/fat/ - weight loss mixtape

>Who is /fat/ for?
For /fat/ people who want to better themselves through meaningful hard-work, strategy, and dedication,

>This is not QTDDTOT, ask questions about fat loss but use that thread for general questions

>Calculate your Body Fat Percentage
fitness.bizcalcs.com/Calculator.asp?Calc=Body-Fat-Navy (Gonna need waist/neck measurements)

>Calculate your TDEE (Total Daily Energy Expenditure)
sailrabbit.com/bmr/ (complex)
fitnessfrog.com/calculators/tdee-calculator.html (simple)

>Plan your weight loss week by week

>Track your calories and macros with MyFitnessPal, works best on smartphones

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Other urls found in this thread:





extra calories found here

You know what to do

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yes sinn some more, tell me how many times you successfully cheated yourself. don't worry absolution is free!

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Post that progress boys. Today I weighted myself for this month and 2kg less. 82,8 so far and only 10 more to go. Also 19% body fat which I want to reduce to 10%:

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used to be over 115kg in 2016, went on another weightloss streak since january and below 90kg now. Goal weight will be 80-82kg

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i shouldve started keto a month ago but I keep finding excuses to delay it.

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Today was my first day

90kg 5’6 chublet, but I ate well today, lots of protein, moderate fat, low carb, veggies, went to the gym, I feel good, I feel fucking great

I work at a pizza place and ate 700 cals over my BMR in hot wings, justified it because it is still technically keto

your last bar was better

>ate well today
>lots of
pick one fatty

>finally hit the 100lbs lost milestone

i'm making it boys

nothing is gonna stop me now

Weighed in at 225 today down from 240 in February. I couldn't get under 228 since I started. Feels good man

dam i just realized today is 4.20 meme day for people in strange date order countries. could have made a new meme wojak

I can't fit in your booth, father. Can I possibly even be redeemed at this stage?

This month's progress has been a nose dive of success. Down 62lbs all together.

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Is the sun the ultimate gains goblin

>inb4 Carling. I know I’m trash

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no the sun is gr8. i wish it was warm enough in ohio to tan outside

If I were to diet by only eating things that fill + no carbs and lift twice a day for 2 weeks will I see results quick?

Wanting quick results is the fastest way to failure

182 cm 90 kg need to gain muscle or lose weight. What should I eat and do you guys mean using the machines in the gym when you talk about lifting?

People keeps asking me how to lose weight like me, how to stop them

Give them bullshit advice. Seriously.
When people ask you how you were successful, they already know how to lose weight, they are just hoping you have some amazing great secret.

Tell them I dont know.

Been on Keto and IF 8 hour window for 1 week now, but my kidneys both have like a dull pain and my body kinda aches. went from 155 too 150kg tho

You want to do compound lifts with real weights not machines. Read the sticky and it will cover how to lift.

How the fuck am I supposed to weight myself?
I'm 5'5 when I weight myself yesterday in the afternoon I was 175lb then at night 177.8 and today morning 178lb which one of these do I use for my Bmi? Help me niggers.

just pick one and stick with it, i always pick morning

Which one is accurate for Bmi calculating

Your weight is always going to fluctuate by a few pounds throughout the day. Just pick a specific time and always base your results and progress on that time.

You should never be weighing yourself more than once in a twenty four hour period, in fact I'd suggest only doing it twice a week max, once preferred.

Which one should I use for mesuring Bmi?

It doesn’t fucking matter just eat at a deficit until you like what you see

Morning time after you've pissed.

Nice dude keep at it

weighing yourself right after you wake up and fully naked, at this point in the day you will be your most dehydrated and most likely your lowest weight of the day.

Wii fit and cigarettes

water fast for 48hours or dry fast and then weigh yourself if you really care about the water weight that much

Tell them you ate junk food and stopped moving around.

Hey there /fat/. I have a pretty bizarre question about calorie intake.

For the last week or so I've been unable to sleep, followed by large bouts of oversleeping. This has lead to having 2500 calories a "day" or 500 over maintenance. Now, my schedule's back on track and if I eat right today and tomorrow I can come in at 10500 calories out of 14000, which ends up being -500 a "day." My question is is this how this would even work out within the body, or on those "days" where I ate 2500 calories did I just blow it?

