LITERALLY GOD MODE. If you have average facial aesthetics cutting down so low will put you in top tier 5% of all males you dumb niggers.


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cause hunger is too painful, sorry zyzz ive failed you brah


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I don't know how T_T

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because I need to put on some muscle before I cut away the excess

Fuck I don't know I keep putting off cutting, fuck you're right fuck I'm eating chipotle tacos as I write this fuck


Is there an average bodyfat % calculator for your height?

>cut to sub 10% bf for the first time in my life
>almost every person I know complimenting me lately

If you have a good jaw, low bf is god mode. Although I really miss eating an entire pizza in one sitting.

i went from 5 to 500 tinder matches by cutting from 22% to 12%.

i look like a different fucking human specimen. i cant fucking wait to see how 8% will look

Zero change apart from less fat under the chin/hyoid. What's the bloody point of going that low, if he even was sub 7% here. A hyoid/buccal fat removal procedure is 100x better if your facial fat distribution genetics are shit

It's fucking uncanny man, especially when most people these days are overweight and has a round face, makes you stand out that much more.

I went from just average fit guy to model tier by just cutting.

Anyone got tips for dealing with hunger pains/cravings? I know I'm a giant pussy but damn. I woke up constantly throughout the night last nighy because I was so hungry. First night on omad. It gets easier, right?

And how many thousands of dollars is that?

>being THIS much of a no brained single cell parasite
you will never make it.

Yeah you have to occupy yourself with other shit+ caffine is ez mode

checkout /fast/ general, but after a few days your body will learn when to expect its meal and will stop spiking your hunger during your old feeding times

Because you look tiny unless you take your shirt off

Because I was, then lost myself in a cycle of drinking every weekend and undereating through the week, and I want a nice bulk between now and the time I cut back down again

eat maintenance while you adapt to the new eating window. a week at maintenance will set you back less than the nocturnal binge episodes to come if you don't adapt and persist on pursuing an OMAD eating style

Because I like alcohol a lot.



i'm seeing my ribs and look bad. lost 15 pounds already. maybe next summer

drink more water. gets easier with the days. eat more raw veggies like spinach, broccoli, lettuce, onions, leek, etc

I've gotten so much more done in only 2 days trying to distract myself. It's amazing.


Probably going to try omad for a bit anyway, but if I have even one binge I'll do this. Thanks for the advice.

Yeah, it'll get better solong as thats just it. How many calories you getting in though?

Poorcel cope

Yeah, I know I'm not drinking enough. Trying to get a system where I always have my water bottle on me.
Like 500. (Am 170lb 5'2" girl, pls no bully) I just read a lot of journal papers on calorie restriction vs. Fasting vs. Omad at maintenance, I understand the difference now. Now I'm panning to do omad at a slight deficit for 3 days, then maybe try to fast for a few days depending on how I feel. Should I add in a step where I omad only keto foods for a bit?


Sorry, massively mate, but yeah, I think this is a calorie issue and not an OMAD issue. I was cutting on 600-800 cal a day and I was getting that issue as a male. I've been doing OMAD for a few years now getting a decent ammount of cals and have been fine.

I don't personally think of keto as anything special, from what I've seen it just comes down to what you consume, not the macros that make it up

>top tier male
>can't get a boner

less face fat aswell which results in a more refined face and bones being more visual

Yeah, I'm sure it's the calorie deficit causing hunger. Okay, thanks.

Cope. It's all about face

Damn z looks small now

didn't he get plastic surgery on his face?

Whats my bf%? Lost 20 kg already i was 22%bf and want to go to 7%, whats mt bf atm? I cant life because an injury but il start when fecover

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If you are natty and you think that you are sub 10% bf, you aren't.
Unless you are a spooky skellington of course.

>starving yourself and lowering athletic performance for thots

lmao children pls

Dude, build some muscle before you go any lower. Dont go skeletor mode

Cant i have an injury in my back, need to recover for 2-3 more weeks then ill start bulking, whats my bf?

Cuz im 4%

20% probably bc you don't have a lot of muscle.

No, im around 15%

you asked for an estimate you faggot and you got it.

So what the fuck are you asking for?


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Is it true that 12-15% are ideal for muscle gain?

You lose strength below that point

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It actually becomes easier to get boners when you have less adipose tissue. Being skinny/ripped "cures" ED.

idk. i know it affects hormones in a negative way to have too low bf, but i dont know at what point

working on it

my only problem is there's fat under my obliques, seriously, I'm fucking lean and there's fat on there literally only there and it fucking ruins my physique unless I'm naked, makes me look like I have a tiny bit of lovehandles, only flexing sideways seems to help it but even then

pic related

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you are gonna make it user

thanks user, you too.

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I wanted an estimation, i know 20% was too much but my guess was around 15%, wanted a more specific estimate from some expert or something more expert than me