Is it true 85% of this board is an investment banker?

Is it true 85% of this board is an investment banker?

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No, but i am the son of a boss of a big company. Kinda like the movie you see.
I also kill animals in my free time, not humans.
You could say I am the washed-up parody version

This board isn't smart enough for that. I bet 85% are still in college or trade school

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So you hunt or do you actually buy animals from a pet store and kill them

The rest are doctors and engineers

Yes it is true

t. investment banker

I'm a NEET danker, I invest in memes

How many digits do you make?

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>"son of a BOSS of a big corporation"
Summerfags please GO

about tree fiddy

I'm a software engineer at the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse.

More like double digits

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I can't say anything concrete, but it's in the realm of two or possibly more recurring digits.

90% of Jow Forums are either some form of finance job (investment banker, accountant, etc) or engineering, or a student in one of those. Those who work make over $100k a year. This entire board.

You forgot everyone is 6'+, has a 7+ dick, is a social outcast but convinced they are better than everyone else, white, between the ages of 18 and 30 yet wiser than a 60 year old and hates sluts but would fuck every slightly attractive girl they could find like a manwhore if they weren't so insecure about sex

I got introduced to Jow Forums in law school, a good chunk of the guys there browsed.

I hold multiple 6 figures of crypto.

ah yeah i forgot lawyer. most of fit are either in finance, engineering, doctors or lawyers

not really wiser, they just all pretend like by reading books they are infinitely more interesting and smart than "normies" who "have no hobbies"

and also all hate girls who are sluts but fuck as many degenerates as they can

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I'm white, engi student, 6'4, big dick (never measured it tho), introvert, not gonna pretend I'm wiser than someone 3x my age, and fuck the occasional girl I'm kinda interested in.

C-close enough?

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I think it's 88%

>88 dubs

Loving those numbers, boys. Keep it up!

I’m a mortgage banker.