I'm plateauing super hard bros.
I'm just not eating enough and I'm nowhere near my goal weight so I can't start eating at a surplus.

My weight loss is going good but seeing little progress on my lifts is so disheartening.

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Well done man

You blew it buddy.

been doing a mix of coffee , kratom , DMAA , it's not that great . the kratom I bought is not so good . where do I get a good kilo?

That's rough but not much too blame on it other than a spell of depression. I'll just get back to it.

yesterday I drank beef broth.

>weighed in today
>was 235lbs at New Years
>semi-low carb and high protein diet, light cardio, and lifting 3-4×
>gains on all lifts have only been 25-30lbs
>despite having a big upper body, all of my chest presses are fucking weak girl shit, not even able to x5 1pl8

should I fucking cut down to a 180ish level and then focus on SS/lifting, or should I just continue what I am doing. ???

I feel like sooner or later im going to need to focus on one or the other to make any noticeable progress

3 weeks ago I finally got truly sick of being a fat cunt
Since then, I've been following a normal diet (low carb, low fat, more protein, and a calorie deficit), I've also started IF (16:8) and while doing exercise at home (HIIT and sets of pushups, sit ups and squats, with 2 days of rest)
2 weeks and half ago I was 119kg (262lbs), and right now I'm 110kg (242lbs), and I'm gonna keep at it until I finally reach the body I want

Am I doing it right, fitbros? I want to be fit, I'm sick of being that fat guy since I was a kid..

It really is one or the other after noob gains stall out. You do have an added benefit of increased testosterone when you're thinner so lose the weight, spend a couple of months on maintenance to make sure you can keep the weight off., and then do a clean bulk. Keep lifting so you don't lose strength while you're cutting or you will have to retread ground you've already covered.

Keep with it.

It's not my lowest weight my lowest is in the afternoon after coming from uni

are you drinking enough water?

>get rugburn on my forearms doing planks without a mat



just ate 2k meal but will fast for 16 hours

>Wake up
>Take a piss
>Weigh self

i agree but i havent even made noob gains, muscle memory is just reverting back to when i played collegiate rugby

i think both you guys are right, im no cardio fan either outside of HIIT

jawline is actually coming back, tit and leg fat has significantly dropped, butt fat has seen slower loses

We are all gonna make it gents

Fun fact for all you fattys: Gas makes you heavier.
So if you let out a huge fart, you will be lighter after. As much as half a pound lighter

>new years resolution was to lose weight
>4 months later
>gained 30 pounds


>Visible fat loss on all body parts
>Stomach fat remains untouched
Well, fuck you too, body.

What the fuck man? The most I've ever done is plateaued. Work harder.

>BMI is now finally in the upper end of normal weight for my height (previously i was on the border between overweight and obese)
>Its insanely sunny today
>Sit in yard
>Decide to take tshirt off
>Still have huge tummy chub when sitting

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Thinking about buying a new bar, specifically a Rogue bar.
I want to use it for standard barbell shit, but hypertrophy lifting, so 8-12 reps.
Which bar should I get?
I was thinking the Ohio Power Bar, but someone told me the knurling is too aggressive for anything but power lifting

Today is cheat meal day. No food in my house, probably will eat a pizza.

I might actually hit

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>Work harder.
it's difficult when you have a stressful job and all you can do is go home and eat and sleep

What are you doing right, Apex Predator?

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does anyone else have stretch marks all over there torso

nigga i got stretch marks all over my fucking body

>working in company's retail store
>guy from local pizza place shows up
>takes a few business cards for some cross-promotion raffle bullshit
>gives me an entire free pizza because ???
I think that was the devil himself delivering delicious, cheesy calories into my hands. Needless to say, I'm chowing the fuck out of a slice despite not having planned for it.

I don't know if it's a trick of the light but it looks like the left side of my belly is flatter/smaller than the right side.

Does this mean my belly fat is finally starting to go?
Am I making it?

