/sig/ - Self- Improvement General

I don’t see a /sig/ so I’m starting one.

What’s going well? What have you improve on this week/month/year?

What’s something you’d like to improve on?

Remember bros: We’re all gonna make it

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Other urls found in this thread:


I'm desperately trying to break myself out of the cycle of "Wake, Work, Play, Sleep" and actually get my fucking A+ certs and getting my ass into shape.

It's hell brahs.

Dumping this

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Fuck I wish I could read. See so many books that look interesting and worth reading but as soon as I attempt to read it's like my mind goes numb. Audiobooks are the same I just zone out

Started reading tender is the night yesterday
Relearning some math
planning on going to university and math was always my worst subject

Thanks for this. I my self have trouble with #15, due to fear of judgement and such. Any suggestions on getting over that would be appreciated

.Just start simple and easy,brah. You gotta bench 1pl8 before 2pl8, its the same with anything else

>tfw I'm almost all of the above

the only thing I think this wrong with me is that I wait too long before I try to solve a problem, and then when it's too late, I start regretting it. Kinda like procrastination.

>Any suggestions on getting over that would be appreciated

You already answered your own question:
>Just start simple and easy,brah. You gotta bench 1pl8 before 2pl8, its the same with anything else

Just start with short/sweet interactions. Then as you get more confident, longer conversations will come naturally. Don't force anything. And know that awkwardness is something almost everyone feels during initial conversation. Just be authentic and you can't go wrong.

Still pretty shitty 2 months in. About to hit 2 Plate for Deadlift at least.
Eggs and Milk
Scored Gravity's Rainbow for $6 at value village, so that for the next month probably.
Watching WWII in Color
Learning shoe brands/types, bro wants me help him rehaul wardrobe.

On that note, any recommendations? Price isn't an issue.
Current shopping list:
>Common Projects Achilles Low
>Adidas BW Army Trainers (GATs)
>Ultraboost 4.0 Grey
>NMDs Triple Black
>AJ1 Retro "Banned"
>Nike Uptempo "Knicks"
>Allen Edmund Higgin Mills Boots
>Clarks Desert Boots
For context he's in Engineering Year 2 at an urban uni.

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Been trying to get over my polydrug addiction, and the need to basically take something everyday whether its coffee weed phenibut etc
I've stopped fapping and smoking weed everyday which is a plus, also stopped caffeine and SIPS.
>now just to stop taking all these nootropics

Myself mostly. On the bodyweight fitness grind.
Oats, protein shakes and chicken breast.
The Soul of an Octopus
Thinking about learning wood carving. It'd be neat to carve little wooden figures. Maybe carve a nice duck or something

I was a undisciplined college student, completely turned that around. I don't know why I stopped respecting myself, I guess I thought it was cool or something? I don't know, but I'm living my life in insane mode now and loving every second of it.
>wake up 6am
>go for 2 mile run before doing anything
>get back to dorm
>take ice cold shower
>study and go to class
>only take breaks to eat
>go back to gym and do heavy lifting
>get back to dorm and take another ice cold shower
>finish any unfinished tasks
>repeat every single day
>break on Saturday
I write down any assignments on my forearms so I don't forget since I really struggle with external lists. When I look at my arms I'm immediately reminded to get that shit done. I've also cut practically all sugar and processed shit from my diet, if I can't see what's in it I don't eat it, only exception is protein bars. I want to start waking up at 4:30am, that's my next goal. I've also corrected my posture fully, I walk and sit with perfect posture no matter where I am. I might shave my head or get a shorter hair cut because my longer hair is a major distraction.

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I met this local rapper the other day for a recording session with my friend and an acquaintance and the guy blew me away with all the books he’s read and studied. Says it really helps him with his music so I’m going to do the same. It was quite inspirational seeing him do his thing and we had a long discussion involving different religions and ideologies and just generally the crazy shit he’s seen and done. Books really are the way to go guys I’ve been reading about 30 pages a day since then.

