Is there even any point in losing weight if you get this hideous, atrocious skin?

Is there even any point in losing weight if you get this hideous, atrocious skin?

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Yeah because you'll look completely normal with clothes on and worst case scenario you get it removed via surgery.

Also that happened because she is old as fuck, wouldn't be as bad on a younger person with tighter youthful skin.


You'll feel better and will be healthier, you can always get the skin surgically removed. Once you hit the tipping point of fatassery like the person in your pic though it's likely that you'll never be "attractive".

>guys, please validate this excuse I have to not lose weight

No. Stop being fat.

yeah you won't die as soon

Stupid fat fuck looking for excuses, when I have my own country we will lynch you faggots and use your fat for fuel

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Wow she must not have worked out AT ALL when she was losing that weight, or st least didn’t lift. Still looks “better” though.

If you can afforf that much food you can afford the surgery.

I think the point of no return for skin is when you get stretch marks

Not really. You can still have stretch marks without loose skin.

Nah no point just kill yourself now.

Yes, dumbfuck. Not dying of chronic obesity related diseases.

Go snake diet Sam!! Look her up on YouTube pretty impressive weight loss

Stop shilling your fucking YouTube meme diet channel you fucking faggot kill your self

>what's the point?
How about not dying before fucking 50 from a stroke or going blind from diabetes?

Damn I hope that doesn't happen to me, losing weight at the moment but this is me at my fattest, will I be ok?

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Maybe a little bit of loose skin. Nothing too bad at all. When you get down to around 10-12% BF focus on building muscle. Your skin will tighten up and the additional muscle will help that process.

You Gucci baby

>stay 350 pounds because you won't look like a super model after you get to a healthy weight
Are you a literal retard?

not at all

My heaviest was 305 and I'm 180 now, I have loose skin, obviously not to the degree in that pic but I'm self conscious about taking my shirt off due to stretch marks and gross shit.

Yeah it's definitely worth it to lose weight. The difference in energy you will have is truly unbelievable, your sleep is so much better since it's more comfortable and apnea tends to be resolved so you get more out of less, and you won't be lugging around all that extra weight all day which helps too. This gives you a cognitive boost too, you'll think faster, better. When it comes to sex, at least as a dude, you'll get better and stronger erections, you'll last longer and be better, you and your partner will notice it. Like to drink or smoke? Maybe you just like caffeine? All kinds of substances hit you harder and last longer when you're not a giant whale, you'll get more of the good effects and less of the bad ones from a smaller amount. So to recap
>more daylight
>better use of your time
>more sex
>more drugs
>more rock and roll
It's such a huge upgrade to your life that I can't believe I spent so long as a fat fuck, it's one of my great regrets that I can't ever go back and plan my diet during high school.

Just try not to go fast. For 'normal fat' people (not landwhales), loose skin appears when they drop too much weight in short time.


If you're a fat fuck who's actually considering this as an excuse to not get fit, then, you can have it surgically removed for not too much expense, and it can be covered by some insurance. If you're just some demotivational shitposter, shuffle thyself of this mortal coil, respectfully.