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Omad master race reporting in, down 7lbs in 3 week, sitting at 150 atm, aiming for 128 so i can become a full fledged skelly and clean bulk to infinity

I'm gonna make it.

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I can't stop drinking cold coffee + 2 spoons of sugar(2 daily)

user... I'm 127 lbs and still fat... (but 5'6")
Start lifting now.

i do lift tho. 5'5'' here

why do i fee like we're gonna make it user?

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Is there a problem with squatting while being a fatty? i just really want to havesome juicy legs when i'm in a normal bf%

Just ate a king sized Hershey's bar and a plate of chicken with broth sauce and egg noodles.

I went through one day of keto, though. That's more than I've been able to make all year.

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>Brother visited and left some leftovers
>It was a Popeyes' spicy chicken breast and a calzone from the local pizzeria nearby
>Once I ate that, I went into a binge: Popeye's chicken breast plus two other skinless chicken breasts: 940, Calzone: 340, one and an half peanut butter sandwich: 565, 9 cups of mixed vegetables: 700. Total: 2545 calories
I was only supposed to consume 1700 calories daily. I have already run 40 minutes, and plan to run 20 more, but that will only burn 500-600 calories. I completely caved. I haven't binge like this in months.

>9 cups of mixed vegetables
Not even mad, just impressed.

because we are senpai, we are all gonna make it

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22 pounds lost
48 to go

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I am an unhealthy weight and I am happy that I am losing it, but I feel like I might develop anorexia at this rate. I am eating about 740-850 calories a day and no longer want to eat. Is there a danger here or is my general sense of paranoia acting up?

>mega stuff oreos are 90 calories each
I can see why tumblr faggots try to push HAES on people.

My fasting log,
Been eating clean af for several months prior and losing 2-3lbs a week.
Was getting in about 50-100 carbs a day before fasting. eating 1600 cals a day, 0 exercise. Office job all day.

4/15 293 pounds
4/16 First day of fast
4/18 288.4 - 3rd day of fast
4/19 285.9 - 4th day fasting
4/20 284.2 - 5th day of fasting
4/20 283.6 after shitting

down 15 kg since february when i started, mostly been cycling and doing lifting but im a weakling who can only bench 50. Still feels fucking good though, but i need to loose 20kg more to be at healthy weight.

Weigh 115 now, weighed 130 when i started at 190 cm tall.

Since I dropped soda and junk food, and started eating healthy I lost 5 kilos.
My face stomach and legs got slimmer but i still have fat arms how do i get rid of It?

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diet and excercise
or lipo

There's no fast way to lose fat in just one area. Keep cutting and exercise for better muscle definition

Keep going.

Is there any functional difference between 1500 calories per day and 3000 calories and then fasting on alternate days?

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forgive me father

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Yes. Contrary to Jow Forums's broscience, frequency of meals matters. Your body can only digest so much at once. Where do you think all that extra energy goes that it doesn't digest? That's right, into fat cells. Now, EVENTUALLY, this fat will be utilized, but the thing about fat cells is that once they are created, they don't tend to die, rather they just shrink. I mean, 3000 probably isn't enough to do much damage, but over time it COULD. Don't try to cheat it, just stay consistent m8.

Why stretch your tum? Just eat the 1500 a day lol. If you want to eat like shit, just eat it within your calories. You don't need a whole pizza you fat faggot

I have saggy mantits and can't seem to lose them
even after I crash-dieted and looked like a stick when I was 17 they didn't completely vanish, and that was 5 years ago, I gained all the fat back and stacked some more on top ;_;
I'll just start lifting, that'll solve the problem, r-right guys?

today i only ate 5 cheesebreads 220 calories each and turkish kebab today (about 1250 calories) no wonder i am fat, why do i keep doing this to myself

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What's the name of the app, I'm a scrub at dieting

>just ate 2k meal but will fast for 16 hours

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Am I making it bros? Less than two months of lazy keto.

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Currently at 3000kcals.
Night is still young.
Drunk and high as fuck.
Will attempt to do damage control and report back tomorrow.
I need this.

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