Started SL a month ago, doin' the program.
Pescatarian. Eggs and cereal for breakfast. Fish 4-6 times a week. Been trying /nobread/ recently.
Need to finish a fantasy brick I got started on, but plan on moving to some serious stuff after that. Maybe something off of JP's reading list (Crime and Punishment?).
CS at uni.

Ive hit a depressive slump and i feel pathetic, analysis and advice please.

>break up with ex of over 5 years
>move back in with extended family and share a room
>get paid fuck all, minimum wage despite being on high qualification in engineering
>work in smoggy factory
>make autistic structure consisting of tables and data identifyimg problems with my life and what i actually want to do
>havent stuck to it for even a week
>very slowly adjusting to it but i cant just cleanly stick to it
>meet a tranny and think i like her when im drunk
>let her suck me off when high
>realise im not attracted to her at all and feel bad
>she comes ovèr to chilll with me and family i share room with
>spends whole night lightly molesting me as i pretend to sleep
>been back at mma fairly consistently atleast and did some sparring recently
>my same fucking toenail is ingrown again

Wtf do i do? Im lookingbmaybe buying a high but i also want to travel but i lm thinking of trying anti depressents and kill this anxiety first. I also dont earn enougj to save for travelling atm. My life is a mess.

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Weston 180

Beginner doing StrongLifts
A lot
Just a bunch of manga
Japanese. Working on my guitar and drum playing, as well as muay thai.

Anyone got a list of some cool websites to check out?

All I use is Jow Forums and youtube, need to start branching out and learn some stuff.

Could someone post the motivational angel? I feel like it can go along well with this

300lbs two plate dead lifts, just now getting serious about gains. I have a good body and don't want to become a both-lanes tier lard ass like my parents.

eggs and milk, I've only recently crunched the numbers to figure out what I need to be doing to hit my macro targets.

a book called "the glass castle" for a college class. never in a million years did I think I would find a book with as many parallels to my own life.

right now cad modeling. i had a vidya project I was working on late last year that I shelved for finals week. as soon as I can make more free time i'll try to finish it up.

idk, Jow Forums and youtube are all that i really use as well. you just need some ideas of things to look for.

Max weights are (including bar):
95 lbs OHP
1pl8 Bench
2pl8 Squat
2pl8 +20 lbs Deadlift

Eggs with a bit of sour cream, 4 slices of Apple-wood Bacon, Pita bread with 2 slices of Havarti cheese, Cafe con leche (that's how I call coffee with milk), zinc and vitamin D, that's my usual breakfast

The Library of Greek Mythology by Apollodorus
Beyond Good and Evil by Nietzsche
Airplane Flying Handbook
Pilot's Handbook of Aeronautical Knowledge
The Bible

Going back to college in 4 weeks to get an associates to transfer, hoping on going back to a Uni to get a bachelors in aviation, I'm also getting flight training, I have 7.4 hours. I wouldn't mind learning more languages like German, French, Italian, and Japanese, I already speak English and Spanish.

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You might wanna check this out. They add new links daily and some are pretty good.

Just read the sticky, pick a program, and stick with it for a few months. Reading about Jow Forums won't make you Jow Forums. Sticking to a program (ANY reasonable program) will.

Can't believe I haven't read this before. Saved.

Visit /fa/ too faggot. I personally copped Clarks Desert boots in Beeswax brown leather and will probably get some Converse Jack Purcells In White Canvas.

Lost 62lbs. Upped my run time and distance this week.

I'm ready to start getting into the routine of lifting since my goal weight and bf% is just a month away.

gates of fire by steven pressfield
how to stop fucking up my finances

Bench 115lbs, squat 165lbs, diddly 170lbs, ohp 80. Still getting n00b gains. Only been lifting for 2 months
Cutting for summer. eating 1800 calories and starting a 8/16 intermittent fasting today. We'll see if if's a meme or not
Republic by Plato. I need to read more.
Idk if this fits here but I'm writing an app using AngularJs and Ionic framework with php as a server and mariadb as a database. I need a working demo by next Monday. It's a QR scanner/generator app.

