Me on the right

me on the right

Nothing is more depressing than knowing no matter how well I eat or how hard I train I will never be truly aesthetic

P.E subhumans report in this thread right now

Attached: pectus-posture-e1465515556609[1].png (500x425, 20K)

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I got pectus and everyone says i look great...

Not super severe pectus reporting in
We just have to eat more and exercise pecs

Attached: 4523626.jpg (440x440, 33K)

Pics please

>Pecs are 3 inches apart with nothing but skin on bone in between
>Also posture like in that pic
B-brehs do I have it? My chest isn't totally sucked in though.


ive been working on my posture for the past 3 weeks and i'm actually seeing a lot of improvement

you just need to stretch your neck muscles out. they are super tight and contracting your head forward.

i'm the same (maybe with a bit less of a gap). focus on your upper chest and it stops being as noticable.

Thats me on the right, what exercises can I do to become normal?

op here

there's no hope (unless you get surgery)

You can fix posture through exercise. But I doubt any of you have the willpower/consistency to do it. It's not easy and it takes time.

i know this guy is a meme here but I have been following this videos advice for 3-4 weeks and I'm seriously improving. I still have to consciously keep my head back but now when I catch myself, my head is a lot less forward than it used to be. You can literally feel it working when you stretch your neck back with your chin tucked

>We just have to eat more and exercise pecs
no. training "pecs" will male t worse. stretch pecs and train back and posterior chain in general to cure it.

absolutely wrong FAGGOT. I had the posture on the right x50 just 9 months ago. I literally existed in a constant state of spinal neck pain and didn't even have enough mobility to turn my head or walk without leaning forward

I have been strengthening my posterior chain with deadlifts, hip thrusts, pull ups, etc... for the past 9 months and I now have better posture than most people at my uni

I have pectus op and my posture isn't like that. I was taught to stand up straight. Plus lots of chest and back work fixes P.E. look.

Attached: 20180420_134351.jpg (2988x5312, 2.22M)

can you tell i have pectus from this picture op?

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-04-19 at 8.34.07 PM.png (534x641, 592K)

I hate to break it to you, but you still have noticeable P.E.

but that just might be because I have P.E and and I can detect it 10 miles away

What's with the weird filter? I can notice the rib flare but the P.E doesn't look very noticeable

i have good posture though. Not gonna lie i dont like my side profile view but im hoping when i get even leaner than this it wont be as noticeable. Having you stomach protruding past your chest for p.e brahs is a death sentence

lol dont worry about it im not that self concious about anymore. I was when i was younger like 21-23 but im 29 now and dont really give that much of a fuck

It's noticeable, but the bigger the chest gets the smaller the hole becomes. it just takes time and work

pectus is supposed to be 1 in 400. why do i hear about it all the time?

Here you fucking go, fags. No need to thank me.
Saved my shit posture after doing this for a few weeks before working out.

Attached: 1519857036228.jpg (1080x1920, 480K)

because 1 in 400 is not rare

Pectus C reporting in. Hello fellow strugglers

I notice that my pelvis is a little rotated when I stand up (dick goes down, lower back curves in) and if I flex my glutes it fixes it instantly (dick comes back up, pressure comes off lower back).
Does this mean I need to work more on my ass?

im sunburned as fuck and the contrast was too much for my liking. It was pissing me off so i sepia'd it out a bit

>one chance at life
>born with PE

It's honestly not fair bros.

Very mild pectus and rib flare here
Just put more focus on chest and posture and it looks alright from the front I guess, more noticeable from the side but not getting surgery

bro unless you have a straight caved in nightmare of a chest you can make it. Just build your god damn physique up and youll be good. Ive fucked countless women and the only time they ever noticed was when i was 16 lanklet so it was noticeable. You do lift right??

Work way more on back
Try not get bigger pecs than the fight club Brad Pitt picture, makes it way more noticeable.

Posture is key aswell just turn it into a nonstop thing on your mind

Also /nopillow/

not sure about "pectus posture" but i do have pectus excavatum. i may also have slight lordosis, but i'm not sure honestly.regardless, my overall aesthetics make it a non-issue.

also fuck those fags who say don't train pecs. once you build them rock solid, along with abs, serratus and obliques, people won't even be given the chance to think "he's got a dent there" and will have no choice but to go "okay, he's ripped". undertraining chest out of insecurity is beta af.

the only thing i'd consider undertraining is traps if they were vertical, but i don't have that issue.

Why traps?

I don't seem to have pectus but my chest is fucking flat so yeah I know how you feel.

Strengthening your back muscles. Bad posture = muscle imbalances.

Slight rounded shoulders here.

It's like 1 in 150 in males.