or it could be tl;dr by "just eat healthy you ponce."

keto is a little too much for my taste

generally, the diet is actually solid, but I passively avoid carbs in dogshit processed food trying to shoot around 50-85g of likely carb intake, while doing SS-tier routines and cardio on off days

down 40lbs since new years

Nice explanation, I'm sticking to keto.

been on Keto for probably 3 months, once you're in the groove it's easy

Went from 24% bf to 16% in that time while maintaining the exact same weight of 85kg (dex machine both times)

Gym 4 days a week - practically zero true cardio

-Bacon + Eggs for Breakfast,
-Cheese and boiled broccoli for morning tea
-Steak/chicken/burger wrapped in lettuce and baby spinach for lunch
-Full Cream milk and Protein powder mid afternoon
-Dinner = Anything meat/keto curry/pistachio chicken/heaps etc etc

Fucking hard to hit macros without hitting cream/butter/coconut oil in a drink as well

The amount of fat and protein makes you feel insanely full

In reality I've been probably over ding it on the protein and not been in full ketosis, but my blood work said I was there so meh

Only had noticeable fatigue for 2-3 days, just mix half a tea spoon of salt into your water once or twice a day. Drink tea as well, don't drink coffee for the first week

You honestly won't have symptoms bad unless you're diet has consisted of sweets candies in large quantities for many years. The symptoms you think you get are way overblown and mostly psychosomatic

maybe diets you did before were total trash?

Well while generally speaking you're right, there's a big advantage of keto which explains why:
Protein and Fat make you feel full. Carbs raise your bloodsugar, which short term gives power, but when they inevitably drop again you'll feel something much like hunger despite not needing anymore food. This is also the reason for the "low" many people experience after eating high carb foods where they want to sleep/walk afterwards to fight it.
There's none of that in keto.
Obv. you can emulate that without being on keto, I mean paleo is essentially keto + roots.
Keto is just clearly defined rules, which makes it easier to follow for some people.

paleo is fucking nonsense, no dairy is absolutely retarded when lifting

Dairy is a key builder whether you're on keto or not

Not him. At first i thought my bench went down despite my other lifts still progressing linearly. Hopped off keto and the same problem. Figured I must have written down my bench wrong at some point. Gonna hop back on since it seems that wasn't the problem. Keto/fasting best way to cut since it preserves the most amount of muscle, not sure about growing but it can't be too bad I figure

>it's another retarded falseflagging keot thread

>implying it takes will power to eat only fatty delicious foods, and restricting yourself from eating anything healthy

How many times will you dumb fucks fall for this Food meme? The idea you need calories is a complete myth, stop sacrificing your health for mouth pleasure. Just drink water and get plenty of sunlight and you will see major improvements in your muscle gains and overall health. I still can't believe you fat fucks are eating food, it disgusts me. Stop falling for the calorie Jew, they want to keep you fat and unhealthy.

>fatty delicious foods aren't healthy

keto is bullshit and has been proven to be bullshit.

you're bullshit, It's proven.

>Never worked
Because you cheated.

>fallng for the keto Jew and eating crisco by the handful

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Keto in general is a meme that fatties fall for so they can eat like absolute shit but keep their calories low enough that they lose weight. It's been proven that eating twinkies is just as effective for losing weight as long as you stay at a calorie deficit. Fatty's just like to believe it's healthy so they can justify their lack of self control.

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>eating crisco when steak and avocado and cheese and broccoli exist

>pretending you eat broccoli to an online forum

Do you not?

Yeah man, eat bacon and butter all day for the rest of your life and see how healthy you are.

I do because I'm not a fatty keto soyboy

eggs are healthy but if you only eat eggs for the rest of your life you'll die.
its almost as if you need variety in your diet.
What do you mean by this? Do you know so little about ketogenic diets that you think you're only allowed to eat cheese?

clearly you are retarded so I will spell it out for you. You have no self control so you decide to eat a keto diet. Obviously you are not doing it for health so I highly doubt you eat broccoli.

That's a whole lot of nothing in even more words.