>What’s going well? What have you improve on this week/month/year?
I quit smoking w33d, working on quitting cigs and drinking less. Lifts going up. Confidence is soaring. Trying to make it to a week for nofap.

>What’s something you’d like to improve on?
Self control. I used to pride myself on it but it's dissipated with college life. Also trying to look better, ordered a bunch of facial scrub stuff and activated charcoal toothpaste off amazon.

Love these threads. I'm always looking for an excuse to talk about myself lol

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Why do you dyels all try to cut before you make any actual gains

Greyskull LP, gains seem to be steady even when in the army
Cheatday so pizza it is..
Not anything atm, thinking of starting Nietzsche
Java, JS, anything coding wise
>something you'd like to improve
Self control and especially porn usage, now just max 2/week but want to quit all, shit is hard

>n00b gains
Same. But we're gonna make it bro.
>>What’s something you’d like to improve on?
>Self control.

Idk, it's almost Summer. Plus it'll be good practice to help me control what I eat. I'm at like 20% bf right now and I wanna get it down closer to 10. I'll still prolly be able to make my lifts go up, fast metabolism and all that.

Believe me I hate php as much as the next guy. I wanted to use NodeJs but nooooo we're not allowed to install anything new on the server. Totally lame.
Meditation though? I've seen it suggested but always thought it was kind of a meme. Any infographics or something to get me started?

Also I forgot to remove sage from the name field. That's embarrassing.

that mental case with schizophrenic scribbling on his arms

>gates of fire by steven pressfield
My nigger! Gates of Fire is my all time favorite novel. Alexander is really fuckin' good too, bro. Also, check out The War of Art by Pressfield; it's extremely applicable to the struggle of fitness.

(haven't read through this whole thing but looks like it's got a bunch of the standard information you'd hear)

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A simple beginner's method.

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>Skepitc's Guide to Meditation
Wow it's like they wrote it just for me. Thanks user.

Saving this one too for sure.

There was also a good guide made by an user, from Jow Forums if I remember correctly. Can't find it right now. If anyone has it saved, please share!

Don't fall for the nihilism meme,
And make sure you read Camus/Sartre/Dostoevsky/Kierkegaard to supplement

T. a pseud


I lurk /fa/ but the only thing I agree with them on is Hedi era SLP being GOAT

>Don't fall for the nihilism meme,
Nietzsche defined nihilism so he could oppose it. He wasn't a proponent.

Exactly, but too many people only give it a cursory reading and get meme'd into thinking "god is dead" means nothing matters

Thank you for these

God damn same. I also can't get into audiobooks because of the character voices. Had one with a sex scene where the author was doing the male and female roles and it was off putting

>A+ certs

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Does anyone else have effective, but also really autistic methods of improving themselves? I've had a long standing habit of running away from my responsibilites, which was starting to become a problem at work. I started viewing my constantly regenerating and massive list of responsibilities as my Noumu and realized that it can only be defeated like Noumu, head on with overwhelming effort, beating it down faster than it can build itself back up. It sounds super spergy but I've been handling my workload much better ever since thinking about things this way

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I want to lie less. I lie about the smallest most inconsequential things or details for literally no reason and can't seem to stop myself in the moment.

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Some points are retarded like long hair or trimming your hair every 1-2 weeks. When I read this I had a feeling that it was by or for teenagers. But it's better than nothing it's good I'm not complaining. It's just you still need to filter it for youselves.

