Phrak's GLSP

Hey Jow Forums I've been going to a gym for a week now, and these are my numbers in kg:
Squat: 30
Deadlift: 52
OHP: 30
Bench: 42

How long should I run Phrak's GLSP (from reddit)? Do I need to add some accessory work to this?

Attached: ADuFA.png (547x465, 47K)

>How long should I run Phrak's GLSP

until u stop getting stronger

Once you stop being able to add weight consistently and start deloading more often. Do the symmetric strength meme and log your lifts so you can watch your progress. Once the line stops going up steadily and begins to plateau, it's time to start an intermediate program.

I kinda have a similar question. I am running GLSP as well with a few accessories added(curls and skullcrushers 2 sets). I am currently 5ft6 70 kg(bf is probably around 18-20%, not sure).

The problem is I am stalling on bench but not on others should I change to a different program?
Squat: 70 kg
Dead: 100 kg
OHP: 45 kg
Bench Press: 80 kg(yeah I know this is weird, but I maintain proper form always).
Rows: 70 kg

Also I am thinking of starting a cut from next month, should I change my program then?

Once you so adding weight switch to Candito's 6 week program, worked great for me.

Stopped gslp at 80 kg, in my third cycle of this program now and I'm at 87,5 kg.

Don't run it. It's a shit version of the real deal. It's too low volume like this because it lacks half the program! The original creator of the program has you doing calisthenics and plyometrics every day too. If you don't want to do that, you're better off doing SS or SL.

I love seeing noobs take butchered leddit versions of SS that are worse than SS for getting stronger and bigger AND worse than some bb shit that will make you look decent for normie tastes while keeping you at a low bf

OP if you want to be big and strong long term do SS and add isolations on top and eat a shitton and if you want to look good do SS and add isolations on top but eat less

Attached: 3uejr8.jpg (252x294, 25K)

Your bench is too high compared to the rest.

Learn to bench properly (leg drive, bracing), it will definitely give you 5-10kg more
Try the above and go for a 1RM pr after you warmup then drop 10kg and go for a 3x3 instead of 3x5:
day1 20x1 30x1 40x1 50x1 60x1 70x1 72.5x1 75x1 70x3x3
day2 similar for ohp
day3 22.5x1 ... 72.5x1 75x1 77.5x1 72.5x3x3
repeat until you can't hit prs anymore
then return to 3x5
Drop OHP, do speed bench like 3x3 @ 60kg on day 2 and do arnold presses on day 1 and 3 instead
Switch to TM or something for bench
Eat more proteins or slow carbs (oatmeal for example), shouldn't cause you to gain much fat but could help your bench.

Do i do any other excersises or just those 3 for my entire workout?

Face pulls for shoulder health after heavy pressing


You are squatting too heavy, lower the weight of the deadlift too and do more bench

How's Jow Forums's version? I don't understand how you can substitute chinups for barbell rows

Attached: 1522264314762.png (700x600, 19K)

This was made by a DYEL who squats 2 plate max

>Rippleshills are this fucking retarded

Attached: 1523947561088.jpg (225x224, 5K)

more rhomboids, less lats (tight lats also pull your shoulders forward, like pecs)

t. user with shoulder impingement

>Either 6 or 9 chest sets in a given week
>6 back sets every week
It's dogshit.

Why does this look so weird? It looks like one of those computers from Fallout

SL and GSLP are ripoffs of SS
might as well run the original

I would, but SL is simpler.

Why only 1 set of deads ?

GSLP lets you push more reps when you deload so you don't feel like you're a few weeks behind.