Kinobody program

What do you think of this kinobody guy ? i want to try his Greek god program. Has anyone tried it ? (you can download his programs here )

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anyone ?

He's a fucking meme bro, and apparently his programs are basic as fuck. Don't waste your money

just me or does it look like he doesn't have enough skin to cover his body, it's stretching or some shit

guy was probably skinny as fuck all his life

guys a fucking loser HOWEVER he does have pretty decent advice for losing body fat (he knows all the tips n tricks which really do matter). i'd avoid any type of in gym routine the guy offers though because its more than likely complete trash

Can confirm he's a loser. He lifts at my gym infrequently but when I see him there he's always doing accessory lifts and then taking selfies lifting his shirt up. He comes from a really wealthy family in Toronto (forest hill if any anons live in Toronto).

watching his ad once almost gave me cancer
supposedly his advice is all available already if you want to research it yourself
and none of it is really amazing
the impression I got was he has you lose weight on keto but couldn't get an insight into his training advice

just go to and soak up the free content he stole from Martin Berkhan and branded as his own

than sub back squats and deadlifts for lateral raises and ab wheels

oh and buy his overpriced preworkout and sleep aid supplements

thats pretty much the gist of it

>reddit spacing

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How does that make someone a loser? I mean his program is a scam but he sells to normies anyone can pirate that pamphlet if they really wanted to.

>if I try to "own it" perhaps I'll get away with it

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monica this is called a bullet point list, did you ever write a summary or studied for exams in school?

does reddit even have double line breaks?

i just have a 13" inch laptop and long lines annoy me, kek

>if I try to "own it" perhaps I'll get away with it

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follow mine skinny faggot

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Fuck you faggot. It makes me smart and it's easier on the eyes to read. It doesn't mean I use reddit. However I doubt you even go to the gym.

Just do Leangains shit instead, that's basically what Greg ripped off in his book. He's weak as fuck in lower body compounds as well. Don't buy his stupid programs dude.

>anguished, desperate response
>f-f-fuck you I don't go to reddit okay!?!
>tries to deflect
get the fuck b a c k to reddit

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>get away with it
get away with what? that some dude browses websites other than fucking Jow Forums? are you seriously that much of a NEET faggot that you're actually judging someone's browsing? get the fuck outta here

>samefagging over the fact you go to reddit
Jesus Christ dude, just get the fuck back there, it's all right.

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practical program that makes sense and is comprehensible
>lol basic as fuck dude
retarded mumbo jumbo stuffed to the brim with fluff and intentionally confusing to hide the fact that the guy selling it to you is loaded on gear and does 3 hypertrophy movements a day
>its all BS clearly a meme program money grab

natty body building (lol) is all about frequency combined with light bulking and short-term cutting and a high protein, moderate carb and fat diet
any more than one movement for each muscle group is a meme. anything besides a split even for natties are a meme

Sadly greek yogurt is too expensive for me so I gotta choke down cottage cheese