Currently just doing bodyweight exercises, used to lift back in college but I graduated and now can't really afford a gym membership
Eating whatever cheap stuff I can afford, not really getting enough meat/veggies yet but avoiding excess salt and sugar at least
I don't really read anything these days, once I get some money together I'm going to start small with an audible subscription or something.
Learning Japanese, been studying for about five months now. Also learning to drive, I'm 23 and had really bad anxiety about driving for a long time but I've worked through most of it, now just need to learn parallel parking and merging.
Not him but what's wrong with A+ certs? I worked the IT helpdesk back in college and have been thinking about getting an IT job (currently making 11/hr serving food) are A+ certs a meme or something?

I'm reasonably autistic when it comes to self improvement see pic related, from my custom progress tracking/ task management system

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>read The Power of Positive Thinking by Dr. Norman Vincent Peale
>book all about positive thinking and self confidence
>written when Trump was 6 but his father and mother loved the book
>his family would go to Peale's church where he pastored to hear his sermons
>Trump still thinks fondly of him and calls him "one of the greatest speakers" ever
>Trump credits Peale for his comeback after being a billion dollars in debt and returning to being a billionaire
>Trump found himself nearly a billion dollars in debt and the banks were threatening foreclosure. But after weeks of round-the-clock negotiations, he emerged relatively unscathed, and in a 2009 interview with Psychology Today he gave Peale’s book credit for his survival. Citing his father’s friendship with Peale and calling himself “a firm believer in the power of being positive,” he said, “what helped is I refused to give in to the negative circumstances and never lost faith in myself. I didn’t believe I was finished even when the newspapers were saying so.”

>are A+ certs a meme or something?
A+ is a garbage cert, even as a beginner. No one in the field views it as useful anymore, and HR guys are starting to catch on. There are nice Comptia certs though, network+ and security+ aren't bad. Linux+ isn't horrible but the lpic1 and rhcsa(more advanced) are better.
Tl;dr If you just want a meme cert to pad your resume just get a ccna, it's slightly more useful and you won't get laughed at by recuiters/interviewers

help bros

[spoiler]18[/spoiler] here and trying to fix myself before it’s too late. Former skelly, started working out but the mental stuff has been far harder.
I’m a narcissist, and always have been. I know how to talk to people and make good impressions on them, but in the back of my mind I can’t stop circlejerking how superior I believe I am to them. Recently I’ve had some friends leave me because they can’t handle my inability to own up for my attitude.

How do I learn humility? Working out only made it worse, now I just spend more and more hours staring at myself in the mirror.

It's okay to enjoy how you look and be proud, but remember that everyone you talk to has emotions and thoughts of their own, and experience and knowledge in areas of their lives that you have none in. It helps to learn compassion, consideration, and empathy.

Meditate. See above for some basic info. Read Mindfulness in Plain English.

Take up a hobby like chess or MMA, take it really seriously, train and practice like a motherfucker, trying your absolute best, and then get completely destroyed in a local amateur tournament that nobody gives a fuck about.

I’ve been doing this, and it’s been helping. In fact it’s what gave me more attention to the issue to begin with. It’s not chess but I’ve been playing fighting games online, and it’s combined the humiliating mental defeats of chess with the physical, visual sort of pounding you see in MMA.
Thanks user will check it out
Can you elaborate more on mindset when conversing with people? What should you be thinking about when talking to people? It’s very difficult for me not to start taking notes of their flaws while talking to them, physical or mental

Aye, thanks for the link bro.

>I’ve been doing this, and it’s been helping. In fact it’s what gave me more attention to the issue to begin with. It’s not chess but I’ve been playing fighting games online, and it’s combined the humiliating mental defeats of chess with the physical, visual sort of pounding you see in MMA.

