>No 25+ thread
Let's fix that. How you holding up 25+ robots?
>No 25+ thread
Let's fix that. How you holding up 25+ robots?
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I'm only almost-24 but I respect the robots who've been sticking it out that long.
30 here. I think I understand what being a wizard really is. And it is amazing. Truely total freedom.
give me NEETbux or give me death. If I get turned down for my NEETbux again I am definitely going to sudoku.
>ask girl out
>she says yes
>ask girl for number
>she gives it to me
>text girl
>no reply
K den
>Women are just as flaky at 30+ as they were when I was a teen
Bitches be bitches anf that's that.
I'm just kidding man you're alright
Honestly I just don't get it. It took me far and away out of my comfort zone to ask her out. Do girls realize how big of a deal that is for some people? I think they are literally monsters
Just ask like 5 girls out instead of just one. They can smell desperation a mile away mate, having options is like taking a shower. Even if it sucks and most of them reject you at first, you'll be very likely to get a yes from one of them and thus, 0 dates < 1 date