Is there even any point in losing weight if you get this hideous, atrocious skin?

Is there even any point in losing weight if you get this hideous, atrocious skin?

Attached: 1501791939879.jpg (779x860, 61K)

Yeah because you'll look completely normal with clothes on and worst case scenario you get it removed via surgery.

Also that happened because she is old as fuck, wouldn't be as bad on a younger person with tighter youthful skin.


You'll feel better and will be healthier, you can always get the skin surgically removed. Once you hit the tipping point of fatassery like the person in your pic though it's likely that you'll never be "attractive".

>guys, please validate this excuse I have to not lose weight

No. Stop being fat.

yeah you won't die as soon

Stupid fat fuck looking for excuses, when I have my own country we will lynch you faggots and use your fat for fuel

Attached: 1523810458145.jpg (844x542, 48K)

Wow she must not have worked out AT ALL when she was losing that weight, or st least didn’t lift. Still looks “better” though.

If you can afforf that much food you can afford the surgery.

I think the point of no return for skin is when you get stretch marks