Interesting. I mentioned chess/MMA as examples because I figured of all the competitive hobbies they were the best mixes of easy to pick up/popular/strategically deep (lots of little skill plateaus and revelations throughout) but really my own first encounter with this "humility excercise" was from playing super smash brothers and thinking I was hot shit because I knew how to wavedash. I think lots of Jow Forumsizens roll their eyes at anyone who suggests that playing video games might actually lead to self improvement and they wouldn't be totally unjustified in that, but yeah, fighting games will definitely get you there. If anyone else is reading this and thinking of getting into a competitive hobby though, I definitely recommend picking something that will also be good excercise or a social thing or whatever. For the obvious benefits but also I worry it's too easy to shrug off online defeats by dismissing all your victors as tryhard neckbeard virgins with too much time on their hands

fuck me. had a terrible night, could only fall asleep at 7 AM... my sleep shedule was never this fucked. now Id have to go to the gym or it will close before I am done with my workout but I just woke up like 2-3 hours ago, have barely eaten anything and feel like complete fucking shit

what do?

Sorry about your night user. Go to the gym, working out is generally cathartic and might help you feel a bit better, if you don't think you've eaten enough to complete your workout, maybe grab a protein bar or something. The gym today also should make you more tired tonight. Make good decisions today. Good luck user, I believe in you.

Should be able to finish out my cut soon and start working on pure strength gains again. Really can't wait desu

Starting a modified Texas method split on Monday and easing myself into it early to get used to the breakup. Accessories sessions in between the compound days are going to be interesting.

>For the obvious benefits but also I worry it's too easy to shrug off online defeats by dismissing all your victors as tryhard neckbeard virgins with too much time on their hands
It's true though.

get this pathetic r9k shit outta here, this has nothing to do with fitness

Anyone else here want to reconnect with old friends but avoid doing so because you know the looks on their faces when they see how far you've let yourself go will completely destroy you?

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>scrub daily
Not if you want to have any skin left.

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user, you got a link to that tracker?

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>tracking flossing
Fuck I thought I was the only one

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Daily reminder that self improvement is literally impossible. From the moment you are born you are fundamentally the same person. Naturally athletic people can build muscle better. Everything else is cope.
Swallow the blackpill
It's all over.

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He said it was custom user

Shit, you're right, I missed that.
Welp, time for bed..

Personally I’m religious, and always have been, so improvement isn’t sometbing I can just ignore, but yeah honestly if I was an atheist I wouldn’t see any logic in abstract improvement when you can find pleasure in a wide variety of ways

Getting back into PPL to supplement Ironman training, trying to get to 0.5/1/2/3 by next Jan.
Shit, because I've been injured and demotivated and just drinking/eating because I'm bored. Back to pescatarian on Monday.
Atlas Shrugged,for the first time in maybe 7 years.
MCSE, more Powershell scripting, GMAT, conversational French, maybe considering Hindu

>bettering oneself is cope
>wallowing in self-pity and blaming fate for your problems isn’t

Blackpillshitters, everyone.

Feebly bettering oneself is a pathetic attempt at making ones own life better and will always be in vain unless you are thereby genetically gifted with certain abilities, this for a person to attempt to do so called better themselves they are trying to cope with an unbearable evil life.
Accepting this as they are and rotting or trying to bravely help those with no help is not cope as we see the world for what it is. We are not coping we are accepting things as they are so they can be realistically betterd a non religious Sharia influenced country may be the only fair society

Just came out of a trash term at uni (my own doing). This is my goal brother. Good on you.

Hindu is too mystical

Try Buddhim

Try not being a religtard

Want to start again but don't know what routine is best, I'm losing weight at the moment.


Fixing this recently as I have been confirmed allergic to gluten which has caused severe inflammation, blood in stools and weight gain. Got off wheat for two weeks now and have been losing weight since. Meat, vegetables, rice.


Going through the classic books list


Maths and programming.

Really would appreciate it if someone could help me with a routine for someone who is losing weight as I won't be able to make gains while at a deficit.

That was a typo, I meant Hindi.

doesn't know about nonexistant optimal routine so just doesn't lift

whatever you say mate

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who do you need all the shoes for??

>mostly a meme

nexk urself

How to Win Friends and Influence People is a great book. Some of it feels self evident but we dont always internalize the lessons that seem obvious.

Sounds good. Stop writing on your arms and carry a small notebook. And before you start waking up earlier remember you need enough sleep.