/owg/ - Olympic Weightlifting General

Someone post chinese nats webms edition

>If you are new to weightlifting please read these first and check the other sources they link to before asking questions:
pastebin.com/1HgVcGam (embed) (embed)
pastebin.com/wCXeXfkk (embed) (embed)
[Gist] wl.md (embed)

>The information that you are looking for is probably in the above links.
That includes routines, shoes, information on the lifts, etc. Check out the pastebins for literature or the reddit faq for general information.

Included in this youtube playlist are videos related to weightlifting which you may find useful or insightful:

Feel free to post PRs, form checks etc

Attached: pool shoes.png (509x661, 543K)

Other urls found in this thread:


aaaaagh some muscle in the left side of my neck hurts

>tfw you'll never lift twice your bw in flip flops

I can dl 170 in flip flops pretty easily

been training pretty hard lately, quite happy.

snatching 110kg and clean and jerking 140 on a regular basis. cleaned 150 last session just passed out on jerk lol.

Why were lifters and people in general back then so fucking hairy?

>weighing 85 lb
oh no no no no

Why not just lift barefoot?

he's a fucking greek so that's why he's a hairy bastard
plus (((they))) have convinced everyone that shaving to look like a pre-pube is (((sexy)))

keep your fungi to yourself

>Using the retard system

I wish I was faster desu.

May do some block work tomorrow.

>being a hairlet

"American weak because they go easy way and use blocks, we russian strong we use deficit. If you want to get stronger, why make lift easy?"

Shorter pull means less time to get under the bar which means you're forced to become faster.

I thought someone as smart as him would realize that.

-t. State sponsored doping

how do i figure out my proportions for a split vs squat jerk?

i'm asian, but i don't know if that means i should blindly copy the Chinese team and that i should run out and get Antas/Leistungs

bump before sleep

>how do i figure out my proportions for a split vs squat jerk?
by training both on the regular and then seeing which you do more weight with and by how much

what do you mean by this? gook, slope, chink, nip, paki, irani, pajeet, pooinloo?

fwiw the nork team pretty much universally split jerks with classic soviet technique, and the ko-renes are genetically about halfway between chinks and nips, and the chinks, well, the majority of them actually split, it's only a sizable minority that squat.

sportivny press has a series of articles on the jerk where he basically shits on the squat technique. i found it very amusing, because
he makes could have been written back in the 1940s about the differences between the squat snatch and the split snatch.

bottom line, try them both, and by TRY i mean train consistently with both for a while or a cycle and then do some peaking runs where you compare.

>keep your fungi to yourself
lmao speak for yourself, projector

No other webm posters? damn.

Attached: Naim Suleymanoglu - 1996 Atlanta World Record - from YouTube.webm (480x270, 1.54M)

Man he was a strong guy

higher faggot

tfw you've been doing the lifts for over half a year now, and can barely snatch and only clean/jerk 100kg

Attached: crentist.jpg (1117x951, 65K)


Split jerk works well across the board. Proportions primarily depend on shoulder and lumbar flexibility. If you can't externally rotate your shoulders all the way while holding the bar vertically up and keeping the lumbar straight, you probably won't be able to squat jerk efficiently. For casual lifters, the strength of the overhead squat also is stressed in the squat jerk, this is almost never a problem for elite lifters who are already training beyond their strength, but you'll need to strengthen the overhead position a lot more with the squat jerk as well.

Split jerk eliminates the problem of the weak overhead position and the hyperflexibility, but you'll need a lot more driving power and takes more time to hone than the squat jerk since it's not one size fits all and there's some nuance in recovery. Theoretically, if you're overhead squat is extremely strong, squat jerk enables you practically be only limited by how much you can OHS and clean so you can lift more weight, but it's going to need a lot of strength/conditioning training. Tons of the best Chinese lifters (Chen Lijun, Liao Hui, Lu Yong) split jerk.

I train both although I prefer the stability of the squat jerk since I can externally rotate my shoulders pretty far. It does help to have short femurs so you're more stable in the overhead position, but not absolutely necessary. Split jerk is great for developing power and cuing positioning though.

good day today

Doesn't this guy have the highest weight/strength ratio?

low bodyweight tends to fuck up most measures of strength, e.g. the Wilks score goes to shit when you're under ~60kg


So I've been having trouble forever with arm pulling in the snatch/clean and jerk and I recently found this video by Rip on the subject:


I recently tried flexing my tricep in my last session and it actually helped a lot with my arm pull. Has anybody else tried/used this method and has it led to any long term negative effects?

Attached: maxlangsnatch.webm (1336x748, 2.9M)

You are not alone x

He's one of like 6 people who C&J'd 3x their body weight

yeah just saying people put a lot of stock in weight/strength ratios when no super will ever cj 3xbw

that all makes sense.

another question is how my anthropometrics affect my pulls. i can hit full depth in squats with a fairly narrow and knees-out stance. so if i pull from a stance narrower than my receiving stance on snatches, my heels basically touch, and i'm worried that'll put too much stress on my knees. do i just use the same width when i pull and receive the snatch? for some reason it's not really a problem for my cleans.

pull stance can be different from catch
catch stance should mirror squat stance
don't sweat knee stress, it's really not gonna change with different foot positions too much

what i'm thinking of is this:


my hips are more like Colin's where the groove is pretty close in, but it rotates like Cortney's where it externally rotates a lot better than external

are you asking about pull or catch?

Find a video where you do a heavy clean and catch at an instinctive foot position - that should be your default squat foot position, including toe angle and width. Some cues are universal - e.g. knees out, tight lumbar/core, push through midfoot etc

i'm sayin that (especially in snatch for some reason, clean's not a problem) i have difficulty achieving depth partly because my optimal squat stance is a narrow toes out stance, and that doesn't give me much room to get narrower without doing frog. so when i pull, when i widen my feet at extension i over-widen them and end up doing like a half snatch. do i just accept that i can't really get a wider stance (maybe 1-2 inches wider)?

do you have any vids? chances are you just need to improve your mobility a little so that you can hit depth with a wider stance

also if you're genuinely catching too wide, that's called starfishing and probably a technical error

no vids, unfortunately. and yeah... if it isn't obvious i'm a beginner and i'm going to try to get coaching soon (like within the next 2 weeks soon)

though after watching videos of the Chinese since they have similar anthropometrics as me since I'm Chinese (go figure) they don't move their feet out nearly as dramatically as the Slavs